Category Archives: Uncategorized

CYOA Day Delayed

Sorry for the inconvenience but I will not being doing the CYOA Day this week. The Weather has been playing havoc with my body and I have been dealing with a great deal of pain. For these reason over the last few days  if I wasn't at my job working I was laying in bed trying to sleep. My back and neck which had been severally damaged in a car accident some 10 or more years ago are extremely weather sensitive plus I have  arthritis in other joints as well due to other various and sundry injuries.  So once again I am sorry but maybe if I am feeling better I will get a Kaldath's corner or Anime talk out over the weekend to make up for not doing the CYOA.

Had to share…

I don't know about how this played out. Who do you think should have won and why?

HeroMachine Hall Of Fame: Polls

Hall Of Fame

Ok Folks Here is how this is going to work. I have created 5 separate polls with 9 nominees on each for a total of 45 nominations. You can vote once on each of the five polls for any number of entries. On January 3rd the polls will close at Midnight Eastern time. On January 4th I will take the 3 nominees with the most votes from each of the 5 polls for a total of 15 nominations and add them to a new poll. The top four nominees from that poll will then be entered into the hall of fame.

You can find the five polls After the Jump below .............

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Hall Of Fame Poll Up Later

As you all have seen I have posted the Moderator selected Hall Of Fame Entries, Later today I will assemble the poll to determine an additional 4 entries into the Hall Of Fame based on Community Nominations made in an earlier post.

Merry Christmas

Wishing every member of the Heromachine community a very Happy Christmas.

images by Geno (top) & Cliff (bottom, I'm pretty sure Cliff said they're meant to be stockings hanging on the tree, not boots, just incase anyone asks).

Happy Holidays from the Bat Cave


Character Of The Year 2015

So, it's that time of the year again. It's December, and that means you guys can have some polls and decide which of this years CDC winners deserves to be crowned our Character Of The Year. The winner gets put in the Hall Of Fame.

There are four polls and you can votes for as many pictures in each poll as you want. The polls will close on the 17th, so we can have our final four (or five if one of the polls is tied) in a poll for the week up to Christmas Eve.

Good luck to everyone, and lets keep it clean.

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Pop Quiz Results

Only two entries this week but what a pair! No, I'm not talking about the pair of ... um...thrusters...on Nug's probe as it penetrates the deepest reaches of space. I'm talking about a pair of great entries from two great machiners.

nug___psoleus_by_nugarius-d9ieelq Nug and...

HerrD-VDW3Blueprints_zpskvyyijoe HerrD

Nug's entry is beautifully usual...but also made me spit take my coffee, and HerrD's combination of art and description is pure genius. The details in both pieces are remarkable.

So therefore I refuse to make a choice. I can't. I could not name one the winner without feeling that I would be short changing the other. So congratulate each other both earned it!

Happy 8th Blogiversary to Us!

It's the eight blogiversary of the first post here on! Since it's also, coincidentally, Thanksgiving here in the U.S., I wanted to be sure and tell Kaldath and all the mods how thankful I am for keeping the whole enterprise rolling along, and to you all for reading and participating in sharing your creativity through contests and forum posts.

I'm not nearly as involved as I was early on for a host of reasons, but my appreciation for your imagination and your friendship has never diminished. Thank you one and all!

Happy Thanksgiving, Machiners!


I hope everyone celebrating has a Super Thanksgiving!

and maybe... a Super Turkey!
