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Pop Quiz Winner-Friday the 13th

Great entries this round, and the delay was due to the fact that I just could not make up my mind.


Vectorman-Love the colour combination and the ethnic vibe.


Nug - absolutely creepy - reminds me of a leather death mask.


HerrD - bloody wonderful - the spike detail is a nice touch.


PMD - Well composed - harkens back to a lost civilization - nice job.


Roguejak - The tribal skull image is very creative and very well done.


Stinger - killer clowns are so creepy! Reminds me of Pennywise. Good job.


Cliff - always been fascinated by Oni, and this is beautifully done.

So a winner huh?...

This week I have to go with Nug. While I also loved Vectorman's and Cliff's entries, the very idea of coming face to face with Nug's mask is just too scary!


Please join me in congratulating Nug, and thanks to all those who entered.

Pop Quiz Winner – Walk On The Wild Side

Ian Thomas Healy Vampyrist-Shrike supergrover  Snow Eagle=Worf SkybanditRedRaptor-vi SoulDoubt-Mariposa_zps515b6860Nug-The-Blue-Hedgehog livewyre-terrierpng_zps4912b21d HerrD-JellyfishAtTheGallery_zpsc8138728 dark_falcon_by_roguejak-d7las2h Blue-bird

Great work guys! So much creativity and imagination. In the past, Atomic Punk would give a critique of the entries. If you would like me to offer a critique in future Pop Quizzes let me know. I am totally willing to do so, but would prefer not to launch into it without polling the room. Anyway, after boiling this down to a top three, and thinking about it more than I thought I would have to, the winner is...


The Terrier by Livewyre

Please join me in congratulating Livewyre, and thanks to all who entered.

Check it out!

Dedicated to the redesign of superhero costumes. Some brilliant art, and some contest potential.

Pop Quiz Winner

These are the amazing entries for this surprise Pop Quiz.

Toni Stark super_american_by_roguejak-d7kmcgf Nobody-ProfessorFenton hm3-beta_zps83efff06 HerrD-PinkPineappleAndCoconut_zps43bf6116 Cliff_DrVoodoo_zpsf1a36ef4 Captain_Z-Ro

And the winner is...


Dr.VooDoo by Cliff. Congratulations Cliff, and thanks to all who took the time to enter.




Happy Birthday Jeff

According to my sources, it's a certain someone's birthday today, so I thought I might as well say Happy Birthday (because I forgot to send a card 😉 ).

So Happy Birthday Mr Hebert, hope you have a great one. Continue reading

Boardwalk Empire's Charlie Cox is the new Daredevil!

princes trust 3 180308

Caption Contest Results Delayed

I am sorry that I have yet to post the results of last weeks caption contest, my cold it really kicking my butt today, to the point that I am actually considering calling in sick to work tonight. Anyway I hope to get that result up sometime tomorrow. Once again I am sorry about the delay.

Luke…I Am Your Co-Star


Amazing Hobbit Concept Art


International Day Against Homophobia

Hope you don't mind, but I just wanted to remember you that today is the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia.

(Image removed for violating the PG-13 rating I try to maintain around here. -- Jeff)

If you want to know more about this day, continue reading here: