Re: Herr D’s CFLs

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Herr D


NSA Digital Text Recovery: TimeStamp 201308230030
Device: Disposables, Both Listed Stolen
Subject: Triad Hit Request For Mbumbwe
Assassin–Blond Fury
SpecSign: Possible Communique From Operative Known Only As Yokai

YO: MSG 2 BlondFury. RSVP. Brother Mbumbwe assured us that the “chip on his shoulder is no concern of ours,” that we should “see his side,” that everything is “all right,” that he will “stand firm,” and that we will “just wait as we should, and just swing by at the proper time.”
So, if you please, SWING BY, timed carefully, while waiting, leave him standing, cut off all that is left so that everyone will see his side, and leave the diamond chip earring that he wears on his shoulder. Please be quick, as assurances from those at our level should never be in doubt.
BlondFury: Minimum seven hours preparation and travel. Situation possible within thirty hours, guaranteed within one hundred. Multiple conditions lend an exact response. For the lack of doubt, and the elegance of a single stroke, I humbly request triple the average fee.
YO: Triple fee to be wired within four hours to usual location. No further communication for this matter.

Enclosed photo taken at TS201308240157 by covert op, NOC redacted at this security level. Pursuit unsuccessful despite likely dislocation of left shoulder. No collateral. Wire, fake hair, shredded cotton fibers recovered from scene. Cover story in place.

“When fighting is only done to the death, people are much more POLITE.”