First time i post pictures from older days.
Here a my top seven:
In the near future on a airport.
Take the ship or i take your life!
A victim on the path to are warrior.
A new try to make something special.
Inspired from the song “Where the wild roses grow.”
From a RPG maker project i create a cover picture.
And my own best:
It take over five hours for that picture. Love and friendship is a good way to bridge the gulf between different opinions.
Hello there in this forum Kytana. You made intresting stuff and storystelling picture. I really happy to see your stuff here. Very nice and great pieces.
Here a new picture from a roman figure of my current story:
Name: Sera
Race called Awera ( a human, wolf and kusus or possum hybrid and not a kitty )
Very tough warrior, came from a very proud folk and have a very rigorous teacher from my next character i want to post.
She is not only agressive and anger, sometimes she can be pleasant-natured.
Or in german: umgänglich(dont know about right word).
Three middle-aged nerds (including yours truly!) review all of the MCU movies in chronological order. Short, funny, and full of good vibes, check it out and let us know what you think!