Category Archives: Uncategorized

No CYOA Wednesday today, Delayed One Week

Hey Folks, Spending the day today getting ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow, plus not feeling well so I haven't gotten around to doing the CYOA today. I apologize for the delay but if I am feeling up to writing tonight while I am at work I will figure out something for all your entertainment.

Pop Quiz Winner

Only four entries this week.

Surrealist-balloon-of-doom keric Keric's amazing retro "thought" balloon.

Pirate%20Balloon_zpsq5stqftiDreadyacht's pirate balloon: awesome logo/basket.

HerrD-Four_zpstpjuort7HerrD's flask balloon: your description was hilarious!

Brons-Colonial-BalloonBron's Colonial balloon: colours and details all great.

This week the one that made me go "whoa!!! wtf?" was Keric's entry. They were all great, but there was something enticingly bizarre about the direction this took. Well done.

Please join me in congratulating Keric on this great piece of work.

See you Saturday for another journey!


Pop Quiz Results!

Six entries this week showing a wide range of interpretations of the subject.

First we have a badass, aggressive assassin I'm guessing by Worf.


Next we have Keric's version; love the colours and costume.


HerrD provides a light hearted and twisted...literally...take on the character.


Csection gives us a character capable of waking the dead.


Cliff goes classic voodoo priestess with this lovely entry.


And Lef uses some challenging posing, and great shading in their version.


The one that immediately struck me as the most creative version of the challenge brief was Worf's entry; just loaded with attitude.

Join me in congratulating Worf on this week's win.

See you Saturday!


The CYOA will be late again!

At this Rate I need to rename it CYOA Thursdays!! Sorry guys, I lost track of time today doing chores not the least of which was laundry so I could have clean uniforms for work tonight! ( I am back to doing over night Security ) and now it is bed time so I don't fall asleep at my post! Luckly I have the time to write at work as the place is a bit of a ghost town most of the night and I bring my Macbook with me so the post will be taken care of this evening. Once again sorry for the delay.

Happy Veterans Day

With it being Veterans Day here in the United States I wanted to take a step up onto the Soap box that this site provides me to thank all the Veterans out there, not Just here in the USA but to all the soldiers around the world regardless of nationality who put their lives at risk to protect and preserve freedom!

Thank You All, You are all the true Superheroes!

Delay of CYOA Wednesday

Hey Folks, I regret to report that there may be a delay in the New CYOA Wednesday post. I wrote and published the post but it seems to have disappeared instead of going live. I am going to wait and see if there is a glitch and it reappears if not I will write it again later this evening.

Pop Quiz Winner!

Five really creepalicious entries this week.

First up, Worf made us check over our shoulders with this awesome tattooed death mask.


Next, Nug made our neck hairs stand up with this eerie take on the topic.


Next, Mukker took us outside the box...and outside the mask, with this "predator-o-lantern."


Hawk's mask looks deceptively simple at first glance, but the subtle light work, and the brilliant way the mouth is done is top drawer.


And finally, Lef. Great! That's all I need. More clowns that scare the $#!+ out of me!


This was the toughest call on a Pop Quiz yet, but I gotta give it to Lef. It is disturbing and hideous in the very best way.

Join me in congratulating Lef on a well deserved win.

See you on Saturday.


Pop Quiz – Trick or Treat

The focus of this week’s pop quiz is creativity. To demonstrate this you will create an elaborate and terrifying Halloween mask using the template in the photo below.


You will enlarge it to 600 % for this challenge. Be aware that you may have to use a snipping tool to save it, as enlarged items occasionally shift out of frame when exported conventionally.

There is no prize. There is no poll. The winner is chosen by me.

So get creepy, get freaky, and get spooky! You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine forums,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please – they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image(like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 9pm Eastern on Sunday, November 1st.

No Open Critique Day for next few weeks

I'm sorry guys, but some things have come up that have been preventing me from doing OCD for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I can get back to it soon.

Kaldath’s Caption Contest 74 – Extended / Possibly the last Caption Contest

I will be extending last weeks caption contest by one week, meaning you have until next Tuesday at 5pm Eastern time to enter. The reason for this is because the turn out for the contest was rather low.

Which brings me to the second part of this Topic. Because of apparent waning interest in the contest of late I am considering shutting it down, if not for good at least for a good looooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnggggg break.  I will think of some other content to replace it with but at this point the effort I put in to searching for pictures or Gifs to put up for the contest doesn't feel like it is worth it for the interest it seems to be generating. For that reason I think it may be time for a change.  Feel Free to leave suggestion below on what you would like to see me replace the caption contests with.