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I plan on writing from the perspective of one of the higher ups in Ascension, so the realization of rogue troopers seeking pleasure women could actually be picked up on, and castration noted as a future ‘revision’ to keep the troops in line. After all, plot wise we are starting from what is initially an army of cobbled together mercenaries who seek mostly money. As the story progresses, Ascension do away with the human aspects, good or bad, and begin to harvest a completely obedient, soul-less horde with no free will.
By the way, JR, that’s absolutely perfect. That’s basically what I had in my mind too. I kind of like the painkiller idea, would explain why they are muted to to massacre at their hands.
On prswirve’s timeline idea, I actually think, while I’m not rooting for it, that there is no reason the timeline could take place over years, the nature of our entries lends itself slightly to that, there is no reason we can’t have a post dated December 2014 which briefly mentions what’s happened in the past while talking about a specific campaign in that time. The gap in time can be fleshed out by another author etc. Personally, I do see the robotic uprising as a major event, the Hong Kong portion could only be weeks, but Mainland China would be months, then there is room for expansion. As Ascension becomes more and more aggravated with the vessels, and with access to an immutable army (via facehugger type tech) then they start going after the home nations of the protagonists. Nuclear strikes anyone?
It becoming a global affair justifies prswirve’s end of the war entry. Which by the way is really nice, and I love the last line. But also dude, lol, it’s very, um “Then they did some things and the war was over. The end.” If it could be amended to a sort of “She did her part, but it was not enough” type of role that would be good. But not as keen on the idea of droid-army shield generators. Taking out a ship like that, which I see as more of a troop transport and vehicle carrier would be a blow, but there are heaps where that came from i’d say
On that note, anyone want a crack at designing those.
CONTEST ONE: The Invasion Craft
I’d like to think yeah, flying, bigger than an aircraft carrier, but not quite kilometeres long or anything like that. Hulking. Along the lines of a star destroyer, crossed with a reaper from Mass Effect, which is essentially my unimaginative mind crossing the two ultimate invasion craft cliches, but we can see what you come up with.
The triangle idea was purposely vague, they can be pyramids, upside down pyramids, obtuse, acute, point as the front, flat as the front, it’s up to you! Design feeatures, landing decks, loading bays, giant engines, legs for tearing up the city. Your call.
No prize unfort, just the satisfaction of creating a super badass mechamonstermachine which will become the undisputed canonical vessel. To be used against the vessels. Yeah. That’s confusing. Yeah.