Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday Night Movie Club ♯5

This week it's simple, we review Batman. 2000 words only, so don't waste them all on savaging Batman & Robin. Next week will be Lord Of The Rings.

Pop Quiz 4 Results

This was a tough decision, but, after much deliberation, I've decided that Torog is the winner of this weeks pop quiz. Well done to everyone for their excellent work.

Open Critique Day #11

Good morning! Hope you've had a great week! It’s Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Share your artwork in the comments section below. I, and anyone else who cares to, will offer our opinions on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

Character Design Contest ♯26 Winner

Ok, so this weeks CDC winner is Gendonesia for Happie. Well done G, that's two in a row now.


The Big Question ♯5

This weeks big question is, are crossovers a good idea?

Rather than give my opinion (I'm going to leave that up to you guys), I thought I'd just do a small (-ish, ok not that small) history lesson of the comic book crossover. If you just want to give an opinion and don't want to read my ramblings on comic book history, I suggest going straight to the comments, because there's rather a lot after the jump. Continue reading

Monday Night Movie Club ♯4

I remembered it this week. Ok, 2000 or less word reviews of the Matrix trilogy if you please (this'll be interesting). Next week it's Batman (I shall take measures to make sure I remember).

Pop Quiz #3 Winner

Wow guys great work!

Calvary_Red-Oros_Zlan CantDraw-RedBat-finished HerrD-MrE_zps83427567 KericsQuiz Kicktar-Gork_zps371cd20c nha247reddragon prswirve_hun RasHead-Prshk_zps786f327b Stevedore-Golgotha4_zps5d1f5070 Tekhla-1

As always this is a tough decision. Each of you created very distinct characters and used the 3 parameters very creatively. But since there can only be one winner, I gotta give it to...


NHA 247

Congratulations, and thanks to all those who took the time to enter.


Open Critique Day #10

Good morning! It’s Sunday, and that means Open Critique Day.

Share your artwork in the comments section below. I, and anyone else who cares to, will offer our opinions on everything that gets posted during the day.

Please note that the forum rules apply here. That means no nudity, no profanity, no copyrighted characters or characters from copyrighted settings.

Sorry I'm late, but I've been in a car for the last fourteen hours, with no connection to the internet whatsoever. Today's OCD will be open for 24 hours, as usual.

Character Design Contest ♯26 Poll

[polldaddy poll="7163607"]

Character Design Contest ♯25 Winner

Congratulations to the winner of this weeks poll Gendonesia for this brilliant piece: Time Sheriff
