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    Need some help naming this guy.
    He was a god before gods he was Armageddon before the word ever existed he killed his only companion on the world in his mission to destroy it. In a last ditched attempt the other god created the Greek, Norse, and Egyptian gods to either destroy or confine this monster of destruction. As he destroyed he grew stronger and stronger as the gods fought him they realized they weren’t powerful enough to stop this beast they finally was able to lead him into the Cave of Origins and chained him there the chains of mystic source kept him prisoner for a very long time but the as the Kronosian War ended the destruction of the aftermath fueled this being with more power than ever breaking his chains and set forth on his path of destruction now the heroes and villains of the world must put aside their differences and join the gods in a fight to save the world from its biggest threat yet.



    Miguel Lorenza was born with a noticeable mutation causing much panic around the small Mexican village he lived. The locals called him El Chupacabra and threw rocks and bottles at the family. His parents sadly had to keep Miguel in their basement away from the world as they tried desperately to get the superstitious villagers to accept Miguel into their lives. Miguel’s parent foolishly told Miguel that they would let him leave the basement on his eighteenth birthday. The day came and of course his parents couldn’t fulfill they promise. Miguel snapped why should he be punished for be different and he was stronger,faster, and more agile then any of them. He killed his lying parents and walked outside the villagers screamed and ran as they saw him. “The Chupacabra escape, he will kill us all.” He did just that they ran fast he ran faster, they hit hard he hit harder, they begged for mercy he showed none. Soon he killed every soul in the village was dead. He went on to terrorize all of Mexico before moving into the southwest United States.



    Awesome color scheme and I love the fur work on him. Also for the other guy how about he has no name, it has been forgotten. However the memory of him still exists through the legends of others such as the Fenrir wolf of Norse myths, Cronus of Greek myth, and apophis of Egyptian myth. His memory pervades all myth, but his real name has been lost to time. Nice job on him as well.



    Thanks Vampyrist I’m happy how he turned out wasn’t for sure how the purple fur would go over and thanks again for the help on the name of the other guy.
    Here’s just something I threw together.



    Contest entry



    As the gods got older as less in touch with humanity they decided to pass the torch to younger beings. These beings kept the names of the gods that gave them power Howard Brimstone gained the power and leadership role of the great and powerful Zeus. Zeus and the new Thor are constantly feuding about who is the more powerful thunder god but when time comes to fight together they work side by side banishing evil to the pits of Tartarus. The new gods even have loyal worshipers and temples which makes Zeus very happy with himself.



    Jacob Denton was friends with the group known as the Power Stone Corps. he deduced their secret identities and try to get them to let him have power as well and they refused saying the Stone of Power would not allow it. This angered Jacob enough that when Dark Matter offered him power to destroy the Power Stone Corps. he accepted. He still acts like the Corps friend while secretly being the symbiotic alien life form’s puppet known as the Parasite. Knowing the Corps identities makes him even more powerful and dangerous and the the symbiote is constantly deteriorating his mind.



    That is a great effect!



    Sweet effect!Great character!



    Thanks Folks



    Hunter Ithaca was walking home from a job he hated to a family he hated even more when a pillar of black fire engulfed him empowering him with the powers of the God of the Underworld. Hunter is now the new Hades richest god to walk the planet. He is very happy with his new life though the other new gods look down upon him for banishing his former family to the pits of Tartarus. All the gods knows not to anger him for he is very powerful being able to control fire and his vast numbers of dead soldiers, he could easily overwhelm them.



    Paul Leavens was enjoying a day at the beach when he decided to catch one more wave before heading home. As he was waiting a huge glowing wave started to head towards him he start to swim away in fear but the wave swallowed him endowing him with the powers of Poseidon the god of the seas. Paul remained the most modest of the new gods trying to help the little man whenever he can. Those actions gave Paul very loyal worshipers and many temples built in his honor. This annoys Zeus (Howard Brimstone) since he wants the most worshipers and be the most popular.



    Cool! Love the trident!



    Thanks it took a lot of work to get it just how i wanted and I still wasn’t for sure how good it was



    Roger Turner was in Hawaii on vacation trying to get rid of his troubles when a volcano erupted. As the lava flowed over Roger he was surprised it did not burn him that is until it got to his face which was burnt and disfigured. His leg was injured while trying to get rid of the searing pain on his face. It was then the powers of Hephaestus flowed into him. He quickly built some armor to help him walk again with ease though he still had a limp. Roger makes all the weapons and armor for the gods and if the price is right and he gets the money up front others can get great weapons as well. Roger is also smitten by Aphrodite but Ares stole her heart so Roger enjoys making Ares look foolish.

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