Re: Weilyn’s Characters

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@JR19759 said:

I like the black bishop, I may have to steal that idea at some point (as that seems to be the thing to do at the moment

Thanks! Steal anything you want.

@Herr D said:
you are VERY capable of accepting potential inspiration. –I’m not sure what that’s called?

I’m not even sure what that means Laugh Thanks again for the bio!
The Reverend’s contest wasn’t really an inspiration for the chess pieces. I just wanted to create as much contrast as possible.

@RobM said:

Thanks a lot!

I made a couple of dwarven engineers a while back. I mentioned they worked on an airship, and figured it’d be fun to make the ship as well.

The KLS Mistpoeffer, Union Exocoetus class Airship-of-the-Line, 4th The Hague Squadron.