Re: Community Effort Idea

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Looking good JR

Yeah, so I mean this will basically be an interactive story, rather than a game-oriented RPG. And everyone can contribute and we can design the overall look. Might involve a bit of sharing and allowing artistic liberty with your characters etc, we’ll see.

I imagine people should be able to bring in and have majority control over several characters, to pad it out, particularly in the case of characters which or of a more NPC role, background characters, one off interactions etc.

On that note, I’m thinking as a supplement for the powers, perhaps there is a scientist from mainland China who has developed a serum which produces randomized (to an extent) superpowers. So either willingly or covertly characters come into contact with this serum and receive base level traits such as enhanced strength and speed, reaction time and the like, but also a random one off such as flight, TK, the ability to summon items they’ve touched in the past etc. And this serum is part of the reason the Corporation chose to strike.