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Just For Laughs


Kaldath’s Caption Contest #2: Winners

Last week I asked you to come up with the best replacment dialog for the following image:




We had a great turn out for this one with some real funny entries, below you will find my Top Five in no particular order.


Robin: I don’t know Batman, don’t you think that’s sending out the wrong message?
Batman: Don’t worry chum. It’s the only costume I could find that was more ridiculous than the one George Clooney wore.
Robin- “Talk about Flavor of the Week.”
Batman- “You know Catwoman loves to play dress up.”
Robin: Uhhh Batman, I think you are taking this Skittles sponsorship a little to far….
Batman: Says the boy dressed as a giant reese’s peanut butter cup!
Bryce Wasley
Robin: What’s with all the new colors, Batman?
Batman: Joker put my costumes in the washer with a colored sock. Now he must pay.
Robin: But aren’t you afraid of what people will think?
Batman: Are you dense or something? I’m the goddamn Batman.
I have a hard time picking the one I liked best, but since there can only be a single overall winner pick I must. So the Winner of the Second Kaldath Caption Contest is:
funny-comics-28 Winner

Just For Laughs…


No Character Design Contest This Week

Hi JR here. Unfortunately due to the current muddle of sorting out responsibilities between the new moderators after Hammerknight stepping down, and due to the fact I'm in a different time zone to the one the blog defaults to, I haven't had a chance to come up with an idea for this weeks Character Design Contest. Don't worry, it will be back next week, but in the mean time use the space below to talk about what-ever you want. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

The Return of the Pop Quiz

Recently I resurrected the Pop Quiz in the forum. On Saturday, May 25th it will return to the Blog. I hope that folks will enjoy this weekly quick fire challenge. Thanks, David.

New Staff Members

With HammerKnights departure from the Heromachine staff and after discussing it with Jeff I have spent a good portion of the day working to find the right people to fill his shoes and help me and Jeff keep this place running smoothly. After careful consideration and with Jeff's blessing I have selected  Three new Authors and Forum Moderators.

Please join with me in welcoming to the Heromachine Team Weilyn, djuby, and JR19759. Please bare with us a bit on the blog posts as the four of us get together to determine a new posting schedule here that best suits our personal schedules. Thank You!

Monday Night Movie Club #2 “Blade Movies” Reviews

So here we go, post your 200 words or less movie reviews for any of the Blade movies. For next week's movie review the topic is "Star Trek", so have fun and I'm looking forward to reading the reviews.

Creator’s Club Poster 2013

Here is the Creator's Club poster for 2013. A special thanks to The Atomic Punk for all the hard work.


No Poll Position This week

Ladies and Gentlemen I regret to inform you all that I will not be doing a Poll Position post this week. I had a very rough weekend at work and as a result I am in so much pain I can barely think straight. As some of you may know I have a number of permanent injuries which I have suffered over the years most prominent of those being my back and both my knees. I have a very physical job which was very busy this weekend and combined with working outside in the rain  has aggravated those injuries and has left me a little indisposed. I will have the results of my caption contest up either tomorrow Wednesday or Thursday and the next round of FNF will be up on Friday.

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #1: Nature Lover!

This is a bit of an experiment on my part in bringing the old Caption contest back to life. Depending on how this goes and how I feel about things at the end of this little experiment will determine weather I continue with it. I will say that I do not plan on this being a weekly contest and at best I will  only be doing it bi-weekly with the winners posted on the off weeks. So lets get started!

Caption 1


Here is what I need you to do. Write a funny caption for the above picture to fit into the yellow box. The caption can be anything you like that you believe fits with the image above so long as you keep it clean. Obscene captions will be delete and will disqualify an entrant completely from the contest. You have one week from today to post your captions in the comment section below at which time I will pick my favorite and declare a winner. Limited to 3 captions/entries per perrson.
