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Herr D
Origin of the vigilante ‘Kaktus’ is still disputed. Her custom desert bike and crossbow were altered on the site of a compound owned by a former cartel operative. After the DEA razed the place, but before they double-checked it, the forge was fired up. A rapist with machinist training was kidnapped from a maximum security prison and tortured for approximately three days while he was forced to ‘advise’ Kaktus on how to rebuild her transportation and weaponry from debris and spare parts. She ‘grows her own’ crossbow bolts out of her body and tips them with points made of aluminum cans.
How did she get him in and out of a prison and a compound under guard? All anyone knows about that is:
1. There are cracks in the floors with root systems connected to groundwater.
2. The groundwater connects to the same underground river from both locations.
3. Both sites and the prisoner were covered with aloe when discovered.
4. Kaktus’ spines and prisoner fingerprints were discovered at both locations.
5. The prisoner couldn’t possibly fit through the cracks in the floors, was already a compulsive liar, and couldn’t have survived the travel time at the temperature of groundwater anyway.
**OPMC entry.