Category Archives: Uncategorized

Avengers Re-imagined. Stunning!

Copy and paste - some day I'll figure out how to actually add a link! lol

(Edited  by Kaldath to make the link clickable )


I want to apologize for not putting up a new caption contest this week. I just started back to work this past weekend and my days all kind of ran together as I am adjusting to my new schedule and it slipped my mind. I will have the new caption contest up next week instead of this week.

Feedback Wanted

Something happened today that has gotten me extremely disgusted and pissed off. A former member of this community has accused me of abuse of power and to paraphrase, in a nut shell has said I am being a bully here on the site. At this exact moment in time I am so angry that I am considering walking away and quitting my position as a moderator and blogger for Heromachine.

Now I know after I cool off and allow more rational thought to settle in I will realize just how foolish that line of thought is, especially considering the source of this accusation. Quitting will just be allowing him to win! But this does lead me to the point of this post. I want some honest feedback without any fear of reprisal on my part for what you have to say here. I need to know if any one else in the HeroMachine community feels I am abusing my power here?

I know I am not as friendly as JR or Linea24 I have not been known to go out of my way to greet new member like they do and I only tend to put up to handle technical issues or deal with rules violations, heck even I think Jr is the Current "Face" of Heromachine. My role has always been more in the background keeping the wheels turning,  even when it was just me and HammerKnight running things. Sure I am strict when it comes to enforcing our rules here on the site but I don't think I am unfriendly or that I  abuse my power, but maybe I'm wrong. SO I want your opinion on my performance here. I am not looking for a pity party or a pat on the back to cheer me up. I want to know what you honestly think good or bad, so please leave a comment below


Thank You!


New Policy On Contests!

Okay folks, I am going to say this just once. I will NO LONGER TOLERATE  complaints about how contests are judged on any of the comment sections of any post on this blog. If you feel you have a legitimate complaint then contact JR via email please. If you can not find his email address then contact me and I will forward it on.My email address ( is rather easy to find as it is listed at the bottom of any of my blog posts just before the comment section.

I had a member of this community back when I first took the site over to run for Jeff that became a big problem when it came to contests and had to eventually Ban him from this site. He is the only person aside from Spam Bots that I have ever had to ban and I really would like to keep it that way so if you have a complaint take it up in private with Jr, myself, or as a last resort Jeff. Thank you!



I Have closed the comments to this Topic and will be deleting all comments in it tomorrow ( Sunday March 29th ).



R.I.P Terry Pratchett

I didn't think I'd be writing another one of these so soon, but I do think that this man deserves our recognition, even if you didn't like or read any of his work. A truly wonderful writer who created a magnificent world of weirdness and wonder in his Discworld series, he suffered from Alzheimer's for the last seven years, before succumbing to the disease. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends at this time.

I think it's best to let the man himself finish this post, so here's my favourite quote of his.

"It is often said that before you die your life flashes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It's called living."

Cool new game featuring HM3 images


Recently Grumpy Gnome Games contacted me for permission to use HeroMachine 3 images in their upcoming spy-themed gambling card game, "Secret Agent Adventures". Naturally I said yes and I have to say, it turned out really well! If you're an in-person gamer, check it out and let us know what you think if you end up playing it.

A Unique Take On The Zodiac


R.I.P Leonard Nimoy

R.I.P Mr Nimoy, you lived long and prospered, and were a legend both to Trekkies and non-Trekkies alike.

Jason Momoa as Aquaman


District 9 director to helm new Alien film.