Category Archives: Uncategorized


Hey Machiners, its me again with another Kaldath Health Update. Things seem to be going reasonable well currently. I have now gone two days without having to take a prescription pain pill, not that I am completely pain free mind you, but it seem a OTC Lidocaine Ointment I picked up as well as some Excedrin Back and Body are doing the job of controlling my pain well enough. I have been to a wound care doctor to look at my foot which for those who do not know due to a very badly infected diabetic ulcer I ended up having my pinky toe and two "knuckle bones" for want of a better term ( I always forget the actual name of the bones) amputated from my right foot. Anyway the doctor seems to think I am in pretty good shape but could benefit from treatment in a  hypobaric chamber to promote quicker healing.

I still have another week of IV antibiotics to take before I find out how my MRSA is. From the way my chest is feeling over the last several days I am hopeful I am will be Infection free and not in need of additional surgery. I am still getting tired quickly and having lower back pain if I walk around for more then 20 or 30 minutes and my upper body strength has not yet returned in full ( mostly because back and shoulder pain has kept me from doing a lot of lifting or carrying ). All and All though I am still far from being my old self again I seem to be well on my way to recovery and god willing I will continue in that direction!


Hey eveyone, I am here with another KHU ( Kaldath Health Update). Going to try and keep this brief as sitting at my computer hurts my chest and I hate using my phone to write posts. Bad news first, the daptomycin that I am taking to battle the MRSA continues to  cause me a little more pain everyday. Everyday I am on the stuff I find it harder to make it through the day without having to resort to percription pain killler and the less ibuprofen and tylenol help me. To make matters worse I had car troubles the other day and in the process of getting the car running again ended up spraining my wrist which just adds another spot of pain to my already growing list.

The good news, my left shoulder which has been in agony for over a month now due to the infection has begun to feel better. The pain is mostly gone so long as I do not over do things with it which is hard not to do at times considering I am left handed.  Also since I had gotten out of the hospital ( the first time ) I have been very sensitive to cold temps. What used to feel comfortable for me in the past is suddenly now freezing cold,. Not sure if this is due to the Mrsa, my medications or a combination of the two, however things have begun to improve on that front in the last couple days. While I find the temps my family keep the houses Air conditioner set to still to be comfortably  chilly I no longer need to put on a jacket and wrap myself in a blanket to stay warm. So in summation pain is still a very big issue with me at the moment but there are some promising signs that the meds are working to knock this nasty infection right out of me!

Pop Quiz Results

This week's winner is Tango. Great minimalist approach. The shadow behind is eerie and effective, and the grey scale highlighted by the red is spot on.


Honorable mention goes to Valyndril.


Headed out of town for a few weeks. The PQs will return on August 6th.

Yep another update!

Kaldath here again to keep you all updated.  i'm being released from the hospital again today which is good news the bad news I've been diagnosed with MRSA I have several small pockets of the infection in my chest.  I now have to have daily IV infusions of a very strong antibiotic for the next five weeks and then get retested. If the antibiotics don't work I'm going to have to have surgery to have those pockets of infection drained.  i've already had one pocket it drain and  and dealing with a great feel pain right now and I'm afraid that I might be MIA for a few months and weeks at this point but I'll try to keep you updated on my condition  if you'd like me to.  I'm not in the best of spirits but I'm not no in the worst if spirits either. I'm hoping the antibiotics work and that I'll be back to my normal self in a month or so.  wish me luck everybody!

Happy Canada Day to all the Canadian Machiners!


Back in The Hospital!

Kaldath here, well I am back in the hospital after some complications with my foot and other things. Needless to say I am notva happy camper and suffering some nasty depression right now not to mention bored out of my mind!! FML!!!

Pop Quiz Winner!

It was a hard fought battle this time around between AtomicPunk (so great you are back) and Melmo44. Frankly it was a battle between all four entries at the outset, but I eventually narrowed it down...finally.


Please join me in congratulating Melmo44 on this week's win, and well done all!

See you Saturday.

Pop Quiz: Totally Random


Your Pop Quiz Challenge this week is to visit the link below and create a superhero (or villain)  using the random name and gender neutral settings on the generator.

When you post your entry, also post the character description created by the generator.

You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine :,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • No copyrighted characters please – they will be deleted.
  • Please name your filesas [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image(like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

This contest will close at 6pm Eastern on Sunday, June 26th

Pop Quiz Winner!

Sorry for the delay...


Please join me in congratulating HerrD as this week's winner. I always marvel at your unique approach to HM, and this piece is no exception.

Thanks to all who entered.

See you on Saturday.


Quick update on me !

Kaldath here,  I figure I just let you all know I'm still in the hospital there's a hold up due to special equipment I need before I can be discharged that my insurance doesn't cover I am hopeful however that I will be discharged within the next couple days and then I have about five weeks of rehab  and wound care on the surgically wounds of my foot.