Category Archives: Uncategorized

Poll Position: Animated Spidey Edition!

Spider-Man Logo


Following in last weeks shoes, this weeks Poll Position Asks you which of the following Spiderman cartoons do YOU like the best!


1960's Spiderman Cartoon

1980's Spiderman Cartoon

Spiderman and his Amazing Friends

1990's Spiderman Cartoon

Spiderman Unlimited

The MTV Spiderman Cartoon

The Spectacular Spiderman

Ultimate Spiderman 

( Links to Youtube videos of each shows opening credits will be after the Jump )

[polldaddy poll="7052117"]

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FNF Deadline Reminder

Hello Folks, I would just like to remind you all that the deadline for Friday Night Fight Submissions is Wednesday Morning at 7 am Eastern Time ( GMT -4:00 ). I so far have only 7 submission to the contest, if I do not get at least 9 more by the deadline I will have to call it off.

Share Day #12

Wizards, Witches, Warlocks, oh my. Magic users are every where. How many can you name? Which ones do you like? Which ones do you dislike? The field is wide open, from folk lore to games on the computer, from children's stories to major movies, list as many as you can. You can even go the extra step and tell us your definition of each type of magic users. Have fun and let the magic explode.

Creator’s Club Poster

It has been a long time since I did the last Creator's Club Poster. I have a lot on my plate right now, so The Atomic Punk has offer his services to do the poster this year. I would like to thank him for doing so. So the following information is what he requires for him to do the poster. He has laid it out nicely so please follow his instructions. He has included a sample character and also wants me to include my recipes for Chibies.


Design a Chibi version of yourself. This can be a self-portrait, an avatar, or yourself in hero (or villain!) mode. No backgrounds, just the character. e-Mail entries as PNG Transparent files to Preferably, send the saved Text file so I can re-size characters for consistency.

Only one entry per HeroMachiner. Please try to limit any revisions or upgrades! More than likely, I will simply use your first submission. I will be accepting entries from February 28th through March 29th. With luck, I will unveil the Creators' Club 2013 poster in mid-April.

Please name your file as [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you e-mail it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png. He would save the Text as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.txt.

Finally, have fun! Creators' Club is not a contest. It is an opportunity to show the world how you see yourself (or what you want the world to see).

















hammerknight-chibi-male-01-05-2010 hammerknight-chibi-male-head-01-05-2010




Poll Position: The British Invasion



This week's Poll Position is for the Anglophiles out there. My question is this. "Which of these British SuperHeroes is your favorite" ? This isn't about costumes, or not only about costumes, this poll is about which of these do you like the best for whatever reason, costume, powers, personality, what have you.

[polldaddy poll="6919081"]

The Heroes I have picked are by no means the end all, be all of British Heroes therefore I have left this poll open for you to add in your own choice should you find it needful. My requirement for this poll is that the character needs to have been a SuperHero as some point in his/her career and have been born in Britain even if not operating from there.


Pictures and Wiki links for my Choices After the Jump. ( If you add an entry to the poll please post a wiki link for the character you have added )

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What do you think?

I came across a good topic last night for share day.  J.J. Abrams could be the director of the new Star Wars films by Disney. Can he do both Star Wars and Star Trek? He is a very good director and I think he can pull it off, but some people are asking the question. That is in the same realm as actors playing more then one comic book character. It has been done, not always on a good note but it has been done. I would love to talk to him about an idea that I have had for years, it deals with a cross over of the three great "Stars", Star Wars, Star Trek, and Battlestar Galactica . I would love to see that one hit the big screen, but back to the question at hand. What do you think, can he pull it off? Some rumors are that the new Star Wars will start with an older Luke running a Jedi Academy, and others say that it will be a complete new set of characters. I forgot the name of the book I read a long time ago, but it was about Han and Leia's twin's adventures when they were at the academy. That would be a cool way to go. Let us know what you think.

Due to weather.

Due to the beautiful weather we are having here in Texas and the fact it is time to garden, I am making a small change to the weekly post for a week or two.

Mondays, Character Design Contest.

Tuesdays and Wednesdays, are Kaldath's babies so no change there.

Wednesday Nights Specials, will be put on hold.

Thursdays, Will be the weekday Open Critique Day.

Fridays, Share Day.

Saturdays, Quick and Easy Challenge.

Sundays, will be weekend Open Critique Day.

Remember this is only for a short time, after I get the garden put in it will be back to the old weekly time line. This will also be a good time to make any suggestion that you may have about what you would like to see on the blog.

Winners to be Announced

I will post the winners of the contest in the morning and I will also put up the poll  for the Wednesday Night Special and let it run an extra day.

Trouble with Phone lines

I'll have the poll for the Wednesday Night Special up as soon as we get our phone line back up so I'll have internet. I'm working off my phone's hot spot right now and I don't have a big data plan for it.

Strike a Pose Winners “OOPS”

While I have been working on the judging on the second challenge I realized I didn't post a winner for the first one. I will post both tomorrow.