Heroes & Villians of Vengeances

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  • This topic has 1,205 replies, 62 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by Vengeance.
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    Tried to use Cliffs hot ember background I think he did a much better job then me, but am very happy with the look of Charcoal



    Ohh, Charcoal is looking good! All good effects you have going there and I’m liking his ‘hair’ quite a bit. I think Cliff is a master at effects so if you can’t match it exactly, it’s understandable.

    He’s working on me to make better backgrounds (as it wasn’t my focus when I started with the HM). I’m sure he will describe in detail how he did that effect if you really want to nail it down.



    The Young American
    His body is able to transform all toxins into energy, because of this not only does he age slowly, he does not tire easily. The more and harder he works the stronger he gets. He is an outstanding hand to hand combatant. He is not a “Event” powered being he was given powers through genetic manipulation, by  inter dimensional beings known as the Zalordeen



    Gold Star


    Herr D

    Is Gold Star the hero who bails you out if your good deed went horribly awry? Nice work on him and Charcoal.



    I agree with Herr D, Charcoal and Gold Star are truly well made. Also, i would add The Young American, since i simply like how he looks.



    Thank You Lull-carae, HAHAHA Her D a bail bonds joke



    Name:Andrew Lawson
    A.K.A.: Electron
    Powers: Can control all energy across the electromagnetic  scale:however he prefers to only use  Electrokinesis ( to create bolts of lighting and to interface with electronic equipment ) and Electromagnetism ( for flight and super strength, and  )
    Special equipment/armor : can convert his body mass into electric  energy and teleport)
    Bio:Andrew has had control of his “Event ” given powers since his teen years. During his early and mid 20’s he used his “electro” abilities as 1st a I.T. repair person and later as a programmer ( Andrew can interface directly with any electron device). his ability as a programmer allowed him to create his own company before he was 30, He has become a very rich man. (worth around 35 billion)



    Great job on Electron. The costume is very creative (I especially like the way you did the insignia). Nice colors on him. The backstory is interesting. Glad he put his abilities to good use outside of fighting supervillains.



    Thanks            added a small bio on The Young American



    Dude, you might want to repost the last thing you put up on here. For some reason  the post was glitching the thread into thinking there was a page 56 when there wasn’t meaning that anyone who clicked on you most recent reply on the Art Gallery list was just taken to an empty reply box with no way to navigate to earlier pages on your thread. I’ve removed your last post and that seems to have fixed it and I’m just adding this reply to let you know what happened and to test whether the problem is properly sorted out.




    Herr D

    Great job on Electron. The costume is very creative (I especially like the way you did the insignia). Nice colors on him. The backstory is interesting. Glad he put his abilities to good use outside of fighting supervillains.

    Agreed. Like that backstory especially . . . btw, my joke was “getting a gold star” . . . now I’m not sure that was obvious . . .



    Name: Matthew Branson
    Alias : Fire Ant
    Powers : Bio-electric sting
    Armor/Skills/Equipment: Fire Ant suit which allows him to Shrink, Gauntlets which increase and allow control of his sting ( from a mild sting to a energy bolt that can melt armor )
    Bio : Matthew’s event power is his bio sting without his Gauntlets his sting ranges in power from a mild sting/shock up to enough energy to knock a person out. The Fire Ant suit was built by his Father as a means to operate on human nervous system’s. His father was killed by members of the Criminal organization The Council . Matthew took control of the suit to bring them to Justice



    Name: Baxter Thompson
    A.K.A. Hydro
    Powers:Superhuman Strength, Endurance, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, and Senses
    Super speed Swimming: He is able to swim at supersonic speeds.
    Hydrokinesis: The psionic, elemental ability to create, manipulate, and control liquid water.
    Underwater Breathing: He can breathe underwater.

    Bio :Hydro is the offspring of Inter-dimensional( liquid based) being and a non-event human. His fathers non-human make up give Matthew his powers. Matthew has grown up in his Father’s home world. and has only recently come to earth



    Good character ideas Vengeance. Their background information is really fun to read. I’m not sure where you find all these cool backgrounds, but they always seem to go well with the characters.

Viewing 15 posts - 811 through 825 (of 1,206 total)

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