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Mad Jack

(click picture to see it in full size with more details.)


Magpie Headshot
(click picture to see it in full size with more details.)



Magpie has the ability to generate a field around himself which renders him completely undetectable by anybody or anything outside the field by making him entirely inaudible and shielding his bio-electric aura, kinetic energy, heat energy, and other evidence of his existence from any technological detection like x-ray scans, sonars, radio detections, etc. as well as mental, telepathic or spiritual powers.

In addition to this natural gifts, he wears a special refractive suit which can deflect the light around it as well as make its coloration blend with the coloration of its background and thus make him invisible to any array of biological and non-biological sensors.

This way he can move about an environment completely undetectable and imperceptible by others and act without being observed – pretty convenient for a cat .. errr … bird .. errr … whatever burglar … 😉