Heroes and Villains

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    I know the rules about limiting yourself to 1-2 galleries, so this is my other, COMPLETELY seperate gallery to my main one, they are totally different worlds, my main one is a semi-realistic dystopian look at the future, this is pure fantasy and superheroes, they are no way connected, so thats why I’m posting a new gallery http://www.heromachine.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif Anything that isnt to do with the Futureworld will go here.

    Name: Edward Allen
    Alias: Eddie Val Halla
    Age: 32
    Occupation: Rockstar
    Affiliation: Network of Heroes (NH)
    Abilities: Eddie’s guitar can project lightning and forcefields, power of the Norse Gods.
    Bio: Lead Guitarist and Virtuoso Edward Allen was playing with his band Thors Hammer during a heavy storm when all of a sudden a lightning bolt hit the stadium causing a powercut, overloading his amp and guitar. During which time he had a vision from the norse god Odin, telling him that he is a long lost descendant of Thor, and to realise his potential. From then on he bacame Eddie Val Halla and with his guitar powered directly from the gods he can direct bolts of lightning, and direct electric forcefields to protect himself and others.




    Name: Sir Arthur Nightingale
    Alias: Nightingale
    Age: 38 (in 1921)
    Occupation: Inventor, Pilot, Adventurer
    Affiliation: Network of Heroes (NH)
    Abilities: Inventor of kinetic based energy weapons.
    Weapons: Shockwave Pistol: Fires an invisible ball of energy that causes great damage. ThunderFist: Essentially the same technology but used with a hydraulically powered gauntlet.
    Bio: Nightingale served as a Commader of the RAF during World War 1, he was an exceptional and daring pilot, shooting down many German planes. After the war was over he took to inventing, and learnt the secret of energy based weapons way back in 1921. With his breakthrough he boarded his plane to America to present his findings to American scientists. Along the way, he flew through Burmuda Triangle, his plane started going crazy and he eventually blacked out. When he woke he found himself in present day, coincidently, the Network of Heroes HQ is the same lab where he originally intended to land. He seeks a way to get back to his time.




    Nice job.



    Name: Walter Fitzpatrick
    Alias: Neuron
    Age: 18
    Occupation: Student
    Affiliation: Supervillain
    Abilities: Levetation, Psychic, psionic, telekenitic and energy manipulation
    Bio: Walter was a troubled boy, never popular in school, other kids seemed to shy away from him as from an early age he displayed strange tendancies when angry, household objects tended to fly violently whenever his short temper sprung up. As he grew older he realised he had powerful psychokenitic abilities, along with powerful psychic and energy projection abilities. Although physically weak, he posesses such great power that he bacame one of the youngest and most deadly foes of the Network of Heroes, he can lift trucks and busses with his mind with ease, deflect oncoming missiles and his psionic attacks are capable of massive destruction. His only weakness is continued use of his abilities, his low endurance means he cannot sustain his powers for long periods of time.




    Name: Michael “Morty” Draven
    Alias: Death’s Hand
    Age: 40
    Occupation: Bio-chemist researcher
    Affiliation: Villain/Neutral
    Abilities: Poison/Paralysis by touch, poison and venom resistance, super healing factor.
    Bio: Morty was a research scientist working specifically with animal, insect and reptile venom, to test for adverse effects and to design treatments and anti-venoms. During a routine experiment a freak accident happened, and a whole shelf of preserved venoms and poisons came crashing down on him. The amount shouldve killed him many times over however because he was so used to working with such fluids it actually boosted his immune system to unheard of levels, as a side effect, any living being he touched bacame instantly paralysed due to such high concentration of venoms in his skin. Shocked of this at first he realised he could not go back to normal society and fled to the underworld, he eventually emerged as Deaths Hand, as a hired assassin with a deadly touch.




    Name: Mimi and Leelee Fujikoma
    Alias: Mimi and Leelee, the Fujikoma Twins
    Age: 16
    Occupation: School pupils
    Affiliation: Villain
    Abilities: None
    Weapons: Flail and sledgehammer.
    Bio: The Fujikoma twins are twisted and evil psycho Japanese schoolgirls, snatched from an early age and raised as bodyguards for a crime syndicate, using their sweet and innocent composure to catch anyone off guard. Mimi carries a deadly flail, capable of impaling victims and Leelee carries a huge sledgehammer, bludgeoning opponents to death. They show no mercy and will kill just for the pleasure of it, giggling to themselves as they do it.




    i think death’s hand is the best one yet.



    @FRM said:

    i think death’s hand is the best one yet.

    thanks! I tried to give him the “reaper” look, mixed with Ghostrider and The Punsiher 🙂



    tou sure got that down!



    what happened to that picture that was “moved or deleted”? did you break a copyright or violate terms of use crap with Tinypic?



    @FRM said:

    what happened to that picture that was “moved or deleted”? did you break a copyright or violate terms of use crap with Tinypic?

    not a clue! only just noticed that! ill reupload it, I assure you I didnt break any copyrights!



    Nice work.



    now they can be called the disappearing Fujikoma Twins!Wink



    @FRM said:

    now they can be called the disappearing Fujikoma Twins!http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-wink.gif

    yeah not a clue w hy they got deleted first time round…



    Nice work.Smile

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