Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pop Quiz Returns!

The Pop Quiz will return this Saturday, September 7th. They will now run on the first Saturday of every month, and you will have from 9am Saturday until 9pm Sunday to complete your entry. If they prove to grow in popularity, we will consider running them on a bi-weekly or weekly basis once again.



Poll Position: Captain My Captain!

This weeks Poll Position I want to know simply, who is your favorite Starship Captain ?

Christopher Pike - The Original Captain of the USS Enterprise in the Star Trek Pilot

Jame T Kirk - Captain of the USS Enterprise  in Star Trek :TOS

Jean-Luc Picard - Captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation

Kathryn Jameway - Captain of the USS Voyager in Star Trek: Voyager

Malcolm Reynolds - Captain of the Serenity on Firefly

Dylan Hunt - Captain of the Andromeda Ascendant on the tv show Andromeda

William "Husker" Adama - Admiral of the fleet and commander of the  Galactica   on the new Battlestar  Galactica

Matthew Gideon - Captain of the Excalibur on the Babylon 5 Spin off Crusade

Other - If you don't see your favorite captain on this list you can add him or her.

[polldaddy poll="7366507"]

Just For Laughs




Paul Giamatti in the Rhino motion capture CGI suit on the set of Amazing Spiderman 2.

Make It Sew – The Costume Blog – Bob Ringwood


Bob Ringwood - Costume Designer

2004 Troy   - Oscar Nomination


2002 Star Trek: Nemesis


2002 The Time Machine

2001 A.I. Artificial Intelligence

2000 Supernova

1997 Alien: Resurrection

1995 Batman Forever

BATMAN FOREVER, Jim Carrey, 1995

1994 The Shadow

1993 Demolition Man

1992 Batman Returns


1992 Alien 3


1991 American Friends

1990 Chicago Joe and the Showgirl

1989 Batman


1987 Empire of the Sun  - Oscar Nomination

1987 Prick Up Your Ears

1986 Solarbabies

1985 Santa Claus

1984 Dune


1981 Excalibur



Movie News

Exclusive: Batman/Superman To Feature Mercy Graves: Lex  Luthor's Amazonian Bodyguard

CBN › News › Movie  News
Posted by: Matt  McGloin, Editor/Publisher August 29, 2013 13:54 | Updated: 3 hours 42 min Ago


Cosmic Book News has been tipped off from the same source that gave us the Bryan  Cranson cast as Lex Luthor news that the new Batman/Superman movie set to star  Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill will feature the DC Comics  character Mercy Graves.

We have no other information in  regards to how the character will be used in the movie, but Mercy Graves first  appeared in Superman: The Animated  Series back in 1996, created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini, as the bodyguard and chauffeur of Lex Luthor.

Mercy Graves' first comic book appearance was in Detective Comics #735,  in the Batman storyline "No Man's Land," where another female bodyguard for Lex Luthor was also  introduced by the name of Hope.

The storyline revealed the duo went toe-to-toe with Superman, with it coming  out in later issues of Justice League: Cry For Justice that Mercy  Graves is a member of the Amazons,  the all-female warrior nation that Wonder Woman belongs to.

We can speculate that David Goyer and Zack Snyder will continue with their theme of using strong female roles in the  DC movies much the same they did with the Faora, played by Antje Traue,  considered a breakout performance by many in Man of Steel.

Obviously the potential use of Amazons in the Batman/Superman movies begs the  questions whether or not Wonder Woman will make an appearance or cameo. David  Goyer recently stated he  would like to do a Wonder Woman film.

The character Mercy was also featured in episodes of Smallville as Lex Luthor's "#2," which was more an amalgam of many different DC comic  book characters with Tess Mercer.

The sequel to "Man of Steel" goes  into production next year for a July 17, 2015 release also starring Amy  Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane.


Just For Laughs


Pictures From Fan Expo Canada

Just For Laughs


Character Of The Week- 24th August

This week we're going to look at a classic 'machiner doing an interpretation of one of another classic 'machiner's characters. So, for your viewing pleasure here is AMS's take on Atomic Punk's eponymous signature character.

8: 24 AMS- Atomic Punk

Now, this has got everything you'd expect from an AMS creation. 3/4 position pose (with clothes masked to fit), awesome shading, custom items (see right foot for details), cool face.

However, what really makes this one stand out for me is the way the costume is put together. The colour scheme is a good place to start here. Three colours, the usual and best number for a costume of this sort, with two colours (the yellow and black) being the dominant, whilst the third (white) is used sparingly, to give a distinction between large areas of the two dominant colours. The jacket sleeves are a good example of this, the white giving a border between the mainly yellow jacket and the black gloves.

We also see some very nice design features that really sell the costume design, the biggest and most obvious of which is the checkered leg with the belted knee (which might be my favourite part of the design). But we also have the neckwear jumper neck along the bottom of the jacket, the chain and the stripes on the jacket which all work together to really sell the design. I also like the fact that the zip on the jacket is also checkered, it gives a nice bit of continuity from the jacket to the trousers. It may be subtle but it just adds that little bit extra.