New girl in town

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    I stumbled upon Heromachine quite a while back but somehow never got around to really testing it.
    So this week I finally took some time and here it is, my very first character drawing made with Heromashine.
    Let me know what you all think of it.
    This is one of my Shadowrun characters, a Moon Druid (Moon Maiden in 4th Ed).


    The Atomic Punk

    Willkommen, Stormbride! I think the red and blue outfit works well with the black coat. I see the attempt at perspective with her right arm and hand shifted toward the back. However, it looks disproportionate. Hope that helps.



    @The Atomic Punk said:

    Willkommen, Stormbride! I think the red and blue outfit works well with the black coat. I see the attempt at perspective with her right arm and hand shifted toward the back. However, it looks disproportionate. Hope that helps.

    It looked worse before. ;)
    I hope I’ll get better with more experience. :)



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    Welcome, love that bright moonlit backround. I agree with The Atomic Punk about the hand thing, other than that, solid character Smile


    Herr D

    mmmm? Body and legs staying as they are, grow the arms and hands and bring the head and all down? Eight heads to height, arms thinner than legs but just as long–the grid option helps.

    Good first re-edit, though. Megan Fox in a duster look.Smile



    Welcome. Better than some of my first efforts!

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