Re: Nobody’s Home

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When Eddie left after his disagreement with Nighthawk and the new Nobody, Nighthawk found himself training yet another sidekick but this time by his choice. Julian Myers was in a bank when the Drama Club attacked and held everyone hostage. Nighthawk went to fight the Drama Club alone against Gustav’s and Tom’s pleas for him to wait until Tom could get there to help. Nighthawk bust through the skylight of the bank and faced off against the two villains unknown to him the Drama Club’s uncle was with them. Their uncle was known as Masquerade and got the drop on Nighthawk. Nighthawk was being tossed around the bank constantly the Club not letting him get a chance to attack was not aware that Julian was about to play hero. Julian had experience in in fighting she was an amateur kick-boxer and skilled gymnast. The Drama Club was taking off guard when this teenaged girl started kicking and punching them with great speed and agility the Club also skilled gymnasts and superhuman in strength quickly subdued her but it allowed Nighthawk to get his bearings and Tom to arrive. Nighthawk and Nobody soon defeated the Drama Club with assistance from Sovereign. Nighthawk then asked Julian if she wanted some proper training so she could do more good than what she already did. She began training and became Nightingale. Eddie returned to see Nightingale and quickly grew feelings for her though she never return them.