dblade's Whiz Bang Item Dispenser

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    @DiCicatriz said:

    As far as resizing issues: You know that you can always use the percentage values on the scaling graph. You can just type in a value for how much bigger/smaller you want manually in those boxes. As long as you keep the numbers equal in each box, the item will be in proportion. It’s also a good way to experiment with sizes. You can see how much of a difference a 1% increase can make in either value, or even go beyond the 200% limit that using the cursor puts on you (although the highest you can go is 999%). Hope this helps.

    What I’m talking about is when doing something where the numbers in each box is NOT equal, which I do a lot. In that case it works very well when the object is set to 90 degree intervals. When they set at 45 degree intervals though they warp much much worse. If the numbers remain equal it’s fine, either way but if there’s any difference there is a noticeable skew.

    And it’s not a demand, it’s a suggestion based on a problem I’ve had. I just wanted to make sure my point was clear.



    Bad-People what items are you talking about? The only items iv seen on a 45 degree angle are the tech ones. and if you just set the rotate to 35 youve now got your 90. I do understand that it gets fustrating sometimes when items dont work out but thats half of the fun of the machine is figuring out how to fix those problems and the solutions you come up with. All of us that have made intricate images have had to mask, double up and macguyver ALOT of stuff.

    Jeff, dblade and madjack (im sure theres another creator out there sorry) create these pieces based on the ease it is to them and how functional it is in the machine. If you want to take your hand at redoing some of those into a 90 degree then please try. I WISH I could draw items up, but it really is a major talent that takes serious practice.


    I think what Bad-People is talking about is this


    Because the sword was created at an angle, it can’t be made to be shorter or thinner by changing the values. The sword just ends up being warped.

    * I’m not saying Mad Jack or any of the artist should change how they do their work(they are doing an excellent job), just trying to illustrate what Bad-People is talking about.



    The one thing you have to understand about the entire concept of Heromachine 3. Jeff designed HM3 to have a lot of features for the advanced user to play yes, but the core item design and placement is design for the Non-advanced user to use it like it were HM 2. Click the item leave it in the default placement with the default sizing and forget about it. With that in mind ever item in the program needs to be place so that they work with the default standard pose without the user needing to do any things at all to alter that item. Any difficulties the “Advanced” user encounters as a result of the default positions is something they as a said Advanced user just needs to work around.



    Iv actually already came up with a solution to the sizing issue. Someone can maybe do a recipe or whatever for it as I dont know how. But when your wanting to make a sword longer, just grab a insignia and mask the length of the sword on that and keep overlapping it untill its the desired length you want. (Yes I tested it out and it works.) Now you dont have to play with the scale or anything, might be a little more work but thats the fun of heromachine.



    @RobM said:

    dblade, I’ve given some thought to what I might want as my prize for wining the Flying character design challenge.

    How about a more front facing perspective for an Energy blast but with Kirby-style crackle?http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/robm/2014/01/PerspectivePowerBlastReference4Dblade-1.pnghttp://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-image-uploads/robm/2014/01/kirbycrackle-1.png

    Or a men’s dress shirt with more realistic folds like the one in the Female set

    Hey RobM.
    I think I’m going to tackle the kirbycrackle energy blast. I haven’t tried that sort of thing yet.



    I’ve been looking through all the items you have made dblade and i use them lots so
    thankyou for making them Smile



    @JDJ2508 said:

    I’ve been looking through all the items you have made dblade and i use them lots so
    thankyou for making them http://www.heromachine.com/wp-content/legacy/forum-smileys/sf-smile.gif

    You’re welcome, JDJ2508! I believe my first item submitted was a crazy joker smile (my memory might be a little off though). Some of the items submitted to HM3 before we moved from UGO to this forum are not in this thread so you might be using some of mine that you don’t even know. :) Still a drop in the bucket compared to the massive amount of work Jeff put into the program.



    Kirby dotted energy blast for RobM’s Character Contest (Flying) win. I will add to the program shortly.




    That is awesome! Love the classics. Any chance to get just the circular auras without the blast…….



    @ams said:

    That is awesome! Love the classics. Any chance to get just the circular auras without the blast…….

    the easiest request ever! Laugh



    That is so cool, awesome work dblade!
    That might be an item I use a lot.



    The Kirby crackles have been added to the Machine. The two pieces should show up around 1:00 Central Time.



    Wow dblade you made the energy blast exactly like a combination of the description pics RobM put up Surprised



    @dblade said:

    Working on Kimono at the moment. No Color 2 at this time. Keeping the design simple. Still have to do the hard part (sleeves). Here’s a rough draft.


    This may/may not help w/ the sleeve…Hinky-dress-1.PNG

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