Luc’s Big Pile of Random Stuff

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    Whoops, didn’t realize I referred to Sun Wu Kong as Japanese rather than Chinese. Thanks for pointing that out, I’ve corrected the mistake now… Bit of a dumb mistake on my part too, considering I did a quick skim over Wikipedia for info on Sun Wu Kong that would’ve helped with creating a character based on him Embarassed



    Decided to start on a bit of a new project here now that’s seperate from the FIEND stuff. So lets begin with the first of my new story-in-progress, Demigod.

    The story follows a group of assorted individuals who on the exact same day seemed to have strange and god-like powers awakened within them, most of which seeming to come with rather tragic side effects. These people then begin to learn that they were demigods, reincarnations of figures from ancient Greek mythology. Though much weaker than their original selves, in the modern era these people are still considered gods among men and quickly find themselves worshiped by society once their existence is discovered. Some of them embrace this power and glory while others, the heroes of this story, just want to be left alone and return to their normal lives.

    First up is Hephaestus, the main protagonist. Originally just a humble mechanic keeping his father’s old garage in business after he passed, a man who preferred to just stay out of people’s way and live his life in peace. Of course on the day the Demigods awakened, any chance of him living a life of peace and quiet was lost. The day his powers awakened, Hephaestus was actually… Dead. While doing some repairs underneath a customer’s car, the jack lifting the vehicle broke, dropping the car on top of him and crushing him. An ambulance arrived shortly after to take him to the hospital, but he was already a goner and died along the way. And then, the Demigods awakened, and with them so did Hephaestus. He awoke in the middle of a street, surrounded by smoke, several screaming people, sirens, and the smoldering wreckage of an ambulance.

    After the shock of his sudden revival wore off, an intense pain overwhelmed Hephaestus as if his skin was on fire… And that pain never faded, as every day the reincarnated forge god feels his skin constantly burning even when there isn’t a single flame near by. Unable to live with the constant pain, Hephaestus attempted to take his own life the day following the Awakening… And discovered the cruel irony of his new found powers. He could not die. As soon as his heart stopped beating, his body would just rise up again in a massive blaze and he would be alive once again as if nothing had happened. He was a man who now had a death wish, yet could not die.




    Just one look at Hades and you can tell, this man is evil, right? Actually, wrong. Hades is simply a man haunted by a reputation, a reputation that is not even his own. He was actually a rather kind man before the Awakening, despite his rather grim choice of career as a mortician. However he did have a habit of trying to comfort the friends and families of the bodies her worked with. The Awakening however left him horribly disfigured, the skin of his jaw simply rotted away to expose the bone underneath, as well as dead bodies around him seeming to reanimate at random as brainless puppets. When the demigods became exposed to the public and he was discovered as the reincarnation of Hades, society shunned him rather than worshiped him for the same reasons you probably did. They knew Hades was supposed to be the evil god in Greek mythology, and his appearance and abilities did not help things much. They assumed he would be evil as well and judged him not for himself, but for the reputation carried by his name. As such, he has been one of the most vocally opposed to the treatment the other demigods seem to receive, putting him on the side of Hephaestus and the others who just don’t want to be worshiped.




    Here’s three more characters for Demigod, stories for which I’ll type up later. They are Hermes, Aphrodite, and Medusa.




    Ironically, my two favourites are Aphrodite and Hephaestus, both of whom I’ve still to complete in my own version of the gods. You did them both really well…damn you.



    I totally dig the threads on Hermes!and Great job on these characters!Great concept and pose on secret!Smile



    Thanks guys, always appreciate the feedback Smile

    Next up, what set of Greek gods would be complete without the big man himself, Zeus? I’ll get around to typing a story for him too, don’t worry.




    You’d better hope you don’t ever wander into his labyrinth…




    wow i love all your work luc! especially the greek god series



    I don’t normally consider myself a very “artsy” person. My artwork usually has little meaning to me beyond “This is a pretty neat looking image”…

    But lately I’ve been having some problems in my life stirring feelings that have just been begging to be let out onto a canvas. Heromachine just so happened to be that canvas, and so I present one of my few “artistic” pieces with a very personal meaning for me right now. I’m not going to really explain that meaning and just let the image speak for itself, because the best art is usually open to interpretation and I’d rather see how others interpret this as opposed to simply telling them what it means. So all I’ll say is that each detail of the picture is symbolic to its meaning.




    Very cool Luc. Judging from the title of the piece, I think I have an idea what you’re going through. (although I’m probably wrong).

    Stay strong dude.



    On a much less depressing note, I decided to whip up this thing. Some sorta futuristic Canadian-flavoured outer-space combat power armour kinda thing. I dunno, I thought it looked neat. I wish I wasn’t so awful at zypping/shading because I bet this would look pretty awesome with some.




    I think it looks pretty damn neat.



    Of course, the Americans can’t let Canada hog all the space combat armour fun can they?




    I think I might be onto something here… Now Mexico has its own special space combat suit too!


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