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Delay in my day.

Today is our anniversary and our dog decided to give us puppies as a gift. She is having troubles and we have already lost two out of three. She is a new mom and didn't really know what to do. So far we have a little boy and we are going to call him Lucky because we were able to help him. We did have two girls past. Contest winner post will be a little late. Also I have posted a clip board at the bottom of the contest that has the schedule of the contest on it.

Update a baby girl was delivered right when I hit the post button.

Quick Note

This is a quick note to put out a few tidbits of information.

1. Moderator approval; I try to get the comment approved as fast as I can but sometimes a few things in real life slows things up (Sleep) so please be patient with me they will be approved.

2. Copyright material; please avoid saying that your characters are based on or looks like a copyrighted character. This will keep Jeff and the rest of us out of trouble.

3. Characters that are enter in a contest should be available for me to pull up and view for the complete week. I judge on Sundays and Mondays and if I can not pull up your character it will not be entered in the contest. This starts now, because this is the second week in a row that this has happen and I tried like crazy last week to give a person a chance but they did not reply, so as of today I will no longer waste time tracking down characters.

4. Negative Critique; please save your negative comments to Open Critique Day, don't post them in contests and challenges. Everyone has a chance to win. Plus use your critique to help a person, not to hurt them. In other words, say it nice or don't say it at all.

I would like to add that my wife, Isia, has been doing a lot to help me with the blogs and I would like to thank her for it.

A Christmas Story

I am a little later on getting the judging done on last weeks contest. I should have it posted sometime this evening. I like like to share a short Christmas story that I wrote for my wife awhile back. It is called "A Doll for Christmas."

Christmas was always a wonderful time, but this year would be a little sad for Angela.
All of her children have grown and it would be just her and her husband going to her mother's house for Christmas this year.  Seeing all the children running around and having fun saddened Angela even more.  Her husband tried the best he could to make her happy but he knew why she was sad.  She had been raising children for so many years and now there were none at home to take care of.  Some would find this to be a good thing, but Angela was a very caring woman and missed her children so.

Everyone called Angela's mom Mawme.  Mawme was ever bit as caring as her daughter
was, so Angela's husband decided to talk to her about Angela being sad.  Mawme told him to worry not, for she had the perfect present for Angela this year.  After Christmas diner was eaten, and all of the gifts exchanged, everyone began to go their way home.  Angela and her husband were the last to leave.  Mawme called Angela aside and took her off to another room.  Inside of the room was a big present in the middle of the floor.  Mawme told Angela that it was a special present.  Angela open the present up and it was a life size doll of a little girl.  Angela told her mother that it was very beautiful and thanked her with a hug and a kiss.  Mawme whispered into Angela's ear, "You will know what to do with her when the time is right.”  So off went Angela and her husband, back home to their everyday life.

Angela put the doll in her bedroom so that she could see her every morning as she
awaken from a night of sleep.  One morning she was still very sad, and her husband was off at work, so she sat down in front of the doll.  With a tear in her eye she reached out and took the doll into her arms.  Closing her eyes she made a wish, "If only you were real." she cried. "I would love you forever just as I do my own children."  She wrapped her arms around the doll and squeezed it tight, and as she did she could feel the doll squeezing her.  She open her eyes and there before her was a real life little girl. Joy filled Angela's heart once again, she took the child into her arms and held her tight.  "I will name you Samantha and you will be my daughter." she told the little girl, "And you will be my mommy." Samantha told Angela.

The days went by and love and happiness once again filling Angela's home.
Christmas at Mawme's would be happy once more.  Angela walked up to Mawme, holding
Samantha's hand, and told her mother of the wonderful gift that she had given her.  Later that day Angela was talking to Mawme, as they watched Samantha play, "Will she ever grow up." she asked, "Yes." Mawme replied.  "But how will I tell her that she once was a doll?" Angela asked Mawme.  A big smile game across Mawme's face, as she looked at Angela, "I never told you."

The End

I hope that everyone liked it. If anyone else has a short holiday story feel free to share it with us.

Blog Etiquette

I would like to take a moment to talk about blog etiquette.

1. Please do not hijack the blog. Let Kaldath or I know (by PM) if you are needing something posted.

2.Please stay on topic.

3.Please refrain from bickering on the blog. If you feel the need to criticize please use Private Message.

This is a friendly blog, let's try our hardest to keep it that way.

Many Thanks,


Movie Critic

Here is your chance to be a Movie Critic. Today's Movie is "Catwoman" starring Hallie Berry. Tell me your likes and dislikes, and what you would of done to make the movie better.

In my opinion, Hallie Berry is a good actress, but Catwoman she is not. Catwoman is my most loved villian/hero out there, so the movie fell way short. I didn't even like the plot of the movie. I have not seen the new Batman movie yet so I can not say how the new Catwoman holds up.

Starting next week Kaldath and I are in hopes of having a more scheduled week laid out for you. So today knock yourself out, let's hear what you have to say about the movie at hand.

Djuby’s New Pop Quiz #1 WINNER!!!!

Djuby's First Pop Quiz has concluded and a WINNER has been selected So without further ado here is that announcement in Djuby's own word:

So judging this is way harder than I thought! Lots of creativity exhibited by everyone! My personal favourites were created by

JR19759 - Ice Maiden















Keith Kanin - frostburn






headlessgeneral - Lord Freezeborg





Before announcing the winner I want to thank everyone who contributed as I stumbled my way through Quiz #1. I learned a lot, and really appreciate the support provided by everyone. For those who did not feel particularly challenged by the topic, I will try to be more challenging in the future, but be careful what you wish for, ‘cuz you just might get it…on December 8th.

So without further delay, the winner of Pop Quiz #1 is…


His creation will be nominated for Hero of the Month and he can request a custom pose by me which will be posted on the forums.

The Contest will live on.

I have agreed to carry on the Character Contest. Isia (my wife and fellow HM'er) will be judging the contest. I have no prizes to give away. I will post the first one on Monday, along with any changes that I will be making.

Website Promo 3000

This is mcknight57 and Jeff is allowing me to do some promotion for my new site (we launched yesterday) called Hyper Geeky.  We do all things geek, though right now it's movie and comic news and reviews. We're expanding soon. Even if you'd like to stay here, please pass the link on to your friends. Thanks.

A Legend Remembered…

Over the weekend, as some of you know, Joe Kubert passed away at 85. He was an artist/writer and at one time, DC's director of publications. Either way, the man was phenomenal. As a way to insure that his legend lives on for a least bait longer, I thought it only fitting that blog, of which I'm proud to be a part, should honor him in our own way. He deserves at least an honorable mention. So, here's to Joe, an artist, a writer, a legend, a teacher, an icon, a husband, and most importantly, a father.

Rest in peace, Joe Kubert (1926-2012), you deserve it.

This post is for anyone who wants to share any memories they have of Mr. Kubert's work or any thought regarding his legacy or impact on the comics and art world in general.

Sharing Day: Memorial Day Edition

Here in the US, Monday is Memorial Day, where we take a moment to remember those men and women who have died while in military service. Men and women like my uncle Marshall, who passed away while in the Army (though not in combat). All Americans owe a huge debt to those who gave their lives to protect our freedoms. So I wanted to take this Sharing Day to share my gratitude for all of our fallen soldiers, and for their surviving families who have had to carry on without them. Thank you all.

So to me, our military service members are like real-life super-heroes. But since we're in the imaginary super-hero business, I want to ask you the following:

If you could have one super-heroic power in real life, what would you choose?

And no "The power to have any super power I wanted" nonsense! Although if that's your play, there are sort of ways around it, as you'll see.

Tempting answers for me are time travel, invulnerability (with the hope that incudes being invulnerable to the ravages of age), flight, hyper-intelligence (Reed Richards or Tony Stark style, so you could invent yourself stuff that would replicate a bunch of other powers), etc. I am not so much tempted by psionics, since I am pretty sure I don't want to know what other people are thinking. I've seen enough of that on Internet comment sites to last a lifetime.

I'm instead going magical. And it's the same power I'd use a Wish for if I could. Namely, I'd want the power to reach into any pocket or container and pull out anything I wanted that would fit in that container. So I could produce a wad of hundred dollar bills, or a vial of immortality serum, or invulnerability cream, or a nice BLT. Because I love me some lunch.

If you like, in return for answering my question to you, you may ask a question of me on any topic and I'll do my best to answer honestly and completely. Just leave your reply (and question, if any) as a comment. The goal is to learn a little more about our community!

So what would you choose as your one real-life super power?