Category Archives: Uncategorized

Community Submissions

Ok guys, so, me and Kaldath have decide we'll give the whole community submissions idea a shot. The idea here is, you write an article, send it in and we might feature it on the blog.

Now of course, there are rules. The article has to be something broadly applicable to the site. This basically means we're looking for articles that will cover either arts type subjects (whether it be directly Heromachine or other arts areas, such as Cartoons, Film, Music (if you so wish) and obviously both digital and traditional art) or just generally "Geeky" subjects, such as Comics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Games (both traditional Board Games or Video Games), that sort of thing. We won't be posting anything that include discussions on Politics, Religion or anything Illegal (such as Drugs, Hacking or Music/ Video/ Software Piracy).  We don't mind exactly what style of article you do. It can be a review, a discussion (provided obviously it complies with the rule on banned topics), a How-To guide or just a plain write-up. Just make sure its something you're passionate about that you're covering, because it shows and that's what makes a good article.

Finally, I'm sure you're all thinking "yeah, that's all well and good, but how do I submit my article for it to get posted?" Well, I'll be handling the submissions so you have to send them to me at The way this is going to work is, the Community Submissions will take the Thursday slot on the Blog, so a new article will be posted every Thursday (provided we get people submitting). Submissions will be open from Thursday, after that days post has gone up, until Midday Wednesday, after which I will look through that weeks submissions, pull my favourite and that will be the weeks post. If your article doesn't get chosen, don't worry. I will probably hold some back incase we have a week where there aren't any submissions or you could just try again the next week, if you feel so inclined. When you send your article please make sure you mark the subject as HM Community Submission and include your username as well, so I know who it is from and what it is, because if I get a random email from an address I don't recognise, it's going straight in my spam folder and won't get seen. Also make sure that your submission is attached to the email as a Word file rather than anything else, because most computers run Word and it just makes it easier.

I think that's everything. If Kaldath has anything to add I'm sure he'll say so in the comments, but for now, consider the first week of submissions open. I look forward to seeing what you've got and hopefully we get enough submissions to warrant me doing all of this.

Character Design Contest ♯89- Everyday Superheroes

Ok, before we get into this weeks contest, I feel I have an apology to make. Last week I neglected to post the contest and, if I'm honest, I have no good explanation why. I just forgot. I have a feeling I was doing something at the time, my entire family was home so it would be a fair assumption, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. So, I apologise for missing the contest. I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

So, with that out of the way, let's get on to business. What I want you guys to do, it create a superhero or villain in everyday clothes, like Heroes or Marvels The Runaways. Powers must be shown, but what those powers are does not matter. All characters must be able to fit in to normal society, so no monstrous mutations or green skinned aliens (unless you can show them blending in to human form in some manner), your characters must be indistinguishable from any other person you'd see walking down the street in your local town (minus the super-powers obviously).

As per usual, no limits on entries this week and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

No Caption Contest This Week.

Due to a busy schedule with work and having to Move there will be no caption contest this week, I am sorry for anyone disappointed by this however real life sometimes intrudes on my HeroMachine duties! Hopefully I will be settled into my new place by next week and the caption contest will be back on track.


My schedule does not allow me to get around to judging the CDC today so I will have the poll up for it tomorrow instead of today

New Guardians Of The Galaxy Cartoon

Apparently Marvel is releasing a new Animated Version of the Guardians of The Galaxy to air on Disney XD.

The Big Question: Comic Book Art

So, I don't know if everyone has been reading all of the comments for this weeks CDC, but there has been some discussion (amongst the obvious definitions of when certain "ages" of comics start/ end) between myself and William Peterson about the merit of modern comic book art styles. WillyPete hates them, judging by his comments, whereas I, who has grown up with this sort of art being the norm, quite like them. So I want to get your guys opinion on it. Do you like the art style of modern comics, or do you prefer the older silver/ bronze age art styles?

For the sake of ease we'll define Silver Age as the 1960's, Bronze Age as 1970's and the Modern Age as post 2000, just to clear up any confusion and to make sure we don't go into the 90's hate again, because we can all agree that was mostly rubbish and anyway that's not what I'm talking about.

Also, if you guys want me to make this an on-going weekly blog post again like it was last summer, I'm open to it. I've got one, maybe two ideas for questions, but if you want to make suggestions, I will take those into consideration.

Anyway, JR out.

"Holy just in time for Christmas Batman!"


A Brief Review: Transformers:Age of Extinction


Well that pretty much covers how I feel about the latest craptastic mess brought to us by the disturbingly successful Michael Bay. Share your brief review...even if you liked it!

Happy Canada Day!






A very Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canuck Machiners!

Kaldath's Caption Contest #30 – Result

Last week I asked you all to give me your best replacement dialogue for the following image:


Skybandit: CB - So these springs on my gloves hold up the dress?

Shadow - Actually, it’s the Comics Code Authority that does that!


ALast: CB - And you REALLY think 4 colors in my hair look good?”



EnderX: CB - “I’m confused. Am I supposed to be Miss Britain, or Miss France?”

Shadow - “Neither. The title is ‘Pan-Europa’ now.”


Calvary_Red: CD -  “What’s wrong guys? Wait, there’s a bad guy sneaking up on me, isn’t there?”

Shadow - “Curses, I’ve been discovered!”


Calvary_Red: CB - “And we will call this land, ‘New Britain.’”

Shadow - “I’d rather call it, YOUR GRAVE!”

And the winner is ................

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