CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art

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    obviously shes using Anime Physics.



    obviously shes using Anime Physics.

    And headed towards a lifetime of back problems.

    For real though, looks great. πŸ˜€



    Yeah, her sword looks extremely heavy. But good!

    She has a sword…….I couldn’t see it………..;)



    Mad Jack

    Come on guys, stop dissing my buddy CantDraw. I think that girl looks beautiful and anatomically totally correct! tststs




    Mhhh, now I’m thirsty … anybody got a glass of milk for me?! whistle



    Yeah, her sword looks extremely heavy. But good!

    She has a sword…….I couldn’t see it………..;)

    Bwuahahahaha! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Dern!!! Made me spit cola all over my monitor.

    Good Job on this, CD!











    Hee, hee, hee! Well, she is magical after all. Oh, and sorry Mad Jack…er…I mean everyone I won’t be doing the Bare-barian version.



    “I won’t be doing the Bare-barian version.”

    Woah Woah Woah… lets just all settle down. Lets not go making rash decisions now, CD. We don’t want you <b>not</b> doing something you’ll regret. πŸ˜‰



    Well, I have a special one for you today. I’ve redesigned two of my all-time favorite characters in one picture and I’m adding them to the Pax Terra universe, the Pelican and the Dark Queen.

    The Pelican with Dark Queen

    The Pelican is one of five that touched a special meteorite decades ago and received the power of super-intelligence. With that intelligence, he turned his attention to alchemy where he created the Philosopher’s Stone. Unlike the legend, it didn’t provide long life or great riches; instead, it opened pathways to alternate realities. He also discovered by accident that the Stone could be used to drain the life energy from his alternate counterpart and transfer it to himself, giving him extra strength and speed, tougher skin, and longer life. He did this many more times and become one of the most powerful beings on the planet. Some time after he became the Pelican and was in operation for a long time.

    At one point, he retired and disappeared from public life for a decade or so. During the Fae War, he came back to stop Black Swan. He was the only male that Black Swan set her sights on that didn’t succumb to her magic. The Pelican had not been known to be resistant to magic, but he had found a new power while he was away. His retirement had come as a result of losing to a new villain that only he knew of, the Dark Queen; in fact, she had taken control of him to a certain extent. She used him to create a criminal network under the identity Black Dragon.

    Dark Queen’s power over Pelican is a result of his dark secret of killing his alternate selves. So, what’s her story? Well, that’s for another time…

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    Delirious AL

    I really like Midnight Masque. She’s kinda reminiscent of Chiana from Farscape. And Lady Gaga.

    You have great talent, my friend! πŸ˜€



    Here’s the pose I plan on using in the Poser Contest…if I have time to finish:

    Back Pose

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    Another member of Pax Terra, Feather:


    Feather hails from Brazil and is the only know descendant of the ancient Mu civilization, a bird-like race. She is able to grow feathers and became light enough to float, while using the winds to glide. Also, Feather is able to grow talons from her hands to attack.

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    Wow! Killer pose. Nice colors too πŸ™‚



    I love how you did the feathers, even down to the texture of the feathers on her legs, arms and back. Awesome dude.


    Mad Jack




    Amazing pose on that one, the feathers look perfect too

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