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May 20, 2015 at 2:22 pm #124203
GenoParticipantA scene from a futuristic Little Red Riding Hood story in which she flees from a fire-breathing robot wolf.
In case it’s not obvious: the eye is part of the red hood and the brown hair; fireplace is the mouth of the wolf; and the top/sash is used as two tree trunks – the one farthest to the right and the one kind of coming out of the wolf’s head.
May 22, 2015 at 12:36 pm #124281
Funkmachine7ParticipantNot all that inventive this time, im still stuck on half naked barbarian lady’s with tattoos, but hears my entry.
The eye part is used in the skull bra thing, and the robe is hanging from her shoulder.
May 22, 2015 at 9:57 pm #124300
KericParticipantLast call for this contest, I judge tomorrow -after I mow the lawn.
May 23, 2015 at 4:42 pm #124320
KericParticipant@ Funk, yeah, I think you kinda had an inkling that your barbarian lady was not my cup of tea this week.
The fire place, I could see myself using the piece that way, and probably the cloak too, but I know that I would not have used the eye that way, it’s too hard to see w/o directions.
(BTW that’s why it’s advised to put a breakdown on the usage)
That leaves Geno and Herr D, on at a technical level it is a tie, I really like the use of all the items in both cases, and both stories are great. I thought about a Hm wide vote, calling in a guest judge (dad!) or asking for one to yield, but I feel that breaks the spirit of the contest.
I have decided to take this one to a visceral level, which one would I nominate to the hall of fame?
Geno takes this round and is the judge for next week.
Please pick your 3 pieces.
May 23, 2015 at 5:57 pm #124323
GenoParticipantThanks Keric! The next three items are shown in the attached image file: 1) Head-aliens, 2) Neckwear-standard, and 3)Legwear-FemaleDresses.
You must be logged in to view attached files.May 28, 2015 at 6:27 pm #124584
Herr DParticipantJimmy went a bit Machiavellian with the science fair.
(Legwear as flat brain growth, steth as electronics, alien head as pineapple bottom.)
May 30, 2015 at 2:34 pm #124701
GenoParticipantAnyone else? It would be nice to give Herr D some competition. I’ll judge in a few hours, so get your entries in!
May 30, 2015 at 6:40 pm #124724
GenoParticipantWell, Herr D, looks like you win! Although your entry didn’t have any competitors, I thought you had a good, unique concept, and I thought using the skirt as flat brain growth was especially creative. Kudos! Choose your items.
That skirt reminded me of rabbit ears, so I made this “Warrior Bunny” using these three items:
May 31, 2015 at 6:20 pm #124777
Herr DParticipantThank you! It’s got big sharp, pointy teeth! I did a warrior bunny named Hastings at the end of my Very Crosse Knight postings. They’re fun.
I went all in one subcategory for the 3 items this time. You all should have fun with them . . .
You must be logged in to view attached files.June 5, 2015 at 10:18 pm #125131
GenoParticipantThe “Robot Flower of Love”. <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Robots need love too!</span>
The arm piece was used for the petals, the one-shoulder bag thing for the leaves and the other bag thing is used to make the yellow center part of the flower.
June 8, 2015 at 1:18 am #125261
KericParticipantHad to trow this one in…pieces are the planter, the shin guards and the dress’es sash.
June 8, 2015 at 8:35 am #125266
Herr DParticipantBackstory score: ………………..G4……K4
Bkgd score:…………………………G2…..K4
Item ARM GUARD TOP: ……G5…….K2
Bells: ………………….G2…….K4
Whistles: …………….G2……..K2
Two good entries. Geno and Keric both did well. Scoring went as follows:
Neither entry had a blurb, per se, but both of them had enough story content obvious and present, that they both got a high score for backstory. Geno did a minimalist background, but I had to give him double credit on the notion that austerity made sense. Keric obviously put some work in and positioned the background pieces in a good way–in my opinion, it seems to indicate the room and it’s occupants are there by situation and not design (evocative.)
For emotional content, both pieces were very successful overall, and Keric probably would have scored as high there if a blurb had explained the garment choices. Both pieces ‘talked’ about characters, events, and situations not shown within the pictures.
In the Bells and Whistles category, neither entrant did highlighting, shading, or shadows, but both did expressive hand-positioning. Geno’s lighting effects were good. Keric scored higher there because he did a lot more contextual and story-suggestive positioning.
Now for the items: Keric’s top as a planter was great. Arm guards as shin guards was fair. The sash top scored higher than fair because it was obviously work to make it fit as well as it did.
Geno’s item choices were all great. I don’t think I’ve seen a mech plant here on heromachine.
Geno 34, Keric 32.
Great work, guys! Geno, pick your 3!
June 8, 2015 at 3:45 pm #125274
GenoParticipantThat was a close one! Next three items are below.
You must be logged in to view attached files.June 16, 2015 at 7:05 am #125637
Herr DParticipantSometimes criticism isn’t really welcome . . .
*eyebrow as whole body, top as mask and shadows, hose as whiskers and shadows
June 20, 2015 at 1:14 pm #125748
Herr DParticipantOn February 11th, one of my favorite recent item choices to work up went entered only by me. Since I’m judging, I obviously can’t enter. I really would like to see other peoples’ ideas for these three. To close Sat, 8 pm and to receive judging approximately 8 pm Sunday. (5 hours extra since it seemed to be hard, extra day for judging because I imagine close judging)
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