Category Archives: Uncategorized

RP: Husband fail

(From "Stars and Stripes" number 3.)

RP: The ultimate gamer weight loss plan

(From "Fatman" number 1, 1967.)

Thor and Avenger designs

In my frenzy of blog-redesigning, I forgot my "Things I Like" post on Saturday. So without further ado, I would point you to Chris Samnee's "Thor: The Mighty Avenger" design sketches for his upcoming run on that book. It's got some great costume design tidbits from a really gifted artist, it's well worth a look-see. I like the hoodie built in to the cape on this page, for example:

Good stuff.

SOD.078 – Skeletor


RP: Believe me, you don’t want to meet “Righty”


(From "Master Comics" number 52, 1944.)

Random Panel: When men were men and butter was a food group


(From "Bulletman" number 15, 1946.)

DragonCon update

This rivals anything I have ever seen ... The geekage goes to eleven ...

Open Thread: Super weekend!

So what do super-heroes do on the weekend, anyway? Your thoughts in the comments ...

Friday Distracticon: Serial trouble and I don’t mean Captain Crunch

So by Friday, I'm usually pretty brain-fried and in need of distraction, a state which I am sure is shared by most of the world plus the people who read this blog. So during my jog this morning I thought of a new sort of Transformer called "Distracticons", whose only real power is to make their opponents stop paying attention for long enough to escape:


This week, I've been a bit distracted by the "Wednesday Comics" experiment by DC. If you haven't heard, each week DC is publishing a set of one-page comics stories on old-fashioned tabloid-sized newsprint, in an effort to revive the serial sensation of comics in their heyday:
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Random Panel: General Entendre the Second speaks


(From "Kid Eternity" number 2, 1946.)