Category Archives: Uncategorized

Creators Club Reminder

Hey guys, JR here again. Just posting up a quick reminder for y'all about this years Creators Club Poster. MadJack is still accepting submissions for the poster so make sure you get in there for your chance to be immortalised as a member of the Heromachine Community of this year. We've already had some awesome creators submit their entries, so get yours entered.

You can find the submission rules and stuff here:

You have under 2 weeks left to get on the poster, otherwise you'll have to wait another year for your chance, so don't miss out.

And with that. JR out.

Geek Quiz ♯8: Marvel Comics Edition

This weeks quiz is going to be focusing on everyones favourite comics hype machine (and occasional producer of decent comics), Marvel. However, don't expect questions on characters like Spider-Man, The Hulk or Captain America. This quiz is to find out how much you know or can guess about the company its self. So have fun. Oh and obviously Wikipedia is not allowed. 'Nuff said.

As per usual, 10 questions with a total of 20 points to get and don’t post answers in the comments, just your scores. The answers will be below a jump from the post whilst on the main blog page, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, take a look at the questions on the blog first.

1. Who was the first Marvel (at the time called Timely) character to star in their own self-titled comic? (1 Point)

2. Which of these was not a Timely Comics title during the 1940's? (1 Point)

a) Joker Comics                  b) Gay Comics

c) All Funny Comics            d) Comedy Comics

3. In what year did National Periodical Publications (aka DC) acquire the distribution rights to Atlas' (later Marvel) comic book divisions output? (1 Point)

Bonus- In what year did this deal end? (1 Point)

4. What baseball term has famously been used by Stan Lee to describe Marvels staff of artists, writers and editors? (1 Point)

5. Who originally held the position of publisher of Timely Comics when the company started in 1939? (1 Point)

6. Who is the company's current Editor-In-Chief? (1 Point)

7. In the 1940's, what famous New York building were the Timely Comics offices based in? (1 Point)

8. In what year did Marvel go bankrupt? (1 Point)

Bonus- Who owned the company at the time? (1 Point)

9. Which Marvel character was the first to star in a feature length, non-serialised film? (1 Point)

Bonus- What year was it released? (1 Point)

10. Where is The Avengers currently on the list of Highest Grossing Films Of All Time? (1 Point)

Bonus- Which Marvel film is next highest up on the standings and what position does it hold? (1 Point)

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Geek Quiz ♯7: Batman Edition

It's simple, you answer questions about the Batman. As per usual, 10 questions with a total of 20 points to get and don’t post answers in the comments, just your scores. The answers will be below a jump from the post whilst on the main blog page, so if you don’t want to be spoiled, take a look at the questions on the blog first.

1. How many months after Superman did Batman debut? (1 Point)

2. Put these famous citizens of Gotham in order of debut (first to last)? (1 Point)

a) Dick Greyson                             c) Jim Gordon

b) Harvey Dent                             d) Alfred Pennyworth

3. Which Green Lantern villain is named in honour of one of the original creative team behind Batman? (1 Point)

4. What is the name of the corrupt Police Commissioner of Gotham in Batman: Year One? (1 Point)

5. What is the name of Jim Gordon's successor as Police Commissioner in The Dark Knight Returns? (1 Point)

6. Who teamed up with Batman in Issue 59 of The Brave & The Bold, the first issue to instigate the Batman team-up theme that would come to define the title. (1 Point)

7. What year did Bane debut? (1 Point)

8. In 1983, Batman left the Justice League to form The Outsiders. Excluding Batman, name the original line-up of the team. (1 point per person, 5 points)

9. Name all of the men to have played Batman in a live action film (not including Ben Affleck, whose debut as Batman has yet to be released). (1 point per person, 7 points)

10. In 1979, the original Batman from Earth-2 was killed. Who killed him? (1 Point)

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I’ve got nothing for this one

Geek Quiz ♯6: Star Wars Edition

Considering how well everyone did in last weeks themed contest, I thought we'd do another one (read in semi-sarcastic voice), only this time I've made it harder 😀 . Star Wars, this week focusing on are we (both the films, Clone Wars and the expanded universe), as an excuse it gives to talk like Yoda, hmm (to much fun I have with this). As per usual, 10 questions with a total of 20 points to get and don't post answers in the comments, just your scores. The answers will be below a jump from the post whilst on the main blog page, so if you don't want to be spoiled, take a look at the questions on the blog first.

1. Name Han Solo and Leia Organa's three children. (1 point each)

2. What is the name of Darth Maul's brother? (1 Point)

3. Name the cone-headed, Cerean Jedi Master who sits to the right of Yoda on the Jedi Council. (1 Point)

4. Two Mandolorians have appeared in the Star Wars films. Who are they? (2 points)

5. Who owned Shimi & Anakin Skywalker before losing them to Watto in a bet on a Podrace? (1 Point)

6. How did Jedi Master Sifo Dyas die? (1 Point)

7. What was the name of Darth Vadar's secret apprentice, who also went by the alias Starkiller? (1 Point)

8. Name the Wookie home world (1 point)

9. What was the name of the Jedi Master who trained Yoda? (1 Point)

10. Name the eight Rebel Alliance Leaders who issued the Declaration Of A New Republic after the fall of the Galactic Empire (1 Point per person- 8 points)

Below the jump the answers are, peak you must not.

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Geek Quiz ♯5: Spider-Man Edition

Happy New Year everyone! And to kick off the new year, I've decided that we're going to be focusing on my favourite superhero, Spider-Man, in this weeks quiz, because reasons 😉 . So everyone had better have brushed up on their wall-crawler facts. As per usual, please don’t post answers in the comments, only your scores and stuff pertaining to your scores, but no answers please. And also as usual, the answers will be below the jump from the blog main page, so it would be advisable to view the quiz from the main page so you don’t get spoiled. Face front true-believers.

1. In which comic did Spider-Man first appear? (1 point)

Bonus Point: Which issue was it? (1 point)

2. Who was the original artist for Spider-Man? (1 point)

Bonus Point: Who drew the cover for his first appearance? (1 point)

3. Who appeared first in the comics, Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane Watson? (1 point)

4. Name the original line up of the Sinister Six (1 point per member, 6 points)

5. What inspired Stan Lee to give a superhero spider based powers? (1 point)

6. Who was Spider-Man fighting in the battle that resulted in the death of Captain George Stacy, father of Gwen? (1 Point)

7. What identities (both secret and super-hero) did Spider-Man's clone take during the Clone Saga? (1 Point)

Bonus Point: When did the Spider-Man clone first appear? (Either year & month or issue number) (1 Point)

8. Spider-Man and Superman have met twice in official comic book crossovers. When did these take place? (1 point each, 2 points)

9. When Peter Parker married Mary Jane Watson in 1987, it didn't just happen in the comics, or the Spider-Man newspaper strip, Marvel also held a live action wedding using actors to mark the occasion. At which famous former New York location was the "ceremony" held? (1 point)

10. How long was it between the debut of the Green Goblin and his secret identity being Norman Osbourne being revealed? (1 Point)

Bonus Point: How long was it between the debut of the Hobgoblin and his secret identity being revealed? (1 point)

Bonus Question: What was the most stupid thing Marvel have ever done to Spider-Man? (No Points)

Answers below the jump.

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Merry Christmas

Have a cute Groot.

(Original art by kevinbolk on deviantart- zelda).

Geek Quiz ♯4: Quizmas Edition


A slightly shrunk down version of the quiz this week, as I'm sure everyone has something better to do. This week you've got 10 questions with 10 points to get, so no real brain melters unfortunately, though I do still manage to be a bit mean. And to make it a bit more festive, they all have some sort of wintery theme. As per usual, please don't post answers in the comments, only your scores and stuff pertaining to your scores, but no answers please. And also as usual, the answers will be below the jump from the blog main page, so it would be advisable to view the quiz from the main page so you don't get spoiled.

1 Point per correct answer

1- In Batman: The Long Halloween, which villain stars in the Christmas issue?

2- What is the only move that the Pokemon Delibird learns by level-up?

3- What event during the Tri-Wizard tournament happens over Christmas in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

4- Name the villains from the first of the annual Doctor Who Christmas specials, since the series relaunch in 2005.

5- What sweets does the White Witch offer to Edmund Pevensie when they first meet in C.S Lewis' masterpiece; The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe?

6- What creature attacks Luke Skywalker and kills his Tauntaun on the planet Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back?

7- What is the correct title of the Dr. Seuss book that the classic Jim Carrey Christmas film from the year 2000 was based on?

8- What is the real name of classic Flash villain, Captain Cold?

9- Name the Ice-Make wizard from the anime series Fairy Tail.

10- What is the winter festival in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic called?

Answers apres le jump

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Creators Club 2015 Volunteers?

I just thought I'd throw this one out there, just so everyone is prepared. When January comes around, I'll be looking to get another Creators Club poster organised.

For those of you who aren't in the know, the Creators Club poster is a community project where one of the members of the community (previously myself, Atomic Punk and Hammerknight) have come up with a theme for everyone to follow (Men In Black, Chibi's and Westerns), and then people create a self-portrait of themselves fitting to that theme. All of the self-portraits are then sent to the organiser, who then puts them all together in one big poster that showcases the community that year. It's not a challenge, it's just a bit of fun, you don't have to be a Power User to participate, you just have to use the site and follow the submission rules for the poster.

Now why am I telling you this when it obviously isn't January yet? Well, as I said, each of the previous Creators Club posters (apart from the 1st and 2nd ones, which were both done by HK) have been done by different people, and I was hoping we could continue that trend. So, if you want to volunteer to come up with a theme and put the poster together, this would be the place to do it. You will have to have people email you their entries, rather than having them posted on the blog, because the final product is meant to be a surprise for everyone else involved, so it would be better if people couldn't see what everyone else has done until the poster is ready to be shown. You wouldn't have to put the whole poster together in Heromachine, you can use photoshop or paint or similar to do that, but obviously all of the entries will be 100% Heromachine.

If no-one is interested in doing it, then I do have a few ideas myself that can work, so we can have a poster, but it would be more fitting for a community project to be organised by a community member, rather than one of the mods (again). If you're interested, comment below saying you're interested and send me an email at saying what your theme idea is. I won't be deciding on which person and theme to go with until the new year, so you have time to think of a totally awesome theme.

Anyway, hope you guys have some awesome ideas for me.

JR out.

Geek Quiz ♯3

Ok, time for our next Quiz. As usual, 10 questions. You answer a question right, you get a point. 20 points are available and the person with the most points wins. The answers will be below a page break, so I'd advise viewing this post through the blog front page so as you don't get spoiler when you view the later questions. And please refrain from posting answers in the comments. Anyway, lets get on with it.

1- What does Kamehameha translate into English as? (1 Point)

2- Which of these characters does not originate from the Street Fighter games series? (1 Point)

a)- Chun-Li

b)- Ryu

c)- Felicia

d)- Sagat

3- What is the name of the cocktail invented by Zaphod Beeblebrox that is described as "like having your brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick"? (1 Point)

4- Which of these TV shows has John de Lancie not guest starred in an episode of? (1 Point)

a) Breaking Bad

b) The West Wing

c) Torchwood

d) Star Trek: Enterprise

5- In Pre-Crisis On Infinite Earths continuity, Legion Of Superheroes foe Nemesis Kid only suffered three defeats in single combat, twice to the same opponent. Who were the Legionnaires who defeated him? (2 Points)

Bonus Point- What planet does Nemesis Kid originate from? (1 Point)

6- What is the Elvish word for friend? (1 Point)

7- Name the 6 gems that make up the Infinity Guantlet. (1 Point each= 6 Points)

8- What was the name of the British anthology comic series that V For Vendetta originally appeared in between 1982 and 1985? (1 Point)

9- Which of these Simon Pegg/ Nick Frost films was Edgar Wright not director for? (1 Point)

a) Shaun Of The Dead

b) Hot Fuzz

c) Paul

d) World's End

10- Name the animes from which these characters originate from? (1 point each- 4 Points)

a) Roy Mustang

b) Death The Kid

c) L Lawliet

d) Mikasa Ackerman

Answers below the jump, so no peaking.

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