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- This topic has 1,208 replies, 70 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago by
Arcade Invader.
October 1, 2014 at 6:19 am #110949
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Firebolt
Real Name: Jimmy Lang
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: able to turn his body into living fire
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
Affiliations: none
Other Aliases: none
Status: active
Jimmy Lang was a member of the Caligo volunteer fire department. On a call to a burning chemical plant, Jimmy was the first firefighter inside, dashing fearless through the flames. Unfortunately, he was directly adjacent to a large vat of what would soon become known as X-13, a strange chemical that can bind a human’s DNA with any material he or she touches. As the container exploded, Jimmy was engulfed in both fire and the chemical. He emerged from the building as a being composed entirely of flame. He learned to turn himself fully human again, and back to his blazing state in an instant. While in his fire form, Jimmy calls himself Firebolt and can fly and generate balls or columns of fire that he can hurl at villains. He hits the streets everyday as one of the city’s foremost superheroes.Pictures:
October 1, 2014 at 6:23 am #110952
Blue BlazerParticipantPyrokinetic heroine Firebrand
October 1, 2014 at 7:46 am #111013
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Firebug
Real Name: Steven Parr
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: none
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: flamethrower suit
Affiliations: The Underground
Other Aliases: none
Status: active in the near future
In the late 2060’s, it will become evident to a few that the dealings of a shadowy company known as the Sphinx Foundation are in reality preparations for the capture and control of the United States. Because of this intelligence, a group of five superhumans formed a clandestine group called the Underground, dedicated to undermining and sabotaging the efforts of Sphinx.Steven was a firefighter who was kidnapped and cruelly and ironically tortured with fire by a ruthless gang. His right arm was burned completely off, and much of his skin was severely damaged. He was left for dead but found barely alive by the members of Underground, who worked quickly to save his life. Tech-savvy Undergrounder Psyko built Steven a life-sustaining suit, with the added bonus of a new robotic arm that could shoot a stream of fire at Steven’s will. He joined the team and has been known as Firebug ever since.
October 1, 2014 at 7:50 am #111014
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Firecracker
Real Name: Bobby Caldwell
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: can turn body into living fire
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
Affiliations: The Junior Defenders
Other Aliases: none
Status: active
Like the other members of the Junior Defenders, Bobby’s power stems from an accident at the Caligo Chemical Facility. When immersed by the spilled chemicals, Bobby became a being of fire in human form. He is quick-witted and loves to joke around, especially with the no-nonsense team leader Quasar.Pictures:
October 1, 2014 at 7:53 am #111015
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Firefly
Real Name: unknown
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: flight via wings
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: heat-creating gloves
Affiliations: Project 19
Other Aliases: unknown
Status: active (in the future)
Project 19 is a ragged group of heroes in the 22nd century. They are the last remaining resistance against the tyrannical Sphinx Foundation, which now rules the country with an iron fist and a cruel, hard hammer. America has been plunged into a second dark ages by the Sphinx executives. Anyone unable to pay the hefty price for comfortable living is forced to live in the ruins of the cities that once were, surviving on the remains. All five of these heroes were part of Sphinx’s efforts to create a superhuman, mentally controlled army. They were discarded when thought to be unable to cope with their bio-technologically installed powers.Firefly is a reserved young woman with large insectoid wings. Her only offensive weapon is a pair of gloves that can heat up to extremely hot temperatures. She is head-over-heels for Lazarus-X, but knows he is too wrapped up in the revolution to have time for romance.
October 1, 2014 at 10:48 am #111085
Blue BlazerParticipantFish Lad, founding member of the long-standing superteam HeroCorps.
October 1, 2014 at 10:52 am #111101
Blue BlazerParticipantTexas bounty hunter Flack
October 1, 2014 at 10:56 am #111102
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Flamethrower
Real Name: Jackson Sealey
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: turn his body into living fire
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
Affiliations: none
Other Aliases: none
Status: active
Jackson was a male escort for some of the richest women in Caligo. A classy dresser and debonaire lover, Jackson always knew exactly how to satisfy women who needed satisfying. But one night, his dormant mutant power suddenly surfaced and his client was burned to death. Horrified at what he had done, Jackson fled the scene. He was interrogated by CPD detectives because his DNA was found in the hotel room, but he denied being involved and not enough evidence was present to hold him, let alone convict.Eager to atone for the accident but afraid to reveal to the world what he was, Jackson took on the mantle of Flamethrower, and now fights crime on the streets. but the tragedy of that night still haunts him.
October 8, 2014 at 6:31 am #112300
Blue BlazerParticipantFletcher, a member of the London chapter of HeroCorps, is able to create a bow and unlimited arrows out of energy with his hands.
October 8, 2014 at 6:40 am #112301
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Flex
Real Name: Freddy Travers
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: able to stretch arms to incredible lengths
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
Affiliations: The Caligo Mutant League
Other Aliases: none
Status: active
Like his fellow Caligo Mutant League members, Freddy was born genetically advanced. From birth he was able to stretch his arms far beyond any human. He can also change their size and shape, forming crude objects like a hammer, key and much more. Flex was the first superhero to volunteer for the Caligo Mutant League, sponsored by the city government, and he was thus made the leader.Pictures:
October 8, 2014 at 9:50 am #112312
Blue BlazerParticipantFLINT
This terrifying villain’s body is composed of a highly volatile, combustible rock.
October 8, 2014 at 9:54 am #112313
Blue BlazerParticipantFLOODGATE
Hydrokinetic hero
October 8, 2014 at 9:58 am #112314
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Flyweight
Real Name: Eddie Stack
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: hollow bones, making him weigh almost nothing
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
Affiliations: Dynamos Special Operations
Other Aliases: Leap Frog
Status: active
The years of Eddie’s life until he emerged as a hero at the age of 23 are vague. He seems to have led a fairly normal life. Because he was born an anomaly, he didn’t even realize he was different until he hesitantly joined a local basketball team. It was then that Eddie exerted himself to his full potential to the amazement of everyone present, sailing 50 to 100 feet into the air and floating gracefully back down to the ground. Seen as a freak, Eddie’s friends stopped hanging out with him and he lived in moderate solitude for years, ashamed of what he considered a deformity. But his ability was noticed by the Dynamo Council and he was recruited to the newly formed Special Operations team. His first hero name was Leap Frog, and along with it came a ridiculous suit resembling a toad. When two of the members of the Spec Ops group died in battle, Eddie was moved up in the ranks and decided to shed his silly outfit in exchange for something a little less gawdy. At the same time, he changed his name to Flyweight. He is now the second-in-command of the Spec Ops sect of the Dynamos. Because his bones are hollow, they are also exceptionally strong, to the extent that they are harder to break than a normal’s would be.Pictures:
October 8, 2014 at 10:13 am #112317
Blue BlazerParticipantThe Fool is an impish little member of the Major Arcanum, a group of supervillains based on Tarot cards.
October 8, 2014 at 10:38 am #112318
Blue BlazerParticipantAlias: Forge
Real Name: Parker Payne
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: Shape metal at will and fuse it to his body
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: short metal poles
Affiliations: Dynamos Excelsior
Other Aliases: None
Status: active
Parker is the son of Dr. Peggy Payne, a scientist in metallurgical chemistry. Dr. Payne was working on a hybrid element that could break down the consistency of metal at the molecular level, making it easy to shape. She devised two inventions to aid metal workers in welding; one was a pair of gloves coated in the new element. She took the gloves home and hid them as best she could from her twin children, but the boy twin, Parker, found them.A mutation in Parker, which had remained dormant until he donned the gloves, reacted suddenly with the gloves, fusing them permanently to Parker’s hands. By the time Dr. Payne discovered her son’s predicament, it was too late. Parker was now endowed with the ability to shape metal in seconds, as well as fuse it to his body. Priscilla found the other invention and changed in a different way. Her entire body became galvanized.
Unable to cope with her children’s changes, Dr. Payne sent them to Power House, a secret school for superpowered children. The Payne twins learned the extent of their powers while there. After they left the school, Parker and Priscilla fought crime as a metallic duo.
But when the twins were in their late-20’s Priscilla, who had started going by the mantle Iron Maiden, was turned to evil by the magnetokinetically-powered villain Electromagnus. Despite her brother’s pleas, Priscilla left his side and became Electromagnus’s assistant and apprentice. Parker tried to rescue Priscilla from the villain’s clutches, but was defeated and hurt very badly. In fact, Electromagnus was able to rip Parker’s right glove, hand included, from his arm before Parker could stab him in the shoulder with a sharpened metal pole.
Priscilla fled and Electromagnus was placed in a metal-less containment cell. Parker was able to use his body’s power to reattach the glove, but his hand would be forever gone. Though the replaced glove serves adequately as an artificial hand, it doesn’t have complete mobility like his left.
Depressed by his failed attempt to rescue his sister and the loss of his hand, Parker, now known as Forge in the superhero world, sought out the famous team the Dynamos, and was placed in Excelsior. He still hopes to find and reform his twin sister.
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