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  • #122343

    Herr D

    Ms. Brown could forgive Deacon Jamison his holier-than-thou attitude, his boring Bible Study, his messing up the church kitchen and leaving it for her, his arrogant and pedantic way of demonstrating his no-mess-finger-dough-rolling technique, his dalliances with the occasional college coed, and never complimenting her cooking or giving HER a second look.

    Not sharing the recipe for his oat-paste, raisin, walnut, almond, cinnamon, white chocolate cookies? That meant WAR.

    *The butterfly tat made an excellent part of the stained glass, the wings made good wax paper and handiwrap, and the camouflage headgear made a wonderful dough-encrusted lecturing finger during the depicted ‘cookie sermon.’



    Look a pic

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    Herr D

    TJLocke? Are you gonna judge?



    5 days past deadline should cause the unable to full~fill the duties clause, so You CAN call the winner from the round before
    TJ’s or call for another judge (ie JR?)


    Herr D

    rrrmm yes. Funkmachine? You’re the other entry. Do any of these judges NOT suit you?

    Possible appointees:

    Keric: He’s won several of these too.

    ams: He started the thread, after all.

    JR, djuby, Kaldath, Jeff: because we’ve seen them judge things.

    The judge from before would be good if it’s not one of us. [starts to look . . . ]

    please answer yes or no and call upon first respondent to volunteer or give me your list–I’ll be incommunicado till Wednesday most likely.



    Herr D im fine with any judge as long as it’s not an entrant.
    Really im not all that brothered about contest, it the challenge of working with the items.


    Herr D

    Keric, ams, TJLocke, or any site moderator! Please weigh in at this time. First respondent judges who wins between the two entrants . . .



    I Judge
    Tattoo: 10/10 Hard to see, but NOT out of place
    wings: 10/10 same as tattoo
    Headgear: 5/10 Hard to see, without the comments I would not have seen it
    Picture as a whole: 5/10
    Tattoo: 8/10 Hard to see, but NOT out of place
    wings: 5/10 I see it easily, but it fits
    Headgear: 10/10 Love the usage as mounds
    Picture as a whole: 7/10
    As you can see this is a tie but we can’t have that!
    So, Funk 1 extra point for not CREATING a new religion!



    Funk is the winner(and next judge) please pick your 3



    hear you go.


    Herr D

    An honest-to-goodness FBI agent? To see Farmer Jenkins? Well he told me he was out of town for a month, but I guess he stayed on account of that thunderclapper strikin’ his barn. Thought I saw his pickup goin’ the night before, but, y’know, now’s I think about it, he prob’ly parked it in the barn to stand on. To help reach, right? He fixed his barn, installed the new sprinklers, painted everything all in a WEEK, if y’ can believe that. –What? No, I cain’t read your badge, son; broke ma glasses last year. I just string beans and sets here while the family comes and goes. Yessir, I saw ol’ Jenkins out there finishin’ up somethin’ coupla days ago. All that work musta done him in. Clothes don’t fit him right anymore. Walks stiff too.

    I tell ya what, his tomatoes grew up real fast–odd shade of green, though. And eight foot tall vines if I’m six. That’s right!




    Because a judge must have two to judge.

    Breakdown: Eyes are all on the dress, headgear is on the dress, and on the poles and the weapons make up the fence.



    Both of you where good but sadly Herr D i like Keric’s one better due to it’s repetition and it being clear where all the parts where used.

    I think the fence is what does it, it’s both clearly the spearhead and at the same time a clever use, it’s so not being a spearhead.

    Well Keric pick your three items.


    341 win

    341 win



    Herr D
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