Home › Forums › Art Contests & Challenges › ONE PART, MANY CHARACTERS contest…… › Re: ONE PART, MANY CHARACTERS contest……
I’d like to apologize for my absence on this week’s contest in being almost a week late! Life has been catching up to me and I should have left a message or two prior to it. I hope I have not caused a ruckus or set back in the contests!
So since I have no idea how to judge, I’ll make up my own judging system? I mean, if there’s anything wrong with it or if you guys would like me to use the other one I’d be more than happy too. But I’ll try to judge by my own system for now until further change. xP
Story: Chang: Surviving two invasions? That’s hardcore. Clarissa: A love story about me? How about that!
Edge: Clarissa
Background: I’d say Chang’s edges out Clarissa in this one. The color choices for the grass and sky go hand in hand. Clarissa’s background was nice as well, felt like a true work place for Clarissa.
Edge: Chang
Usage of Items: Chang: 6/10. I like the usage of the mustache as eye brows and bats! But the tail seemed a bit typical for usage, but the arrow tattoos are spot on in using the items in a different way. Clarissa: 7/10. Seemed like she got a bit angry after I moved on a bit… The tail as a broken end of a mop definitely makes sense. The mustache use as spiders was quite fitting as well! the arrow however seemed a bit out of place. But still great usage of items in both pictures!
Edge: Clarissa
Emotion: To judge from Chang’s POV, I can imagine the battles he’s seen and the people he has killed. A true warrior at his finest. Clarissa on the other hand of the spectrum decided to go with the love approach and make it all lovey dubby by trying to impress me. Sorry Clarissa, you’re not my type.
Edge: Clarissa
Overall Picture: While Chang’s picture is simple and clean, Clarissa had a bit too much going on in the picture. While it symbolizes her attempts at trying to work her magic, Chang’s simple representation wins him this category.
Edge: Chang
And now, the overall winner is… Clarissa! Congrats Herr to winning this week’s contest! But I still won’t be wooed by Clarissa.
Sorry for the hold up everybody!