Nug’s Creations

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    Skoul’s Krath character. For the CDC.


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    Mad Jack

    The X-Ray and Cyber Mask pictures are awesome! Great idea with the X-Ray… 🙂



    Thanks MadJack! X-ray is a favorite of mine too. To be so simple I think it turned out nice!


    Oh… and a Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow American Machiners



    Love the costume you picked out for your version of The Ankh.  He has a more crime fighter feel than my version like Nightwing or Moon Knight.  It rocks!





    My beloved didn’t too much care for a nocturnal assassin droid named after her. So I decided to make a super hero in her image this time.

    Super Mom:




    Supermom is pretty cool. I love the costume, the colors and especially the bikini/dress combo, really neat idea.

    May I make one suggestion? The way the legs are drawn(in program) to show the bends, it almost makes it seem there’s too little covering. I’m guilty of it myself with a previous work. I wonder if anyone would color the bends to where there only visible toward the inner legs slightly beyond the bikini, if it wouldn’t look more classy?

    Actually, I wonder if you would mind if I took a crack at the outfit?




    Knock yourself out. I would post the text, but it would probably be easier if you just start from scratch. I used a whole female body (arms and legs and all)… not much posing involved on my part on this. The outfit though… getting that just the way I wanted took a while.  Here is a save  starting out that shows alot of the insignias and whatnot i had to use to pull this off.

    As you can tell at this point a lot of it still isn’t done, but this should give you a general idea of how much of a challenge this piece really was.

    As far as her bikini line goes… I’m happy with it. It may be a little pg13, but sometimes a mom gotta be sexy too. 😉 The only thing i would possibly change is the shading, but everything I tried ended up making it look like she had a shiny hoo ha, or a hairy one.

    I’d love to see what you come up with. Drop me a line when you’re done so I can check it out. ;D



    Thanks, admittedly while I was waiting for a response I already recreated her.

    You’ll see what I was referring to with the bikini line above.
    Again, very cool piece, usually I only ask to recreate someone else’s creation if I really like it. If you want the text I can upload it.

    P.S. the shading on yours looks great, the bikini area is good as is(shading wise).
    updated her boots to look like yours(better design)

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    Hey that pretty cool, man! Admittedly my wife likes your crotch area better than mine. -_- I’ll be over to kick you arse shortly. 😉



    *Tugs at collar*
    Hmm. well, yes, ahhh this is awkward, my crotch area seems to keep me in trouble with women’s husbands.

    ok bad joke, anyways I added text as attachment in above post, so feel free to do with it as you will, be it use it, dissect it or simply awesomfy it.

    I can definitely appreciate the work you put in, my characters went from a couple hours at most on HM2.5 to around 4 or so on HM3, to now 6-8 minimal. Two things that really sets the characters off are posing and shading, but the posing becomes more a hassle with every detail, and by the time shading comes up, I’m just done.

    I ran through your thread and I have to say you’ve got some impressive works form posing to shading to character design.



    …and by the time shading comes up, I’m just done.

    I feel you. You can tell by my gallery I’m the same way… A Lot. I’m trying to get over that, because pieces do look better shaded 9 times out of 10. With the layering hierarchy the way it is it makes it really hard to shade stuff on more complicated poses. Here is what I’ve been doing lately to try to better cope with the hassle… I walk away. Come back to it for a few minutes. (10 -15 max) Walk away again, and repeat. Super Mom took me…. (looking at all my saves) 5 days to finish off and on. Hitting it a little each day. And I found myself not so flustered by the time I deemed it finished.

    Thanks for taking the time to browse the gallery. You’ve got awesome work too, man! I loved your entry in the Zodiac CDC. That was just too cool.

    As far as your Super Mom… I’d prefer you to finish it. I’m always flattered when people want to redesign my characters. They say “Imitation is the highest form of flattery” I’m a firm believer in that statement, and would love to see what you could do with it.

    I’m thinking about doing the whole family… Kind of like Disney’s <i>The Incredibles</i> Maybe after the holidays. 😉



    Love the traditional Super heroine costume.  The first one was awesome and the update evolved it more.  You guys should finish your collaboration with a final pic.  Cheers!



    Sorry for hijacking your thread once again Nug. going off AMS suggestion and what we were discussing, I shaded her in the above post, see what you think.



    @GuyGenesis- I could tell you what I think, but this site is to be kept P.G, so I’ll just say it looks HOLY *expletive* *expletive* *expletive* AWESOME *dies*

    I think that just about sums it up wouldn’t you say.

    *Puts on analysis hat*

    I absolutely love the shading you did for the abs, it really pops. Actually, looking at the shading on the entire torso, it’s all pretty damn incredible. And I LOOOOOOOOVE the gold highlight colour you got, goddamn that’s nice.



    Alright, that looks KICK-ASS!  Your shading of the costume looks great.  Love that “M” incorporated into the cape.

    I’m going to throw some more (hopefully constructive) suggestions,

    1 – Anatomy.  Can you put your knees together straight and turn your feet out?  I find I that I can’t, so I’m suggesting some straight on feet with ankles together.

    2- Anatomy.  Great hand item choices, but they are not the same size.  I would go with the side angle viewed size and match the other to that.

    3- Skin tone.  I see shadows from her costume, but did you highlight/shade her skin?  If that is the next stage, please disregard.

    4- Finally, (Sorry for how this will sound Nug) where is the head?

    Can’t wait to see the finished product.  Cheers!


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