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    Ok, I’d have never figured that out. But now you’ve told me, I can do thisā€¦..

    The self-proclaimed “cool one” of the current intake of apprentices at the Honotamashi magic house, Katsuro Hideki is actually a pretty cool guy, just as long as he doesn’t hear anyone else say it, then it’d just go to his head. He tends to focus on looking good what ever he’s doing and he doesn’t like it when something happens that makes him look uncool. As such, he is often a target for Kurayami’s pranks and the two can often be found fighting. Despite this they are actually good friends and their fights are never anything serious. Katsuro practices Animation Magic, which allows him to control inanimate objects and manipulate them. This makes him a formidable opponent for any wizard who practices an item based magic, such as staff wielders or blade mages.



    Oh, and while I’m at it, here’s another one.

    An upbeat and peppy Pulse Magic apprentice from the Honotamashi magic house, Mai Sato is always there to put a smile on the face of any of her friends. Naturally empathic, she always knows how best to handle a situation, but she can’t help but try to cheer up someone if they are down, even if it is clear they want to be left alone. And she almost always succeeds. Her field of magic, Pulse Magic, is a very versatile form, it can vary in application more than most magics. It’s most obvious and wide spread use is the more offensive, full power Pulse Wave Spell, which generates a wave of magic which can be used as a weapon, usually strong enough to demolish walls. However, Mai specialises in the more subtle, low powered side of Pulse Magic, which include spells for finding objects, guiding the user in darkness and even healing wounds by repairing the injury with minuet magical pulses. This is not to mean she is not powerful enough to perform the offensive spells, far from it, but she restrains her power in fear of hurting others, something she learned to do the hard way before joining Honotamashi.


    Oh, in case anyone hadn’t noticed, I’m currently in love with Fairy Tail and this series is me utterly failing not to rip it off.



    Glad I could help. Ā Both characters look great! Ā Looks like you’ve already mastered that hair style. šŸ™‚



    Cheers Jei. It’s actually really fun messing around with those speech bubble tails, you can come up with so much.


    An apprentice at the Honotamshi magic house, Katava Ongaku is an Audiomancer, a wizard who uses magic to manipulate sound. This can come in the form of beautiful melodies or eardrum destroying sonic blasts, depending on the mood or intent of the spell-caster. Katava can often be found either practicing with her magic, composing music through it, or performing her compositions to her friends in the house lounge room. Katava has a reputation amongst the members of Honotamashi as a tough tomboy and is very adept at taking the guys on at their own game, whether it be drinking or fighting.



    A tutor at Honotamashi, Heiko Kenkyu is well known for his love of feasting and drinking. If there is some sort of feast or party, he will be there, bringing jovial conversation and a hearty appetite. When he is not eating however, he is one of Honotamashi’s strongest wizards, being a master of Enhancement Magic and a specialist of a branch of Enhancement Magic called Expansion Magic, which allows the user to grow in size as well as strength, giving more of an advantage during a confrontation, though he does have experience in other forms of physical magic. He tutors Ai Yukana, trying to bring out the fullest potential of her magical ability. Surprisingly strong and swift footed for his size, even without magical assistance, he is not a training partner to be taken lightly, preferring a reactionary approach of letting his opponent attempt the first strike and then surprising them with a quick and powerful counter-attack.



    So Heiko is basically Gramps. Cool. I love this Fairy Tail inspired set. It also inspired my Arkania story, with its general plot being a more or less rip off of the Edolas Arc. Cool stuff.



    @Vampyrist- I guess Heiko is kinda like Gramps in the sense he can grow in size, but he’s no where near as powerful (he certainly couldn’t cast a Fairy Law spell). I haven’t got to the Edolas Arc yet, I’m only on the Tower of Heaven arc at the moment (I started watching the series a few weeks ago on the recommendation of a friend, though it had been on my to watch list for a while before that, I was seriously missing out), but I do know a bit of what happens in some of the episodes later on that I haven’t got to yet.


    A member of Honotamshi and descendant of its original founder, Zaron has a lot of expectation resting on his shoulders. He tends not to socialise with other members of the house and, when not around for official business, no-one ever sees much of him. He tends to have a way of disappearing without people noticing and no-one knows where he goes. His brand of magic is known as Summoning Magic, which allows him to summon creatures and weapons from a deck of magical cards. Because he usually relies on his summoned creatures during combat, he is often under-estimated when faced in single combat. However, those who do under-estimate him soon regret it. His skill with his summoned weapons is almost on par with Hikari’s and the fact he can summon and discard weapons in rapid succession whilst in combat will often catch opponents off guard.



    A Wielder Magic user who controls the four elements of Fire, Water, Earth and Air through his four orbs, Kamizu Nokiriha is considered the most powerful member of Honotamashi, second only to the master, and even then there are those who speculate otherwise. However, Kamizu is not one to pay heed to such idle rumours. He keeps himself to himself and rarely accepts challenges from his fellow members. However, when he does battle it is clear to see why he is considered the most powerful wizard of his house, mastery of more than one of the classical elements is rare enough, but to control four simultaneously with as much power and precision as he has makes for a formidable and almost unbeatable opponent. He is the only member of the house never to have been defeated by Hikari in a contest and the only member to hold an outright victory over her, his four pronged attacks making it impossible for her to accurately predict or defend from his attacks, even with her Soul Magic.

    (This one is a revamp of an old character that I thought fit the setting. Dunno how many more of these I’m going to do. Obviously I need to do the Master of Honotmashi and a few villains and I’ve got another one already done, but not shaded, but I have no idea as to what to do with it in terms of story. I also might do a few maps and a bit of world building back story, but I’ve got other unfinished business with a few other characters that I really should attend to at some point soon, just for some closure).



    I really like the animesque designs and hairstyles you’ve got going on. Great work as always!



    Thanks Stulte

    Anyway, kinda lost inspiration for a bit there, but I managed to get the next one finished.

    Saiai (Si) Notome was formerly a member of Honoidaisa, a rival magic house to Hontamashi. She was enrolled there by her rich parents, who wished for her to become a powerful and influential member of the wizarding community. However, she struggled to fit in amongst the wizards who make up Honidaisa and, when members of the 6 founding houses allied with each other against the Dark House Aegis, she found herself drawn towards the ideology and ethics of Honotamashi, eventually transferring houses. Usually shy and introverted, she has a repressed side, which only becomes apparent when she uses her magic. She specialises in Duplication Magic, which allows its user to duplicate objects and people for a short while. Her repressed feelings and emotionsĀ come to the fore when she duplicates herself, with her duplicates being out-going, boisterous and sometimes arrogant and rude, much to her embarrassment and even shame. Some of her closer friends in the house believe that her duplicates actions are her way of trying to live up to her parents expectations, being who they want her to be rather than who she is.


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    I just checked out your Forum.

    Man I love your sight, the characters, poses, costumes, poses, shading, group shots, black and white “photos”, write ups, stories, comic covers, captured movement,Ā  occasional background & landscapes, timeline pictures,

    I found Zodiac 9- Vajra The Ox VERY sexy, in face, pose and costume.

    I really liked your Christmas tree,
    I found my own way to do one a month or so ago, I can’t wait for Christmas contest

    I loved the Trump cards

    I love the Noirs.
    I have a character, not near as good, called Noir in our New Mutant game.

    Fairy Tale Fighters were pretty darn kewl too

    Awesome work on Pride and the redesign
    I of course have a group GLA, the Gay Lesbian Alliance
    but I did them in HM2.5 and need to do them in HM3

    You had a Random pic of a female with goat legs and horns but she had a WONDERFUL rabbit face,

    Hero Machine Award is AWESOME.
    (we could at the end of the year have a heromachine oscars type thing, where people nominate ā€˜machiners in different categories and then vote on who should win the award (categories like best image, coolest thread, CDC fave, best newcomer; for example, Iā€™m sure I could come up with more), and the winners win a ā€œHerbieā€.)
    You should do this

    Rainbow Silhouette is just so amazing and beautiful

    My Heart Burns kneeling was great

    Backlight is pretty awesome as well

    Kiss with Lili and Danni was an awsome couple shot

    Lili Gamer was pretty kewl too

    Hilltop Sunset

    Danni solo was also wonderful, and yes we have had very similar conversations at this house . šŸ˜€

    Lili Danni Morning was so sweet and well done.

    Lili with the guitar was a great pose

    Here in your arms (Hellogoodbye acoustic cover)
    made me tear up.
    Probably will find itself in our Haunted rock opera game.

    Loved all the Lili and Danni stuff

    Love that ya discovered anime hair šŸ˜€
    Saiai (Si) Notome looks very kewl
    So much great stuff!



    @Cliff: Wow, you really did go through my gallery didn’t you. I’m glad you like my stuff (especially the fact you singled out the faun, I love that one too). I dunno what the feasibility of the Heromachine awards would be, it was just a silly idea I came up with last year as a bit of fun. The CDC fave is a thing though, Character Of The Year (rather than Character Of The Week), which is basically a CDC where all the winners of contests throughout the year get put into a few polls as play offs and then the winners of those polls get put into a final poll and the winner gets crowned COTY. I did it last year and it Ā got a fantastic turn out so I’ll do it again this year, starting in December. Same sort of time as the Santa Swap, though SS will probably be exactly on the 1st whereas COTY will be the first Monday in December (checks calendar, and it is actually Ā Monday the 1st *facepalm*). There’ll probably be a few christmas themed CDC’s as well, I love the winter season.

    Oh, have you figured out what’s so special about CDC97 yet?



    Well I had posted this to Going Japanese to you:

    Well itā€™s not the Halloween contest. We ARE having a Halloween theme contest starting Monday or on the 29th right?
    Character Design Contest 97 will start Nov 3, Deadline Nov 8, Judged by 15 if I calculate right, so not Thankssgiving, Not Christmas, Not New Years.
    So that leaves Start of Christmas Swap, Your birthday or Anniversary of being on HM, of Jeffā€™s Bday or Anniverary of Jeff starting HM/
    If not any of those. Iā€™m tapped out. :D



    Yeah, I saw that and gave you a hint and I was just wondering if you’d got any further with it after the hint, but obviously not. If you want another hint, I’d suggest maybe looking at Jeffs’ last contest, but that might be too big of a hint. šŸ˜‰



    Is Jeff still around? I haven’t seen him in an age it seems.Ā  I miss him, hope he’s OK.

    I wouldn’t even know which contest he did last, or how to find it.

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