Blazing Blue Universe

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    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Hammer
    Real Name: Carl Kannon
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: above average strength and durability
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: two massive hammers
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: “Crash” Kannon
    Status: at large
    Carl was, for much of his adult life, a moderately successful boxer, but one infamous for unnecessary violence in the ring, earning him the nickname “Crash”. He was little more than a mad dog broken free of his chain during fights, relentlessly beating his opponents to bloody pulps even long after the bell was rung. Eventually, most of his fellow pugilists simply refused to fight him. Finally, Carl was able to book a fight with a newcomer, young and still relatively new to the sport. As usual, Carl took the fighting way too far, but this time, the kid didn’t get back up. Ever. With the somewhat accidental death of this opponent, Carl was finally ejected from the world of organized boxing. But the power he felt upon the true realization that his fists had literally murdered another person warped his already twisted mind ever more askew, and before long he had become a serial killer, beating unsuspecting victims to death with his hands. But soon even that began to bore him, until he got his hands on a pair of heavy hammers. After that, the hunt was on, and Carl had killed so many people before he was finally caught by the Raven that he had become the most famous villain in Caligo, at least temporarily. The papers dubbed him Hammer, a name that Carl likes very much as he sits alone in his cell on death row, awaiting either execution or freedom…




    Nice mask!


    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, Keric!


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Hammerhead
    Real Name: Nina Pepperidge
    Genre: Corporate CEO
    Power(s)/Ability(s): (as Stiletto) expert markswoman
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: (as Stiletto) various firearms, blades, and toxins
    Affiliations: M.A.C.H.I.N.E.
    Other Aliases: Stiletto
    Status: at large

    Nina was vice president of M.A.C.H.I.N.E. before it was brought to ruins by former operative Rage. She was spared in the carnage, but witnessing Rage’s rampage changed something inside Nina’s head. She had been the voice of reason that had kept the CEO, Rex van Landingham, from making a lot of stupid mistakes with the company while simultaneously warding off the romantic advances of Rex’s man-child son Peter and keeping the morally ambiguous CFO Gordon Bellows from doing anything too illegal. But when she found herself without a job and witness to the slaughter of so many MACHINE agents, she was filled with vengeance for the anti-hero who had ended life as she knew it. She became an assassin herself, completely revamping her image and turning into a sexy, seductive hitwoman with revenge in her heart. Her alias changed from Hammerhead to Stiletto, and though she is usually found on a mission for loads of cash, she always has Rage in the back of her mind.

    Like all executive level agents of MACHINE, Nina’s codename was that of a predatory fish.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Hanged Man
    Real Name: Hezekiah Hutchinson
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength; virtual immortality
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Major Arcana
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Hezekiah Hutchinson was born in 1768 in a seaside settlement that would one day become the coastal town of Tucker’s Point. His absent father was the feared pirate “Demon” Dirk Hutchinson, a seafaring outlaw notorious for his bloodthirsty ways. But Hezekiah’s mother was something far worse. She was the witch Lilith Wisp, the last living sister of the Blood Moon Coven, and a practitioner of the most gruesome of black magics. You might say that Hezekiah never really had a chance to live a decent life.

    When Lilith was finally revealed as a witch to the people of the town, they burned her at the stake. Hezekiah was made a ward of the local government, and was raised by various members of the town. But from an early age, he began to exhibit signs of his dark heritage, leading up to one of the most horrific series of murders that had ever been seen in the area, or has to this day. When he was finally apprehended, at the age of 23, Hezekiah had brutally murdered 29 of the townsfolk. He was hanged for his crimes.

    But more than blood had been passed to Hezekiah from his mother. Some of her terrible power had seeped into her son’s very essence. Although his soul traveled immediately to the depths of Hell, Hezekiah’s body remained relatively intact. He began to decompose, but at an exponentially slow rate, so that by the time he was accidentally unearthed in present day, he looked as though he’d only been dead for a month. And he is technically still alive.

    Without his soul, Hezekiah can barely be called alive, let alone human. What little mind he has is devoted, as in his first life, to the murder of other people. He was captured and is now being controlled by the Major Arcana, a group of supervillains based on tarot cards.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Hangman
    Real Name: Douglas Knight
    Genre: Serial Murderer
    Power(s)/Ability(s): stronger than normal; unable to feel pain
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: slipknotted rope
    Affiliations: The Criminal Court
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    “The Hangman,” as he has become known throughout the city, is a ruthless, insane serial killer with a penchant for lynching his victims. He is a member of the Criminal Court, serving on the execution squad with Guillotine and others. Though not a superhuman, Hangman has great strength and is unable to feel pain, thanks to a brain injury he sustained.



    Blue Blazer

    Hard Drive: Half woman, half machine, all hero!



    really like that hanged man concept I may have to stealĀ  err I mean borrow that idea


    Blue Blazer

    I’m back! But who knows for how long…..?


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Hardcore
    Real Name: Tony Barone
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: increase the density of his body, or any one part of his body
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Dynamos Strike Force
    Other Aliases: The Bullet
    Status: active
    In his mid- to late-20’s Tony was an amateur boxer and the widower father of a son, Matthew. Tony was known in the boxing circuit as “The Bullet,” because of his mighty punches and the solidity of his body. Often in fights he needed only one good punch to knock out his foe. Tony taught his son the values of honor and truth, hoping that the boy would grow up not having to fight for money.

    Tony’s brutal punches seemed to get stronger and more powerful over time, until the day that he paralyzed a challenger. It was then that he was asked to resign as the Bullet, as he had become such a liability.

    Thrown into depression, Tony began to drown himself in alcohol, paying less and less attention to his son Matthew. Over time, Matthew fell in with a Caligo gang, becoming a criminal as a young man. One night, he was killed in a dispute with a rival gang. Awakened from his drunken haze, Tony swore vengeance on all criminals.

    He learned that he had achieved such a powerful punch and thick body through a subconscious densifying of his flesh. He can cause his entire body, or just one body part, to solidify and become heavier. This helps him keep from being knocked down, avoid injury, and deliver a walloping blow with his fists. After a few months, Tony learned to consciously activate his mutant power, and began using it in the fight against evil in Caligo.

    After a short solo stint as Hardcore, Tony sought out and was accepted by the Dynamos Strike Force.



    Blue Blazer




    That dude rocks….

    I’ll show myself out.

    Although, being serious for a moment, I’m not sure about the colour scheme you’ve got going there. The red and the gold don’t really work with the gold being the primary colour and the red being the secondary. I’m also not sure about those two colours against such a dull grey. Maybe a darker red, but not red and gold. Also, whilst his face looks awesome in the full body shot, the illusion is kinda ruined by the close up, where it looks like he’s just eating rock. But other than that, I really like the costume and I have nothing bad to say about Hardcore at all, awesome costuming and shading there dude.


    Blue Blazer

    Thanks for the input, JR. I respectfully disagree (especially since Hardrock took me several hours to finish), but I always welcome constructive criticism.


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Hardwire
    Real Name: Angela Spack
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: electrogenesis, electrokinesis
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Citizensā€™ Hero League
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: de-powered
    In 2032, the technology-based company PresCorp discovered an amazing thing. By stimulating and manipulating the right genes, they could give a normal person amazing super powers temporarily. The effects lasted for about a week.
    To collect as much on this breakthrough as they could, PresCorp created a daughter company called Venture, Inc. Venture offered the process to those who would pay for it (a hefty sum), and then kept them on a compound on an otherwise deserted island. They would create adventures in which these people could use their powers. It was exclusively for the sake of entertainment and profit, letting the rich and influential people of the country live out the fantasy of being a superhero for a short time. Lengthy background checks were performed to ensure that none of the customers would use their powers for evil, as well as a cancellor gate, which would void all powers when passed through.
    There was a public outcry scolding Venture for making the experience so expensive and thus only for the wealthy, but no legal action could be carried out.
    But then the demons arrived.
    To call them demons is probably a misnomer. They were really just beings from another dimension. They had found a way to cross to our world, and when they saw that we were physically inferior, the invasion began. It soon became clear that the worldā€™s existing heroes were not enough. Therefore, the US military declared martial law over Venture, Inc.
    The ā€œhero surgery,ā€ as it was known, suddenly became available to anyone for free, as long as they were willing to volunteer to help battle the armies of beasts. And thus, the Citizensā€™ League of Heroes was formed. Many different powers were offered, and all were given to these everyday working people. Thousands applied and most were accepted. They were each given a crash course on how to control and use their newfound powers, and then they were sent to the fray. They were divided into teams of ten, each being led by a pre-existing superhero. makeshift hospitals were set up near the battle lines so that the week long powers could be continued as long as was necessary. They fought until the menace was destroyed. Many died in the battles. The rest returned to their normal, mundane lives, but with the memory of being and doing something extraordinary.
    Angela was the adopted daughter of superhero Megavolt. She was intrigued by his control over electricity, and therefore chose to wield the same power. Angela was killed by the Incubus.




    Love her costume. The pink detailing on the arm is a top masked right?

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