Re: Agatha’s Characters and Creations

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They’re the same species as those big purple folk, who I’ve been doing some worldbuilding for which’ll be up here in a bit, but for now, here’s these guys. Psychically awakened, these women undergo a metamorphosis to become powerful psychic warriors, their abilities amplified by technology in this modern day and age. The pink coloration of their skin is a distinct and obvious result of their massive hormonal changes and body chemistry alteration, which marks their status as a sort of political warrior caste. In history, these individuals would happen rarely, but naturally, but the transformation can now be stimulated among individuals who pass medical and psychological examinations.

But whatever oh god these ladies took forever and they’re dressed ridiculous but eh

what can you do with goofy fantasy sci fi races

This first one is a powerful psychic, who specializes in telekinesis, energy blasts, and psychic manipulation of opponents. She is the definition of “impractical outfit” to a hilarious degree I’m sorry but she’s ridiculous and I love it ahahaha
This next one is a fast, mid-range warrior whose psychic abilities grand her extrasensory awareness and physical control, allowing her to effectively enter the equivalent of “bullet time” and supercharge her weapon strikes.
I called this one “punch mchit” in production, and she turned out wonderful. She uses her abilities to form a protective psychic field around her, which allows her control over the kinetic energy of her body. Basically, she can punch the bajeezus out of things. Those are also boost shoes.
This woman is a heavy warrior, a living tank with swords. She can expand her shields to become a living battering ram, and is terrifyingly fast and agile despite her size. When in doubt, get out of her way.