Blazing Blue Universe

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    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Blue Marlin
    Real Name: Rob Springer
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: nautical mechanics expert
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: suit grants various underwater abilities
    Affiliations: Waverunner
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    The Blue Marlin is a hero of the depths of the sea. His suit enables him to breathe underwater, swim at an incredible rate, withstand the crushing pressures of the deep water, use sonar to guide himself in the dark, and also provides him with various weaponry. He is often seen fighting at the side of another ocean-dwelling hero, Waverunner. They both are in a constant struggle against the likes of Manta Ray and the Deep Six. Blue Marlin bears a wicked scar given to him by the nefarious Emperor Shark during an attempt to free the enslaved mer-people who live on the ocean floor.




    Sweet. Cool


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Blue Shield
    Real Name: Stephen Reed
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: above-normal strength
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: armor, shield, sledgehammer
    Affiliations: Blue Cross
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Blue Cross and Blue Shield are a crime-fighting duo who couldn’t be more different. Blue Cross is an incredible aim with his twin crossbows. He is into subtlety and stealth, and the nice, quiet kill. Blue Shield, on the other hand, is a heavily-armored, huge hammer-wielding alpha type, running into battle screaming war cries and bashing his foes with savage, almost blind fury.




    Hey, Blue Shield looks pretty awesome. The Blue Marlin is decent, and Blue Cross is pretty slick, too. (although he looks like he’s trying to draw attention to his groin with the black vertical stripe on his torso….lol)



    Ditto on Blue Cross and Blue Shield. They look great.



    Great concepts! I tried to copy your Lady Liberty’s pose with my character Arclight. My skills are nowhere near yours, but I like trying action scenes. Thanks for the inspiration. BTW, I have a Liberty also, but she is pretty much a living statue, inspired by the Statue of Liberty .


    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, guys! Blue Marlin is an older pic, but seemed good enough not to re-design for this thread.


    Blue Blazer

    @WMD, where did you see my Lady Liberty? I won’t get to her for a long while, I expect.


    Blue Blazer

    I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I was here. Gotta get back to it. Blue Steel is waiting for his turn…



    @Blue Blazer said:

    I can’t believe it’s been 2 months since I was here. Gotta get back to it. Blue Steel is waiting for his turn…

    Well hurry up and get back to it. I love your characters. :)


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Blue Steel
    Real Name: Tim Forrester
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: none
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: robotic body
    Affiliations: Division-X; PresCorp
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    Tim was an ordinary construction worker whose team was doing some renovations at the PresCorp headquarters in Caligo. PresCorp is a multi-million dollar research and development company specializing in bionics. When a weakly supported section of the roof caved in, Tim pushed a fellow worker out of the way, but his own body was crushed by the heavy debris. Nearly dead, Tim was transported to a lab within PresCorp to see if he could be saved. Looking for some good publicity, PresCorp CEO Harrison Prescott decided to turn Tim into a super-bionic man. Tim was reported as deceased to the public, but he was outfitted with a bulletproof robotic body and turned into the hero Blue Steel. He fought crime solo on behalf of PresCorp, with no memory of his life. Eventually, he was bought from PresCorp for a hefty sum by the US government and placed on their new super-team, Division-X.




    He’s BACK!!!!!!
    I was wondering where you’d got to man.



    Glad to have you backl! Excellent character to come back with, too.



    Welcome back you haven’t even lost a step great character



    Oh Yeah!


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