Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #4: Madame Malevolent

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #4: Madame Malevolent Re: dblade’s Villainy and Valor Creation Contest #4: Madame Malevolent



@Weilyn said:

Wow, thanks a lot! And congratulations to Fluffy and Harlequin!

I was missing clasped hand, or folded hands (I’m not sure which term is more appropriate), for prayer, or resting the hands on the end of a staff, or similar.

This is the closest I could find to what I imagined. Is it allright?

This should work. I’m not sure if this meets my “Standard Body Part” rule but I will make an exception since this should be quite useful for a variety of uses.