Category Archives: Uncategorized

Caption Contest Delayed

I had a last minute family outing to attend today and thus did not get around to judging or selecting a new image for this round of caption contest posts so I will get that done for you all some time tomorrow.

There’s No Place Like Chrome For The Holidays

While this has nothing really to do with superheroes, the pieces have a very cool Transformer/mech vibe. Also inspires us all to think outside the box.

Happy Holidays all!

Geek Quiz ♯2

Ok, time for the next Quiz. As with last week, 10 questions. You answer a question right, you get a point. Person with the most points wins. The answers will be below a page break, so I'd advise viewing this post through the blog front page so as you don't get spoiler when you view the later questions. And please refrain from posting answers in the comments. Anyway, lets get on with it.

1. What is Stan Lee's real name (1 Point)

2. Name the main character in Neil Gaiman's masterpiece American Gods. (1 point)

3.In the Harry Potter books, where does Dumbledore's pet phoenix get his name from? (1 Point)

4. Tom Baker is famous as the longest serving Doctor in Doctor Who history. But what was the name of his first full serial as the Doctor? (1 Point) [not including his first, post-regeneration, appearance]

5. Name the Sith Lord who trained Emperor Palpatine/ Darth Sideous. (1 Point)

6. Name the character who takes the role of the Twilight Princess in the Legend Of Zelda game of the same name. (1 Point)

7. Which of these 4 legendary Pokemon from the Hoenn region has not featured in one of the Pokemon movies? (1 Point)

a) Kyogre

b) Groudon

c) Rayquaza

d) Deoxys

8. What is Captain Jean Luc Picard's birthday? [year as well please] (1 point)

9. The Watchmen was originally meant to star the superheroes of the defunct Charlton comics brand, but this plan was changed when DC decided to use the characters in its mainstream universe. Name the Charlton heroes originally intended to feature. (1 point for each character, 6 characters in total- Rorshach, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre, Doctor Manhatten, Ozymandias, The Comedian)

10. Name the 5 Istari (wizards) of Middle- Earth in J.R.R Tolkien's works. (1 point each, +1 bonus point if you get all 5) [You may give Elvish names if nessescary]

Answers after the jump, so no peaking.

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Character Building Delayed

Sorry about this guys. I haven't actually had a chance to record it yet. Usually I'd try to get the episode recorded on Sunday when I'm not doing anything and then I'd edit it all together and pre-post it on Monday, ready for Tuesday. But this Sunday my family were putting up our Christmas decorations, so I was busy for most of the day and when I wasn't it was still too noisy for me to record my audio decently because Xmas decorating round my house makes a loooooooooot of mess. Then yesterday I was at work and when I got back I had other things to sort out, what with it being my Mums birthday tomorrow. So yeah, long story short, I'm going to record the episode when I get back tonight (when this is posted I'll be at work) and depending on what else happens today, I'll try to get it edited and uploaded for you today, but it will be up much later than usual, afternoon sometime. But it might end up being delayed until tomorrow. Sorry 'bout that.

Geek Quiz ♯1

So, I'm gonna try something different this week. I can't think of any decent questions for the Big Question, so instead I'm going to bring one of my old forum topics over to replace it (ironic really, as the Big Question started out as a forum topic as well).

The idea is simple, there's ten questions on a variety of "geeky" subjects, ranging from Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Comics, Movies, TV, Anime and Games. The person with the most correct answers wins, probably a no-prize, in true Marvel style. If you guys like this idea then I will try to keep it going as the Thursday blog post (it's something different). Anyway, without further ado, lets jump in.

1. Name the original line up of the Justice Society as they appeared in All Star Comics ♯3 Winter 1940? (1 Point per member= 8 Points)

2. How many TV episodes of Doctor Who have the Zygons appeared in? (1 Point)

3. Which of these anime series didn't have its origin in a manga published in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine? (1 Point)

a) Naruto

b) One Piece

c) Fairy Tail

d) Bleach

4. In what century is Star Trek: The Original Series set in? (1 Point)

5. How many episodes of Firefly aired in its original run? (1 Point)

6. Who was the first member of the Brotherhood of Mutants encountered by the X-Men (excluding Magneto)? (1 Point)

7. Name the actress set to play Wonder Woman in the up-coming Batman vs. Superman film. (1 Point)

8. Who was the composer responsible for the score of the Star Wars movies? (2 Points)

9. What is the opening line of J.R.R Tolkiens book The Hobbit (1 Point)

Bonus Point: Which Dwarf arrives at Bilbo's home first? (1 Point)

10. In which game did Mario first appear in? (1 Point)

Bonus Point: What name was he given in said game? (1 Point)

Answers below the jump. No peaking now, that would be cheating.

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Kaldath’s Caption Contest #53: Results

Last week I asked you fine people to give me your best dialogue for the following image:

Cobra 1

After going through all the entries, these are the 5 I like the most:



Stop trying to circle fade on me.


“We should have listened to them earlier….knowing really is half the battle! HAHAHAHAHAH


“FALSE ALARM, PEOPLE! Bob just fell asleep on the panic button…again.”
Kal El 
“Shit! i think i’ve worn the female version of the uniform. That’s why all those idiots are laughing behind me”
Herr D 
I need a volunteer.
And the winner is .....................................................................

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Caption contest and results delayed

due to my stupidity and the fact i lost track of what day of the week it was. As well as my working on cleaning malware from my sisters computer i will be delaying my normal posts for today until tomorrow.


Elizabethan Superheroes

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #50

Hello boys and girls! Do you know what time it is ? That's right, it is CAPTION CONTEST TIME!!! Your challenge this week is the following image:

Donnie 1

The normal rules apply, which are: You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 1:00 PM Eastern Time on Tuesday November 11th.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Caption Results and New Contest Delayed

Well machiners I need to apologize. today was a busy hectic day for me, so much so that I plum forgot it was Wednesday and that I needed to Judge last weeks Caption contest and put up a new one today. I will have that done tonight if possible, but more likely I won't be able to get to it until tomorrow afternoon. Once again I apologize for the delay.