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    Great character.


    The Atomic Punk

    I like her!



    Just wanted to stop by and say your Voyager + my Space Cat = Dream Team! Smile Also Serenity Miller is amazing! You’re really good at writing btw.



    Thank you.

    I’ve long since come to the conclusion that I’m far better at creating character concepts and stories than I could ever hope to be at creating actual images for said characters.



    This character was going to be part of an entry into this weeks contest but it took me almost a week to get him looking even semi-decent and when I started on the second character that should have been in this image, his sister, I couldn’t get her looking right at all. So I kinda gave up on that.

    I was happy enough with this character that I thought I may as well post him.

    Masked hero and federal agent (in training) as part of a team charged with tracking down new meta-humans, to aid them in the safe use of their powers or take down the more dangerous ones….This is Surge.



    Those last two characters rock. Serenity has a cool story and I love the glowing effect on Surge. That mask is pretty wicked, too.



    @CantDraw said:

    Those last two characters rock. Serenity has a cool story and I love the glowing effect on Surge. That mask is pretty wicked, too.

    Thank you. I do like to play around with light effects.

    And that mask was really what held the character up for so long. I had a very specific image in mind but when I tried it out, it looked ridiculous. The one you see there is actually a much simplified version of what I started with.



    I agree with CantDraw, that glowing effect on surge is pretty awesome!



    Just a quick one.


    Cockroach is a petty and spiteful man filled with hatred. But the sad truth is, he wasn’t always like this.

    Years of cruelty and mockery have sent the formerly quiet Bernard Wilson over the edge.The laughter and insults of his peers, who made fun of his short stature and “ugly” appearance made the hatred fester in his heart but he remained resolute that one day things would get better for him. That day never came. Instead, things got far worse.

    Like many others across the world, Bernard began developing insect like abilities. But unlike those who gained elegant gossamer wings and incredible strength, Bernard grew ragged and torn wings and his features seemed to deform even more. He became a monster. Some people screamed and ran from him. But still some simply laughed…Bernard wasn’t sure which hurt more.

    It hurt Bernard to see the “beautiful bugs” like Vespa and Dragonfly parading around in public as beloved heroes while he remained little more than comedy material for others. His hatred for his insect brethren grew but it was a single mocking comment from a complete stranger that he looked like a Cockroach that finally pushed Bernard over the edge and gave him the motivation to finally try and change his life. He took the name Cockroach and ran with it. He fashioned himself a crude costume and declared himself “Cockroach, the Vermin King”. He wouldn’t take the mockery anymore. He would use his powers to hurt those who hurt him. And he had been hurt a lot.

    The ever increasing population of insectoid humans, led by the Ant Queen, tried to welcome Cockroach into their ranks (in the hopes of preventing from him from becoming something terrible) but even the seemingly accepting ones still looked at him with little more than pity in their eyes. This only enraged Cockroach even more and he declared them all his enemies.

    So far Cockroach has utterly failed to live up to his self appointed title of “Vermin King” and even the groups of vagrants and dull witted street thugs he has managed to bring into his employ eventually grow to hate the paranoid little roach. He has become so completely embittered and beaten down by society that he seems almost incapable of any emotion other than hatred and self-pity.

    Cockroach continues to play at being a super villain but few people actually take him seriously and his plans are usually quickly foiled. But recently some people have begun to take the little king somewhat more seriously. Mostly because the true extent of his powers have come to light.

    It would seem the name Cockroach was even more appropriate than even Bernard realized. In the past, Cockroach has been shot, stabbed and even caught in an explosion. He has survived through all of it. It was after surviving said explosion that Cockroach declared rather menacingly;

    “Through all the hardship and misery, all the blood and tears, Cockroach will survive….And I will outlive you all….I guarantee it…”



    Wonderful! You really captured the essence of a cockroach, another great design.



    That’s one brilliant backstory, makes me feel slightly sorry for the poor little bug-ger (sorry, had to).



    I agree with JR that is a great back-story it just makes you understand how someone can only take so much.


    The Atomic Punk

    I like “humans mutating into bugs” story line. Though I must say, insects make my skin crawl. Cockroach has a great story and his costume is well executed.



    It’s ironic that so many people seem to like Cockroach….Or maybe it isn’t….I dunno. Irony is hard.

    Either way, I’m glad you feel slightly sorry for him. That’s the emotion I was trying to evoke.



    Costume experiment for a brand spanking new character. I may come back and pose him better later but for now I wanted to focus on the costume.

    English anti-hero and surprisingly nice guy. He of the terrible pun name. Midknight.


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