Blazing Blue Universe

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    Cool Character.


    Blue Blazer

    Name: Azatan Smith
    Genre: Fantasy
    Powers/Special Skills: master blacksmith
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Kingdom of Orrin
    Other Aliases: The Royal Weaponeer
    Status: N/A
    Azatan is the most prestigious blacksmith in the kingdom of Orrin, and is often commissioned by King Pergus to outfit his army with weapons and armor. Though Azatan basically loathes the company of other people, especially children, he is occasionally forced to take on apprentices in order to fill an order on time. He is incredibly strong and can outdrink anyone else in Orrin, and is fancied by many a maiden, but none have penetrated his gruff personality. He mostly lives his life in complete solitude, just him, his hammer, and his anvil. His incredible talent affords him the ability to not be overly respectful to the king, who actually respects the smith’s lack of fear and brutal honesty towards him.



    Blue Blazer

    Name: Azrael
    Genre: Demon
    Powers/Special Skills: flight via wings; super strength; near-invulnerability; shape-shifting; prehensile tail; expert strategist
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: Dreadblades
    Affiliations: Army of Hell
    Other Names: Satan’s Champion
    Status: primarily in Hell
    Azrael is Satan’s second-in-command and the general of the Army of Hell. One of his tasks is to train the army in preparation for the day that Satan and his minions free themselves from the confines of Hell and invade Earth. Like the other chief demons, Azrael was once an angel in Heaven. When Lucifer began to amass angels in the attempt to overthrow God, Azrael was the first to pledge loyalty to him. After the great ensuing battle, Lucifer and his fellow rebels were cast out of Heaven into the abyss, where there bodies were warped and twisted into monstrous forms. Azrael can travel to Earth, but when he is there his power is greatly diminished. He wields the twin Dreadblades, which are two swords that gain more power with every soul that is condemned to Hell. Though he looks brutish, Azrael is a shrewd war tactician. It was in a fight with Azrael that Father Devlin lost his right arm and rendered comatose.






    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, dude!



    Ah, finally. Should be getting into B territory soon.


    Blue Blazer

    @Bad-People said:

    Ah, finally. Should be getting into B territory soon.

    Indeed. The hour draweth nigh.


    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Azure
    Real Name: impossible to be expressed in human language
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: flight; composed of various alien energies that can be emitted offensively; incorporeality
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hero Corps
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When an alien spacecraft crashed in the middle of Cavalier Park in downtown Caligo, the supergroup Hero Corps was dispatched to investigate. What they found inside was a strange blue being cowering in fear. Thew team’s leader, Ultimate X, attempted to gently take the creature’s arm, but found that it was completely intangible. The group stood watch around the craft until the alien could gather up the courage to come out. It was then that it started to communicate. It had no face and hence no mouth, but it spoke telepathically with the Hero Corps and explained that it was an inhabitant of a distant gas giant planet, and that it had been sent on an emergency mission to find help because the planet was being overrun by a hostile race of aliens called Oktrians. Ultimate X assembled a team of superheroes capable of interstellar flight and accompanied the being back to its planet. But they were too late. Nothing remained of the blue man’s world. Now without a home, he accepted Ultimate X’s offer to return to Earth and live among humans. He also offered a place on Hero Corps for the alien man, whose real name is completely unpronouncable. Meltdown, a member of Hero Corps, dubbed him Azure for his blue hue.




    Blue Blazer

    On to the letter B!


    Blue Blazer

    Name: Baal
    Genre: Demon
    Powers/Special Skills: virtually invincible; incredibly strong; able to travel between Earth and Hell
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Satan’s minions
    Other Aliases: The Golden Bull
    Status: primarily in Hell
    Made of the same gold used to construct the golden calf in Exodus, Baal is a demon who, like his inanimate predecessor, convinces people that he is a god, in an effort to bring more souls to his master Satan. He is also incredibly strong and his metal consistency makes him very resistant to damage. If he is wounded, he can return to Hell to heal all wounds. When in Hell, Baal’s job as one of the Six Princes is to torture a sixth of the souls condemned to the underworld. He takes great pleasure in running the through with his horns or trampling them under his hooves.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Baboon
    Real Name: Brock Bennett
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: enhanced strength and speed; prehensile tail; simian acrobatic ability
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: razor-sharp teeth and claws
    Affiliations: Sinister Society
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Brock was a small-time thug when he was thwarted from holding up a liquor store by Simian the monkey man. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison because of a criminal record a mile long. But there was a riot on his cell block that allowed Brock, along with several inmates, to escape. Brock wanted nothing more than revenge on Simian, but he knew that the hero’s incredible acrobatic ability and reflexes would always beat his brute strength. He caught wind of a genetics laboratory called Arkwright Genetic Institute, which was currently running tests on several baboons to determine if they were capable of learning complex human things. Brock broke into the lab and held one of the scientists hostage, forcing the woman to inject him with baboon DNA.

    Incredibly, Brock’s plan worked exactly as he had hoped. Almost immediately his body began to change into that of a humanoid baboon. Since then, Brock has been on the trail of his target, trying desperately to kill Simian and make his vengeance complete.




    The Atomic Punk

    Really good stuff! A whole universe of characters and that’s just through “A.” Really like Baal and the other demons. Can’t wait until you get to “S” for Simian.


    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, AP!


    Blue Blazer

    Name: Badge
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: expert at hand-to-hand and small arms combat
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: performance-enhancing, bulletproof suit; two pistols able to fire various projectiles
    Affiliations: Ford City Police Department; The N-Force
    Other Aliases: 100606-O; Oscar
    Status: active
    In the year 2123, the Ford City Police Department begins a new project used to eliminate human casualties in the war on crime. Lab-created clones are grown and trained from childhood to be the ultimate fighting machines, outfitted with advanced armor and weaponry, and then put on active police duty. Badge began as one of these hundreds of thousands of clones. He was known in the future as 100606-O, and he was no different than any of his fellow officers. But then the superteam N-Force were unwittingly hurled into the 22nd century, and they aided 100606-O in bringing down a notorious gangster. When the team figured out how to get back to the present, 100606-O was accidentally pulled through the time gate with them. Immediately upon arriving in our time, the future cop became more than a programmed soldier. Doctors examining him found that he, along with his brother clones, had been outfitted with a microchip that impeded their individuality and kept them from questioning their place in society. Now existing in a time when such technology wasn’t around, the link was broken and he was free to be his own man.

    Now known simply as Badge, he attempted to assimilate himself into the present day FCPD, but his methods did not fit into contemporary procedure. So he struck out on his own as a superhero. Because his previous identification number ended with the designation Oscar, he sometimes uses that name.



    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Badger
    Name: Neil Chandler
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: super strength and durability; ability to shift to a feral state
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: razor sharp claws attached to gloves
    Affiliations: The Totem Force
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Neil was never a good guy. In truth, he was always more or less a bully, quick to anger and prone to ridiculing others. His life as a superhuman began because of his gambling addiction, on a trip to a casino on an indian reservation. As he was staggering drunkenly to his hotel one evening after losing a ghastly amount of money, he came upon two men attempting to rob a young Native American woman. He stopped the mugging and sent the men running; not out of a sense of honor but because he thought the woman was good-looking and would sleep with him if he intervened. She did not, but she did reward him with a small totem of a badger. Neil was angered, but the little statue looked valuable and he thought he could sell it.

    But he quickly discovered that the totem imbued him with uncanny physical strength. He tried becoming a masked superhero for a time, and even briefly joined the Totem Force, a supergroup composed of other totem recipients, but his savagery and ill-temper were not conducive to the hero’s life. Gradually, Neil realized that in truth, he wanted to use his new ability for his own gain, especially to be an ever bigger and more powerful bully as the Badger. The totem also allows Neil to slip into a state of almost blind fury, further enhancing his strength, speed, agility, and resilience but causing him to destroy everything around him without prejudice. His costume is equipped with incredibly sharp claws used for slashing his prey and any object that’s in his way.



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