Category Archives: Uncategorized

META: Outage

We had a major wind storm here tonight that has left us without a barn door, missing roof bits, and no Internet access, so posting Friday will be light. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Nothing major, just aggravating thankfully.

Click for the new DamienBlog!

I tried to auto-publish my newest blog on Sunday, and screwed it up. For those of you who needed help with Masking, or wanted to know how I did my apparently famous "Beast legs", just click here!

Random Panel: What subtext?


Random Panel: Great moments in bad comics ideas


(From "Wonder Comics" number 12, 1947.)

META: Access down

I'm posting this from my iPhone as storms have shut down my regular Internet access. Not sure when it will be back up so obviously, limited updates tip then. I'll still be drawing, though.

Poll Position: Cap's dead but his power lives on

Our "Poll Position" question this week is:


Because even when a hero dies, his powers ought to live on. Discussion after the jump.

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Random Panel: Great moments in bad ideas


(From "Golden Boy", 1945.)

Who Watches the Watchmen? I do.

I have literally just walked in the door after seeing "Watchmen" at the local theatrical establishment and I have a report for you, the loyal viewing public. Both of you. And the report is:

It's good. Very good. The short version is, this was a good psychological super-hero movie, like "Dark Knight" without all the uplifting stuff.

The Good: Excellent production values, solid if unspectacular acting, and an entertaining way to spend almost three hours.

The Bad: Adrian Veidt is way too skinny and weak-chinned, and the script is pretty superficial, not leaving a lot of room for deep thinking afterwards.

The Ugly: The septuagenarian audience surrounding me, all hacking up a lung at the same time. The oxygen tank to iPhone ratio was way too high for comfort, but on the plus side there weren't any children in the theater. Diapers, yes, children no.

More after the jump.

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Random Panel: Recession-proof job descriptions


(Image ©1992, Marc Silvestri, from "Cyberforce" #1.)

Random Panel: Great moments in bad ideas


(From "Boy Comics" no. 3, 1942.)