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    “After I absorb all this radiation and find out who did this, I’ve got a VIP, (Very Intensely Painful), ass whipping to dish out!” Amy is still totally unaware of her twin brother’s existence. But a family reunion is inevitable! http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/absorbing-radiation.png



    Not the actual meeting; more of a teaser. Amy was a saved pic and I just took out the original companion and worked Adam in. Again, poses from out my head. I want to find something really cool to copy from.AMY-vs-ADAM.png



    I’ve been gone for a while and man you’ve improved big time! Wow these new creations of yours are really awesome. I especially like the effects on amy atom’s new found ability. Pretty cool!



    Thanks, PPRS. Coming from you that’s a big boost. I’ve missed your work; as you may or may not have seen there are a couple of newcomers who have really been doing some great poses like yours. Also, some of these are “cheaters” in that after I finish the HM stuff, I use myPhotoEdit for filtering and over effects. It’s all trial and error, as none of the effects are described, so I just try it and delete if I don’t like it. I’ve also found that the filtering adds so many kb’s of data that the finished product is sometimes to large a file for HM to handle.



    Amy and Adam’s parents.amyadams-parents-1.png



    A few more Amy Atom studies. These pics are filtered, but what I’m trying to do is get those filtered looks using 100% Hero Machine. I’m finding that a lot of it is in the highlighting/shading. The first pic is the least filtered. I also found that too much filtering adds so many kb’s to the pic and makes it too much data to post on HM.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/hot-amy.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/hot-amy2.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/08/Hot3.png



    Another Amy Atom study. Found a cool pic to copy from. Advice, critiques welcome.http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/midget.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/wndbassplayer/2013/09/pose-study-amy.png



    Guys, I’m so bummed out this morning. Yesterday, I was working on Amy’s origin story of how her parents met, and while I was posting it my connection crapped out on me! Because I mostly write in a stream of consciousness style, it’s all lost! I had a few references for some details that I had to have correct, but the whole flow is whatever came from my head at that time. Add to that some personal stuff just going to hell, and anyway! Well, like they say, back to the drawing board. Meanwhile, I did save the art before that happened, so here are baby Amy and her parents, Drs. Henry and Cindy Lewis. I’ll retool an origin story and add it later. Amys-family.png



    Oh man, that sucks. That’s happened to me more times than I care to remember so I know how you feel. Now I usually type up long posts offline first so I can save them regularly just in case something happens.

    But on a much happier note, that’s a great pic.



    I really like that pose study you did with Amy. You nailed that pose and she looks great sitting on a pedestal like that.



    Thanks Angel, that’s a good idea to try. And thanks about the picture, too, but as I look now I see I left out Mom’s hands.



    Yeah great pose WMD! And Amy is really original. Never saw a superhero midget before. I guess i’ll try my hand at her if you will let me. :)



    @prswirve said:

    Never saw a superhero midget before. http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif

    You’ve obviously never seen my character Zane Harley….Although I suppose he’s not technically a superhero. Just super-powered. But anyway, I really like Amy Atom too :)



    Here’s a better look at Amy’s family and home. amys-home.png



    Thanks for the love, guys. PRS, go ahead. J.R. did an interesting take on her. By midget superheros you mean only on Hero Machine? The Golden Age Atom was a midget and Puck from Alpha Flight, (Canadian X-Men), was also a midget.

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