together, Vampyrist and Myself have decided to create a thread for modern magicians and fantasy types.
(how does this sound, Vampyrist) any good magic users will be a part of the Secretum Societatis Occulta Scientia (secret society of hidden knowledge), or SSOS.
this is a list of magicians i spied in Vampyrists thread:
Myles Carter
Luc Dubois
Nickolas Keye (my fave)
Timothy Wells
some to expect from me:
Victor Crowe
Vivienne Bellafonte
Grigory VonDeaux
SSOS is good, but perhaps a bit of a mouthful. I figure maybe since they are a secret society, maybe the secret bit can be cut out to make it the Societatis Occulta Scientia. Those who fight for evil could be a part of Malefici Nocte or the Sorcerers of the Night. Does this sound good, FRM?
the first members of the SOS
Victor Crowe.
Vivienne Bellafonte.
Adrian Bucur (replacing Grigory Vondeaux). the magical rose tattoo on his hand is given to honorary members of the SOS.
come on, people! show us whatcha got!
here is Orion the Magus, who assisted the original Macbeth in medieval times (where he was a member of the earlier Societatis Occulta Scientia), and in a magical battle with another wizard (to be determined) was transported to present time. he then became Eoin Macbeth’s secretary, assistant, and head of security, under the alias “Ambrose O’Ryan”.
Three middle-aged nerds (including yours truly!) review all of the MCU movies in chronological order. Short, funny, and full of good vibes, check it out and let us know what you think!