…automatically change my creation according to the stats on a character sheet?

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery How Do I … ? …automatically change my creation according to the stats on a character sheet?

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    I’m hoping HeromachineĀ can be used a bit like Skyrim’s character creator– pull a slider along and the appearance changes- but instead of choosing eye colour, i want to be changing the strength stat on my character sheet and seeing physical changes to match on my Heromachine creation.

    Let’s say i’m doing point buy in D&D. I decide to take some points out of constitution -my peasant begins to look palid, tired and generally naturally goth- and put them into charisma, which clears up his acne and gives him better teeth. I decide which weapon to use, and it appears on his shoulder. I buy him the paranoid talent, and his eyes dartĀ from side to side.

    Is any of this possible with HeroMachine? Could it be possible with third party tools, or careful scripting?



    No. Not in the way you are describing anyway.

    You can change how strong your character looks by using different body items, you can change your characters skin tone and hair colour by changing the colour (maybe even trying custom colours) Ā and trying out some shading to make him look more gaunt or whatever, and as for weapons, try moving them to his shoulder. Can’t make his eyes dart from side to side though.

    You’ve got to remember that Skyrim was created by a company with a large amount of money behind them, whilst Heromachine was created by one guy with not even a quarter of the money put into developing Skyrim, so you aren’t going to be able to do as much. But you can customise your character in almost unlimited ways provided you can figure out how to.



    Thanks for the answer. Just to be clear, i can’t script any of these actions? Even with something like Autohotkey?




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