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    Name: Tragedy
    Superhero or Villain: Villain
    Alliance(s): The Drama Club (Partner)
    Power(s)/Ability(s): He has enhanced strength and speed as well as reflexes of an Olympic gymnast.
    Status: Active
    Main Enemy: Nobody
    Howard Mills aka Tragedy is the older brother of Collin Mills aka Comedy and one half of the criminal group known as the Drama Club. These two are wanted for the suspicion of murder and several robberies in Missouri. They escaped fugitives breaking out of numerous jails with their strength ans acrobatics. Their next stop will be the Super-max Prison for Super Villains.



    Name: Blue Bird
    Superhero or Villain: Superhero
    Alliance(s): None
    Power(s)/Ability(s): He has the ability to to create energy wings which allows him to fly at supersonic speeds
    Status: Active
    Main Enemy: Drago
    Blue Bird is an alien from a distance planet called New Ceres. On the planet lived the Cereians a race of beings that resembles humans but they can form energy wings and fly their planet was invaded by the Xornians and almost completely destroyed Blue Bird escaped and came to Earth to warn the humans of the upcoming invasion. He believes he is the last of his race and met his worst nightmare a Xornian warrior with energy wings named Drago who gained his powers at the cost of Blue Bird’s people’s lives.
    The one in the spoiler is the same pic just rename for contest since I forgot the first time.



    Entry for the pop quiz
    Future money the government produce to keep an eye on everyone all the time just by having loose change



    Gladiator is the protector of the Fountain of Youth as it’s protector he is allowed to drink the water giving him eternal life as long as he drinks it everyday going a day without the water will cause him to age very quickly and if he drinks too much he could become an infant. Gladiator is the second protector after a old Indian shaman that protected the fountain for thousands of years as Gladiator took his first drink the shaman turned to dust in front of Gladiator’s eyes.



    Dr. Henry Monroe is a sadistic man who hunts people down harvest their organs and use them to extend his life. As far as anyone can see Monroe is immortal he can survive having his heart ripped out or a gunshot to the head as long as he replaces the organ he has damaged. He use to only hunt humans but when he discovered he killed a mutant and it’s organs gave him power he decided to hunt super-humans and attempting to kill aliens to see he their organs will work as well. There were many times he was believed dead only to come back. Last time people thought he was dead Nobody accidentally knocked him off a cliff, but he was seen again a few months later.



    Great backstories!and cool concepts!



    Thanks Scatman



    Barracuda is a top general in the Atlantean army and is the royal bodyguard for the king. He was framed for the murder of the king’s son and wife and casted out of Atlantis into the world of the surface-dwellers and their odd customs. He joined the Defenders when they first banded together and left once he realized he wouldn’t be able to lead the team. He is stubborn and has a better-than-you attitude believing that humans are animals that are poisoning their own world and they don’t really deserved to be saved time after time but they did accept him so he saves them.



    yo man I love the Drama Club partners!



    Monroe has an awesome backstory! I would most difinitely read a comic about that guy.



    Thanks Scatman and Weilyn
    Here is Wendigo. A long time ago he was known as Roaring Bear a powerful Iroquois shaman until one fateful winter when the tribe was caught in a blizzard, the worst they have ever seen the tribe ran out of food quickly and the shaman knew there was only one way to survive he began picking off the other members of the tribe one by one eating them and somehow growing stronger and faster perhaps do to his mystical nature after the storm passed he was the last one of his tribe still gnawing on the chief’s bones. Roaring Bear had changed he became grotesque but stronger, faster, smarter, and able to mimic people voices. He loved his new found power but he began to lose the memory of being human and less able to ingest anything but living flesh. He is now immortal except for one weakness; fire. He still hunts all over North America feeding on unknowing prey that falls for his tricks. Only once it is known has he spawn an offspring by biting one of his victims and secrete a special saliva on them turning them into a weaker wendigo which was later killed.



    Creations of the millionaire industrialist Boris Newman created the robotic police force to keep super humans in check. He started in Saint City debuting his robotic officers and within a year he replaced the entire Saint City Police Department and slowly doing the same throughout America in a secret plot to take over he United States of America.



    It has been awhile here’s an update of an older character Cactus.
    Cactus is a member of the United States Alliance. He is a mutant with the powers to grow “thorns” out of his body at will the number and location of these thorns he can control. Before the Alliance he had a falling out with his homicidal brother with the same powers later known as Briar. Briar killed their parents and younger sister and attempted to kill Cactus as well after the fight Cactus left his brother to die but due to the two’s healing powers Briar survived and became a “thorn” in Cactus’ side since.



    Cool idea and great zypping!



    Thanks Weilyn I’m working on getting better at zypping though I’ll never reach the level of some of the greats such as Ams, Scatman, and Djuby etc.

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