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- This topic has 93 replies, 12 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 10 months ago by
Mr. Vaudeville.
October 21, 2016 at 5:43 pm #139668
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantBack to some good guys for a while. 😉
Alias: The Blue Rune
Legal Name: Brandon Reaves
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Ethnicity: African-American
Occupation: Archeologist; Historian; Superhero.
Height: 6′ 2″
Body Type: Athletic, Muscular
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Type: Neat, thick
Eye Colour: Dark Blue
Skin Colour: Dark Brown
Species: SuperhumanPowers and Abilities
Powers: Runic magic, force-field projection, astral projection, animal control, healing factor, healing touch.
Details/Limitations: Magic runes tattooed on his biceps, chest, and back allow a variety of powers, including; force-field projection, astral projection, animal control and communication, healing factor, and healing touch. Additionally, by meditating and drawing elaborate runic shapes in the air, he can create invisible barriers, harmful curses, and charms of protection applied to people or places, locate people or objects, and even see visions of past activity in his current area – although these powers take time to use. The runes on his skin give off a weird blue glow when using his powers.
Abilities/Skills: Written and spoken languages, symbology, archaeology, Boxing, Judo, knife/short sword fighting.
Costume: Bulletproof, stab proof, impact-resistant breastplate and gauntlets; fireproof and stab proof leg-wear, cloak, and mask; fireproof boots; utility belt and sword belt.
Weapons: One steel short sword; one hunting knife.
Gadgets/Tech: Utility belt contains caltrops, cable ties/handcuffs, and other small tools.
Physical Weaknesses: Temporarily weakened physically after using powerful abilities, though only for a few minutes. Poor swimmer.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Some powers require a trance-like state and take time to use, leaving him vulnerable for the duration (and for a time afterwards, see above). Weak against strong psychic attacks.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Mysterious, gritty, intelligent, brave, inquisitive.
Likes: Museums, historical arts, travel, camping, solitude, justice.
Dislikes: Cruelty to animals, art theft/cultural theft, organised crime, pickles.
Habits/Quirks: Bright and quick-witted, a competent archeologist and exemplary historian. Once social and outgoing, he became quite private after gaining his powers, withdrawing considerably from his social and professional life to focus on the study and use of his abilities, which he kept secret – although he maintains a wry sense of humour and still enjoys keeping a close circle of friends. Holding a deep love and respect for ancient history and artefacts, he will feverishly investigate any thefts from museums and galleries as a personal matter. Adopting a dark, intimidating, and mysterious personality as the Blue Rune, his powers make him an unrivalled detective, and he can more than hold his own in combat. As part of a team or squad he makes an excellent support unit. Prefers to work at night.
Fears: Drowning, the loss of cultural artefacts.
Family: Patrick Reaves (Brother).
Romantic Interests: Lisa Reaves (Ex-wife).
Allies: Velocity, High Voltage, Ape-X, Goldwing.
Affiliations: Apex Squad, United States Sentinels.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.October 23, 2016 at 12:25 pm #139706
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantNotes: This character is based on the ‘real life superhero’ that used to patrol my town. Sadly, he stopped operating and moved away, retiring the character to the best of my knowledge – I know him indirectly through mutual friends. I’ve taken some liberties with the character; real names are not used, he didn’t use a spear, etc, and his in universe ‘origin story’ is original.
Alias: The Dark Spartan
Legal Name: Daniel Forester
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Ethnicity: English
Occupation: Accountant; Office worker; Vigilante; Hero
Height: 5′ 11′
Body Type: Fit, Toned
Hair Colour: Dark Blonde
Hair Type: Grown-out, Wavy
Eye Colour: Green
Skin Colour: White/Light Tan
Species: HumanPowers and Abilities
Powers: Almost indestructible shield and spear, near superhuman willpower.
Details/Limitations: Shield and spear are made of a rare and nearly unbreakable metal alloy which can only be destroyed by heat equal to the surface of a star, or by certain equally rare chemical agents/acids. Alongside almost peak physical conditioning, he possesses near superhuman, iron willpower; this gives him an unusually high tolerance for pain and the ability to resist basic psychic attacks, as well as the drive and determination to battle super-powered adversaries.
Abilities/Skills: Accounting/finance/business, Karate, Krav Maga, spear fighting.
Costume: Impact absorbing full-body armour, helmet, gauntlets, and boots over a fireproof/stab proof mesh bodysuit.
Weapons: 6ft metal spear
Gadgets/Tech: Near indestructible shield (can also be used as a weapon); communications gear including multi-band radio and police scanner contained in helmet; hidden compartments in the shaft of the spear contain various tools, such as a flashlight, cable ties/handcuffs, basic medical supplies, a fire blanket, and a length of thin, tough rope.
Physical Weaknesses: Relatively vulnerable without body armour and shield.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Vulnerable to mid-high level psychic attack.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Indomitable, determined, confident, persistent, honest.
Likes: Movies, reading, comic books, video games, justice.
Dislikes: Corrupt officials, violence, dishonesty, celery.
Habits/Quirks: Stoic and brave, his preferred method of crime-fighting is old school street patrol, wherever the authorities are slow to react or turn a blind eye. His fierce determination and goal-driven mentality can come across as arrogance to strangers, and he can be a sore loser at times, though his heart is firmly in the right place. Even when losing, he’s known to keep getting back up no matter the odds. Doesn’t always agree or get on with other superheroes, but his actions as a vigilante hero have secured their respect many times times over.
Fears: Losing his fiancé, failing as a crime-fighter.
Family: Mother and Father – Retired.
Romantic Interests: Emma Ellis (Fiancé).
Allies: The Silver Thorn, Kali, Interface
Affiliations: Iron Patrol, Society of European Superheroes.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.October 23, 2016 at 1:16 pm #139715
Alex KingParticipantSorry, I’m so caught up in my job at the moment that I can’t find the time for new projects… however, I see that you’re improving, nice shading on Blue Rune, keep going!
November 8, 2016 at 6:55 pm #139997
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantNotes: It may not look like it, but I was messing around with this design for weeks trying to get things right. This is as good as I’m going to get it for now. Also, files didn’t upload in the order I selected. The first image should be last.
Alias: Velocity
Legal Name: Violet Vickers
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Ethnicity: American
Occupation: Paramedic; Superhero
Height: 5′ 8″
Body Type: Athletic, Lithe
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Type: Long, Straight
Eye Colour: Brown
Skin Colour: White/Light Tan
Species: SuperhumanPowers and Abilities
Powers: Super speed, superhuman reflexes.
Details/Limitations: Able to move and react faster than the human eye can perceive. Fast enough to intercept and catch bullets; she can easily travel at well over 2,500 feet per second (1,700mph) – over twice the speed of sound – although her top speed is unknown. Superhuman reflexes and mental processing allow for incredible problem solving and strategic planning skills.
Abilities/Skills: First aid, free-running/parkour, basic self-defence, problem solving.
Costume: ‘Speed-proof’/heat resistant bodysuit with reinforced arm and leg protection; impact resistant/stab proof body armour, gloves, and boots; mask/googles; belt.
Weapons: ‘V’ belt buckle can be detached and thrown as a weapon.
Gadgets/Tech: Costume and goggles are made from specially designed materials that can withstand the extreme forces that accompany super-speed; ‘V’ belt buckle can be detached and used as a grappling hook with thin, high-tensile cable contained within the belt itself, or detached completely and thrown as a weapon.
Physical Weaknesses: Only average physical strength, no remarkable combat abilities without powers. Powerful electronic surges and sufficiently powerful EMPs can temporarily disable her powers.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Occasionally suffers with sensory overload due to the speed at which her brain processes information.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Energetic, enthusiastic, witty, empathetic, dependable.
Likes: Helping those in need, fast music, puzzles and mind games, reading, social events, keeping busy.
Dislikes: Boredom, waiting, sleeping, routine, crimes against the vulnerable, mayonnaise.
Habits/Quirks: Constantly active and highly energetic, she is constantly fighting boredom and can sometimes seem hyper or manic. A socialite who enjoys a fast paced lifestyle, she is still very considerate of those around her and is always incredibly keen to offer aid to the needy and vulnerable. Able to read and think at an alarming rate, it can be hard for her to focus on a single activity for any length of time – although she’s fiercely determined once she sets her mind on a goal or achievement.
Fears: Thunderstorms, confined spaces.
Family: Michael Vickers (Father), Joanne Vickers (Mother), Rose and Daisy Vickers (Sisters).
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Blue Rune, High Voltage, Ape-X, Goldwing.
Affiliations: Apex Squad, United States Sentinels.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 11, 2016 at 6:34 pm #140060
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantProfile
Alias: The Silver Thorn
Legal Name: Ted Winters
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Ethnicity: English
Occupation: Stuntman; Vigilante; Superhero
Height: 6′ 0″
Body Type: Fit, Lean
Hair Colour: Dark Brown/Grey
Hair Type: Short, Messy
Eye Colour: Blue-Grey
Skin Colour: Pale
Species: SuperhumanPowers and Abilities
Powers: Flight, phasing/quantum tunnelling, ‘spectral’ form.
Details/Limitations: Able to levitate and fly indefinitely at a top speed of around 180mph/290kph; Can alter his molecular structure at will to become semi-transparent and quantum tunnel through solid objects, or to allow enemy attacks to pass through him – this power also effects any people or objects he’s touching at the time, including his costume.
Abilities/Skills: Acrobatics, driving, knife fighting, boxing, karate.
Costume: Fireproof and waterproof bodysuit; impact-resistant shoulder pads, gauntlets, and shin guards; mask/visor; utility belt.
Weapons: Bladed gauntlets; one short hunting knife ‘for emergencies’.
Gadgets/Tech: Utility belt contains tracking devices and basic crimefighting tools; visor has HUD that shows altitude and tracking information, as well as allowing for night vision.
Physical Weaknesses: Is inexplicably unable to ‘phase’ in the vicinity of powerful electromagnets.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Vulnerable to psychic attack. Somewhat reckless, often rushing thoughtlessly into situations.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Adventurous, reckless, carefree, open-minded, sarcastic.
Likes: Extreme sports, bungee jumping, base jumping/skydiving, travel, pizza.
Dislikes: ‘Safe’ hobbies, opera, pineapple, hostage situations.
Habits/Quirks: A total adrenalin junkie with a real passion for living life on the edge, his fearless attitude makes him an excellent stunt performer. Although easily bored at times, he’s always enthusiastic and quick to make jokes, often encouraging others to take more risks and try new things. Having spent years travelling the world and indulging in many extreme activities and sports before gaining his powers, he finds being a superhero the most thrilling experience of all. Quick to act and somewhat hot-headed, his almost reckless nature has led to trouble on several occasions.
Fears: Disability, romantic commitment.
Family: Katherine Winters (Mother), Kevin Humphries (Stepfather), Anthony Winters (Estranged father), Holly Winters (Half-sister).
Romantic Interests: Many ex-partners.
Allies: The Dark Spartan, Kali, Interface
Affiliations: Iron Patrol, Society of European Superheroes.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 16, 2016 at 3:09 pm #140170
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantProfile
Alias: High Voltage
Legal Name: Lorenzo Iñigo Ortega
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Ethnicity: Latin-American
Occupation: Appliance Repair; Certified Electrician; Superhero
Height: 5′ 10″
Body Type: Thin, Athletic
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Type: Short, Styled
Eye Colour: Blue-Green
Skin Colour: Olive/Tan
Species: SuperhumanPowers and Abilities
Powers: Electrokinesis, limited technopathy.
Details/Limitations: Able to generate, absorb, sense, and control electricity and electric phenomena; allowing for energy attacks that can stun/kill enemies or destroy/disable electronic devices and systems, and the ability to telekinetically control most electronic devices in the area. Absorbing more electricity equals more power. By absorbing enough electrical energy, he can unleash a massive EMP and knock out all electrical power for several blocks in all directions.
Abilities/Skills: Electronics/electrical engineering, business, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Costume: Impact and fire resistant bodysuit; conductive, armour plated gloves, briefs, and boots; mask; utility belt/harness.
Weapons: –
Gadgets/Tech: Utility belt contains; medical supplies, cable ties, wire cutters/multi-tool, small digital camera, short range tracking device with scanner, and other small tools as necessary.
Physical Weaknesses: Self-generated power isn’t too great without additionally absorbing more electrical energy; powers have no effect against non-conductive materials; not particularly well armoured.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Weak against psychic attack.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Sociable, outgoing, relaxed, intuitive, calm.
Likes: Technology, cars, music, photography, sports.
Dislikes: Swimming, dancing, drug-related crime, fish.
Habits/Quirks: Surprisingly mature for his age, polite and approachable. Enjoys being social just as much as spending time alone. Naturally gifted with electronics, he’ll take any excuse to mess around with technology, for which he has endless youthful enthusiasm. Generally Level-headed and patient, always stays calm in stressful situations, and has a very quiet temper. Keen to learn from his more experienced peers, he’s thankful for every opportunity to prove himself.
Fears: Accidentally using too much power, the temptation to use his powers for evil.
Family: Isabel Ortega (Mother)
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Blue Rune, Velocity, Ape-X, Goldwing.
Affiliations: Apex Squad, Terran Defence Corps.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 18, 2016 at 5:00 am #140220
darkvaticanMemberAh, I love electricity-themed heroes! Your color schemes remind me of my own, so I like them. ;-] From this page, I like your Blue Rune design the best. Seeing your character’s suits sans body/hair pieces has given me an idea, so I will give you a shout-out, when I make use of that idea. Cheers!
November 18, 2016 at 6:22 pm #140230
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantAh, I love electricity-themed heroes! Your color schemes remind me of my own, so I like them. ;-] From this page, I like your Blue Rune design the best. Seeing your character’s suits sans body/hair pieces has given me an idea, so I will give you a shout-out, when I make use of that idea. Cheers!
Thanks, dude!
Glad to provide the inspiration! Wasn’t sure about posting the pics of the suits/costumes on their own, but I’ll keep it up. I like the idea of seeing the suits as they would be on display in the characters ‘lair’ (one of my favourite examples is Nite Owl’s suit in a case in that one scene in Watchmen).
Excited to see what you come up with!
November 18, 2016 at 6:37 pm #140237
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantNotes: You can thank my girlfriend for this one. I think she was going for a Jessica Jones/Luke Cage type character, considering how much Netflix goes on around here. She was against the blue skin, but *raspberry*. I’ve got a few more characters to come to complete Apex Squad and Iron Patrol, but then I’ll finally be going back and writing some origin stories, as well as doing a team of more traditional supervillains.
Alias: Kali
Legal Name: Alisha Mittal
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Ethnicity: Indian-English
Occupation: Student; Forensic Analyst; Superhero
Height: 5′ 8″
Body Type: Petite, Defined
Hair Colour: Black
Hair Type: Long, Straight
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Skin Colour: Blue
Species: MutantPowers and Abilities
Powers: Indestructible skin, healing factor, superhuman strength.
Details/Limitations: Skin is completely fireproof, shock proof, and impenetrable – cannot be harmed by knives, bullets, or blunt force. Any wounds she does sustain are healed almost instantly. Apart from these traits and being coloured light blue, her skin looks, feels, and otherwise reacts like ordinary skin. Her strength is enhanced to several times normal levels.
Abilities/Skills: Forensics, chemistry, journalism, Yoga, knife fighting, Muay Thai.
Costume: Black jeans or combat pants; white, grey, red or black top; red leather jacket; boots; utility belts.
Weapons: Throwing knives, stun-gun or 9mm handgun as appropriate. Able to fight with larger knives when necessary.
Gadgets/Tech: Smoke pellets, notepad, digital camera, cable ties/handcuffs.
Physical Weaknesses: None/Unknown
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Especially vulnerable to psychic attack.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Strong-willed, determined, empathetic, studious, inquisitive.
Likes: Science, food, romantic comedies, crime dramas, beaches.
Dislikes: Rain, winter, bullies, peanut butter.
Habits/Quirks: Gaining her mutant abilities later in life than many – after being stabbed and left for dead in a botched mugging while visiting relatives in India – caused a definite change in the once outgoing, bubbly young woman. After gaining revenge on her assailants, who mistook her for the Hindu goddess Kali, she adopted the name to investigate crimes and deal out her own brand of justice while becoming more introverted and devoting extra time to her studies. Though uneasy around new people, she’s still a bright and happy person in comfortable groups. Often confronted with various forms of prejudice due to her unusual skin colour and/or ethnic background. Collects porcelain elephants.
Fears: Powerful telepaths, social or familial rejection.
Family: Parents are first generation immigrants living in the UK, extended family live in India.
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Dark Spartan, The Silver Thorn, Interface
Affiliations: Iron Patrol, Indo-Asian Superhuman Assembly
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 20, 2016 at 5:01 pm #140297
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantProfile
Alias: Ape-X
Legal Name: Howard Johnson
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Ethnicity: Ape/American
Occupation: Author; Lab Experiment; Superhero.
Height: 6′ 3″
Body Type: Heavy, Muscular
Hair Colour: Black/Grey
Hair Type: Short, Bristly.
Eye Colour: Black
Skin Colour: Grey
Species: MutantPowers and Abilities
Powers: Proportional strength, speed, and agility of a great ape, near genius IQ.
Details/Limitations: Several times stronger than a man, able to move with great speed and agility for his size – making him a fearsome combatant. Adept at climbing and moving quickly around the ‘urban jungle’. His IQ is also enhanced to near genius levels, juxtaposing his animal traits with an intellectual nature.
Abilities/Skills: Climbing, free-running, acrobatics, wrestling, debate, writing.
Costume: Sleeveless, fireproof bodysuit with impact-resistant and bulletproof armour plating, pauldron, and forearm guards; quiver; utility belt.
Weapons: Recurve bow with arrows; two knives in forearm sheaths.
Gadgets/Tech: Utility belt contains the usual crime-fighting tools; handcuffs, smoke pellets, caltrops, and etc.
Physical Weaknesses: Particularly vulnerable to biological and chemical weapons.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Known to enter a primal rage when sufficiently angered, which – though allowing for slightly heightened strength and endurance – causes a loss of reasoning skills and can lead to mistakes. Also weak against psychic/mental attacks.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Intelligent, well spoken, contemplative, loyal, fierce, brooding.
Likes: Philosophy, psychology, literature, art, writing, nature.
Dislikes: Ignorance, action movies, reality television, environmental crime, zoos.
Habits/Quirks: Generally intelligent, well spoken, and thoughtful, often spending a lot of time reading and learning about new subjects. Especially fond of philosophy, psychology, animal rights, and environmental conservation – even writing several published and successful books on such subjects under the pseudonym ‘Heath P. James’. Though usually even-tempered, he still has a feral, animalistic side that often comes out in combat situations. The product of genetic experimentation with little memory of his early life, he chose his own name in honour of a kind scientists on the team that created him.
Fears: Environmental/Ecological damage, cages, needles.
Family: None/Unknown
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Blue Rune, Velocity, High Voltage, Goldwing.
Affiliations: Apex Squad, Terran Defence Corps.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 20, 2016 at 6:53 pm #140300
VampyristParticipantI like the costuming on your recent works, it’s very good.
November 21, 2016 at 4:46 am #140312
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantI like the costuming on your recent works, it’s very good.
Thanks! I’ve still got a long way to go, and many techniques to learn, but it’s nice to read comments like that; makes me feel like I’m improving.
November 22, 2016 at 8:39 pm #140349
VengeanceParticipantgood job on High voltage
November 23, 2016 at 6:49 pm #140357
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantNotes: Proud of this one. Tried to add a shadow, and use a few more highlights. Feel like I could write a lot about the character, looking forward to coming back and fleshing him out.
Alias: Interface
Legal Name: Carson Barclay
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Ethnicity: English/Scottish
Occupation: Former Spec-Ops Agent; Super-Soldier; Super-Spy; Vigilante; Superhero.
Height: 6′ 1″
Body Type: Athletic, Lean
Hair Colour: Light Brown/Grey
Hair Type: Short, Full.
Eye Colour: Light Brown
Skin Colour: Pale, Light Tan
Species: Human/CyborgPowers and Abilities
Powers: Cybernetic arm and implants, mimicry, enhanced strength, durability, and reflexes.
Details/Limitations: Various cybernetic implants allow for strength, durability, and reflexes to reach several times peak human levels while providing some defence against psychic attack (see also: Gadgets/Tech below). Additionally, a form of mimicry allows him to turn any part of his body and/or costume into that of another person. To transform his entire body and costume is incredibly draining, and usually avoided, and he can only mimic people that he’s seen in person. Usually used when only a single part of his body need be changed for a few moments; to pass a fingerprint or retina scan, for example.
Abilities/Skills: Military strategy, electronics, hacking, espionage, judo, karate, systema.
Costume: Stab-proof/fireproof nano-fibre bodysuit, boots, and glove; utility belts.
Weapons: Spec-ops pistol, stun grenades. Can also equip fragmentation grenades and gas grenades when required.
Gadgets/Tech: Optic implant connected to communications headgear provides tactical information, telescopic vision, night vision, and a basic x-ray vision. Brain implant provides defence against moderate psychic attack. Cybernetic arm can connect and interface with most electronic devices, computers, security systems, and etc. Utility belt also contains remote hacking tool and tactical handcuffs.
Physical Weaknesses: Vulnerable to electricity; powerful electric shocks and surges can knock out or damage his powers. Not much defensive gear or armour.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Weak against powerful telepaths, mild PTSD.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Gruff, surly, confident, regimented, wise, enigmatic.
Likes: Alcohol (especially cognac), golf, strategy, cigars, blues and country music, peace and quiet.
Dislikes: Being disturbed, electronic dance music, unexpected loud noises, organised crime.
Habits/Quirks: A highly decorated former special operations soldier for the British military, and one of the worlds first super-soldiers. Rough, stern, and confident, he was left with PTSD after losing his arm and having his hearing damaged in the line of duty before volunteering himself for military cybernetic experiments. After working as a super-spy for British intelligence for a number of years he retired with honours, but couldn’t resist the call to arms and took up his old codename to fight crime on his own terms, a more cautious and world-weary version of his younger self. Mellowing as he ages, he adopts a fatherly role to some of the younger superheroes, though still strictly a military man at heart. He tries to spend as much time relaxing alone as possible, but the constant interruptions cause his gruff and sometimes irritable demeanour.
Fears: Fire, large scale warfare, aircraft.
Family: Unknown
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Dark Spartan, The Silver Thorn, Kali
Affiliations: Iron Patrol, Society of European Superheroes, Terran Defence Corps.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth NetworkOrigin
Coming soon
You must be logged in to view attached files.November 24, 2016 at 6:59 pm #140374
Mr. VaudevilleParticipantNotes: I would have liked the wingspan to be much bigger, but they wouldn’t fit within the image borders. Sadface.jpg. This character was mostly a posing experiment with the profile angle body parts. I think I’m getting the hang of it.
Alias: Goldwing
Legal Name: Lance Lambert
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Ethnicity: Canadian
Occupation: Former Athlete; Fencing Coach; Superhero
Height: 6′ 0″
Body Type: Athletic, Chiselled
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Type: Grown-out, luxurious
Eye Colour: Blue
Skin Colour: White/Pale
Species: MutantPowers and Abilities
Powers: Flight, telepathy, superhuman longevity, disease immunity.
Details/Limitations: Natural feathered wings allow for controlled flight at speeds matching and even exceeding the largest and fastest birds – also able to ‘hover’ in place close to the ground. Relatively limited telepathy allows for basic mind reading and telepathic communication, the ability to induce fear or hope in an individual, and the ability to detect whether an individual has superpowers. In addition to these mutations, he is immune to all known diseases and possesses unnaturally long life.
Abilities/Skills: Fencing, wrestling, gymnastics, aerial acrobatics, negotiation, first aid.
Costume: Impact resistant, fireproof bodysuit, boots, gloves, and mask; utility belt/sword belt.
Weapons: Custom made, lightweight, double-edged rapier.
Gadgets/Tech: Utility belt contains medical supplies and disposable handcuffs.
Physical Weaknesses: Large wingspan (clumsy in confined spaces), no armour/physical defence against bullets or blades.
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: Only weak against very powerful psychic attack.Personality and Relationships
Primary Traits: Inspiring, approachable, brave, protective, mature.
Likes: Athletics, sport, Canadian TV, pancakes, popcorn, justice.
Dislikes: Being unable to hide his wings, being ignored, prejudice, bullies, jalapeños.
Habits/Quirks: Easy-going and friendly most of the time, fiercely protective of those he cares for – especially his students and teammates. Usually in a bright and relaxed mood, whether working out and coaching sports or watching TV with some snacks. Quick to offer care and advice to the victims of bullying and prejudice, having dealt with insults and slurs for many years himself – either because of his mutation or his open bisexuality. He often attends charity drives and events in costume to help raise awareness. Sometimes still gets annoyed that he can’t hide his wings, although he’s mostly learned to accept and live with them for good. Always eager to leap into action with righteous fury when necessary, he makes a fearsome enemy and an invaluable ally.
Fears: Confined spaces, fire, failing to protect a student.
Family: Reuben Lambert (Father), Betty Lambert (Mother)
Romantic Interests: –
Allies: The Blue Rune, Velocity, High Voltage, Ape-X.
Affiliations: Apex Squad, Terran Defence Corps.
Rivals/Nemesis: –
Enemies: The Mutant Syndicate, Tau Magi, Church of the Fractured Dawn, The Lawless Earth Network.Origin
Coming soon
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