Category Archives: Uncategorized

Pop Quiz Winner

Congrats dreadyacht. Made me giggle.


No Anime Talk this week

I'm sorry guys, but all this week I haven't really been feeling well. I should be better by next week though.

Creators Club Entries NOW CLOSED

Ok guys, submissions for this years Creators Club are now closed. Thanks to everyone who sent stuff in this time out. The poster will be up sometime next week, once Stulte has finished it.

Update On Me!

Hello Machiners,

Just wanted to write this to let you all know I am still alive and kicking! I am mostly recovered and should be back to posting things again soon. If not for the Blizzard that hit my area this past weekend I would have likely already been back but the storm gave me a little set back. The storm itself hurt me and then shoveling my car out from 2 feet of snow  on 3 separate occasions to get back and forth from work didn't help matters either! I believe that  I will likely stop posting the Choose your Own Adventure Wednesday posts and just stick to random Kaldath's Corner and Anime Talk posts for the time being, at least  until I am certain I can begin posting on a regular schedule again. At that time I will decide what my normal weekly post will be, your suggestions are welcome but I make no guarantee on those suggestions being used.

Anyway I just wanted to keep you all updated on my status and I hope to e able to have something up and posted this weekend. Thinking of doing some first impression reviews on some of the new 2016 anime that has been released in the last couple weeks! Lots of good shows to talk about!

Creators Club Final Reminder

Hey guys, your friendly neighbourhood Creators Club reminder-man here, just letting you know that you have one more week to get your submissions in for this years poster before the deadline on Feb 1st. You can find the rules and other submission information here.

That is all.

JR out.

Premium Member Update

Tonight I made a major change in how Premium Memberships are handled. Basically the old plugin failed miserably, and I had to replace it. Getting everything converted over has been a pretty big headache and I'm not at all sure I have it working properly.

So, if you are a Premium Member subscriber and you aren't able to log in or get into the no-ads, full-sized versions of HeroMachine in the Premium Member Area, please contact me directly and let me know. I'll need your HeroMachine user name and the email you use for the PayPal payments.

I apologize for any frustration the transition causes and I'll do my best to sort it all out as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

New Suicide Squad Trailer



Creators Club Reminder

Hey guys, JR here.

Just a quick post to remind you guys that you only have 2 weeks to get your entries finished and sent in for this years Creators Club Poster. All the submission requirements can be found here, so if you want to get on the poster, get to it. It would suck to be left out because you didn't finish in time.

And with that.

JR out.

Sorry For my Absence

I apologize that I haven't been posting anything lately and the way things are going may not be posting for a while to come. The fluctuating weather patterns in my area, wild temperature changes, rain etc has had me in a serious amount of pain. As I type right now I am laying in bed feeling as if someone has kicked me in my back! So while I will be posting the winners of the Hall Of Fame poll on monday I am not going to be doing any kind of schedule posting for a while. I may throw up a random Kaldath's Corner, or Anime Talk or what have you  if I am having a good day but there may be some long stretches with nothing from me. Once again I am sorry to have to do this and I hope the weather decides to settle on what season it wants to be soon so I can return to normal !

HeroMachine Hall Of Fame Final Poll

Hall Of Fame

Well Folk, the polls closed on the previous 5 hall of fame polls and I have collected the 3 entries from each poll with the most votes and have added them to the poll below. Before you , you have 15 heromachine creations to choose from. The 4 that get the most votes will be entered into the HeroMachine Hall Of Fame. You can vote only once in this poll but you can vote for as many or as few of the entries as you like. Poll Closes at Midnight on January 10th. Good luck to all the entrants!

[polldaddy poll="9256007"]