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  • #24341


    You’re going to have to explain that one to me, because I don’t get it



    “Tracts of land” is a euphemism for bosoms, used in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

    Shame on you for not knowing that Wink


    Alexander of Limbo

    I think by “tracts of land” Weilyn was referring to her mammaries
    (farm) “land” often gets harvested…




    Ahhh. If she does then it is because they were drawn that way, I did not increase their size in any way.
    As for the reference, I’ve only ever seen Life Of Brian, I always preferred the Goodies.



    You didn’t? Huh. Guess it is just me, then. Holy Grail is pretty darned good, though.

    Also, Alex, “harvested”? Naughty malchick.



    @JR19759 said:
    I always preferred the Goodies.

    Another Goodies fan? I never thought this day would come. Finally I have a use for those black puddings!



    @Trekkie said:

    @JR19759 said:
    I always preferred the Goodies.

    Another Goodies fan? I never thought this day would come. Finally I have a use for those black puddings!

    Ai, we can go and overthrow t’parliment, using our knowledge of t’ancient art of Ecky-Thump.

    As for you Mr. Of Limbo, any more of that talk and I’ll report you to Mrs Desiree Carthorse. (You’ll need to get Trekkie to explain that one to you if you can’t figure out what I’m on about there.)



    Weilyn, if it makes you feel any better, I knew what you were talking about.

    Of course, I’ve watched just about everything Monty Python’s done.

    Don’t know anything about the Goodies though.



    Ok, moving away from 70’s British Comedy now, and back to heromachine.

    New team for you.


    Galactic Guard.


    Name: Aesia Kael
    Species: Damouran
    Abilities: Cybernetically Enhanced Body, Hyper-Reflexes, Perfect Aim

    Name: D’Jala Ren
    Species: Rkuten
    Abilities: Limb/ Tail Regeneration, Wall Climbing Ability, Venomous Bite, Medical Expertise

    Name: Arya
    Species: Sol Deitiis
    Abilities: Flight, Resistant To Spaces Vacuum, Temperature Resistant, Super Strength, Can Emit Light

    Name: Grawrp
    Species: Golem
    Abilities: Injury Resistant, Super Strength

    Name: Mira Abina
    Species: Svetalen
    Abilities: Hyper-Reflexes, Super Speed, Galactic Class Pilot

    Team Profile: A detachment of powerful law enforcement agents and war heroes given a mission by the Cosmic Council to protect the Grand Galactic Expanse from chaos, disorder and those who may cause it. They have a remit to do what ever they think necessary in maintaining the peace, up to invasion or destruction of planets. They are currently hunting the genocidal being Omnion, who has taken refuge on/ is attempting to conquer Earth.



    So cool! D’Jala Ren’s face is amazing, Arya looks badass and Mira Abina’s outfit is genius in its simplicity. But I particularly like the shading on Grawrp, that must have taken ages and it looks amazing!

    And Trekkie, yeah it does make me feel better Wink



    Thanks Weilyn. I kept on saying to myself ‘This is going to look awesome’ over the three days (on and off) it took me to shade Grawrp, so I’m glad it’s getting that sort of reaction.



    Grawrp is fantastic, the shading was worth it, and I, too, love Mira Abina’s outfit.



    The colors on this team are brilliant and wonderfully compatible!!I love it! I seem to be drawn to Arya,great work,I see you are just getting better and better!If that IS possible!WinkCongrats on your 1199 post!………Jerk.SurprisedYou know that was for a laugh.



    Thanks guys.
    Scat, it is definitely possible for me to get better, believe me. BTW I think you’ll find it’s 1201 now.Wink



    @JR19759 said:

    Thanks guys.
    Scat, it is definitely possible for me to get better, believe me. BTW I think you’ll find it’s 1201 now.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

    blah blah blah!!

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