Category Archives: Uncategorized


Ok apparently the Pop Quiz is bombing so that will be discontinued. though I will announce the winner of K#2 later tonight or tomorrow , I would have done it sooner however I was unexpectedly away from home all day today helping a friend with something.

So with the pop quiz once more drifting off into obscurity I would like to turn to you all and ask what you want me to post on Wednesdays? Please do not ask for Open Critique as I do not feel qualified to critique other peoples art. I can go back to doing Anime Talk, or I can try and bring back another old topic if I think I can do it justice, or you can suggest something completely new! Just keep in mind what this site is about when making your suggestions.

Heads Up!

I've just returned from a space trip to the Croa and brought along some souvenirs from their trophy room. Hopefully they do not notice that something is missing.
These helmets can now be found in Headgear/Modern. Enjoy! 😉

Marvel Unlimited

@Marvel shared this on Twitter today and I thought I'd pass this information on to our community here:

Get a full month of #MarvelUnlimited - about 15,000 comics! - for 99¢ to celebrate @sxsw 2014:

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FNF in Question

Hey Folks, It is two days away from the new deadline for FNF and I have exactly 5 entrants out of the 20 that I need to run this contest. Now I am will to give another deadline extension of up to two weeks if it is needed however I will only do so if I have 15 people who have not yet sent me in an entry, tell me in the comments below that they are working on it and need more time. If I get 15 commitments I will give this one last deadline extension, otherwise this contest is dead, and I will not attempt to run another FNF in the future.

Character Design Contest ♯62- Face Off

Ok guys, for this weeks challenge I want you to create the best headshot you can. It can be human or non-human, male or female, but I only want a headshot, so that is head, neck & shoulders, nothing else. You can dress the character up, give them headgear and stuff like that and you can give the picture a background, but the one thing I don't want is a mask. I want to be able to see the characters face. What I'm looking for here is good expression and how you put together the design on just one area of the character. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

As usual, no entry limit and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

No Kaldath Character Challenge This week

The last few weeks have seen a decline in the participation of my Character redesign challenge so I figure I would give it a break for a  week or two. Perhaps people are too busy working on FNF entries ? ( I hope so as that isn't looking all the good at the moment either ) .. Regardless the challenge will be back next week, or the week after, until then happy Machining!

Creators Club Poster 2014

Ok guys, I've finished putting together this years Creators Club poster. First, I'd like to thank all the creators who entered, seeing all your work was really awesome. Sorry, a few people didn't send me the text files for their entries so they didn't end up on the poster (I struggled to fit everyone on as it is).

You might want to open it in a new tab to see it in more detail. Funny thing is, the poster was much bigger than it ended up whilst I was creating it, something must have got compressed during the export, so sorry about that.

If anyone else wants to do next years poster, I'm ok with that, but otherwise I'll try to come up with an interesting theme for this time next year.

Caption Contest Results to be posted later!

I am sorry that I haven't gotten the caption contest results posted up yet, there have been a few personal issues that have cropped up lately in my life that are distracting me a little bit and I totally forgot about the contest last night. I will Look over the entries here in a little bit and post the result sometime this evening!

Creators Club Final Reminder

Hi guys, your friendly neighbour-hood Creators Club reminder man here. Just to let you know that you only have one week left to submit your entries for this years Creators Club poster. Now I have had quite a few submissions already, but I still think we can do better. So keep 'em comin'.

You can find any further information here:

Remember, this only happens once a year, so if you want to be immortalised forever as part of the HM community for this year, make sure you enter.

JR out.



Hey, Heromachiners! I'd just like to introduce you all to my pet project:

(drum roll, please)

Alternate universes!

Of course...well...not actual alternate universes, but this universe is an outlet of my ideas for superhero-scifi/fantasy. It's like DC, or Marvel...! ...sort of... Continue reading